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2016 Scottish Cup Final - Hibernian FC v Rangers


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Now that the SFA charges have been dropped surely it's time for Hibs to start speaking up? Obviously it's a difficult one as they don't want to give the impression that they're defending the Hibs fans who did actually get in fights, but a carefully worded statement challenging the Daily Record to provide evidence of assaults or stop slandering them would be reasonable.

Rangers do have a point about the debrief, but otherwise it's the usual blinkered seethe we've come to expect from them, refusing to acknowledge the transgressions of their own fans.

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1 hour ago, GordonD said:

Hibs doing the right thing by keeping a dignified silence.


It's weird how  of all the clubs in the country there is only one who is addicted to issuing statements.

I'm glad they do 'though! It's Monty Pythonesque in it's absurdity

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10 minutes ago, Hammer Jag said:

Will Rangers be able to give us assurances that none of their fans will enter the field of play and attack jubilant fans in this season's Scottish Cup?

And! In one sentence we have an accurate summation of what actually happened that day

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2 hours ago, scoobles said:

Rangers were also astonished by the fact Hibernian, whose Chairman Rod Petrie is Vice-president of the Scottish FA, were permitted to engage the SPFL’s solicitor to fight the charges being brought by the SFA. Using the legal adviser to one of Scottish Football’s two governing bodies to defend charges brought by the other is worrying enough for those concerned with the good governance and integrity of Scottish Football, but it is even more disturbing when the party at the centre of the conflict also has a foot in both camps and is scheduled to become the SFA’s President.

Knew they'd try to push this angle.  Quite clearly Hibs run both the SPFL and the SFA so poor wee The Rangers never stood a chance of getting a fair hearing from them.  Not surprising given we're such a massive club with blazers dotted throughout the Byzantine bureaucracy of Scottish football.  We've been doing these backroom deals and cementing the right alliances for decades, and we know which palms to grease.  What with being mere newcomers into the world of Scottish football The Rangers with their wide-eyed naive belief in good governance and integrity didn't stand a chance against big Rod's Machiavellian machinations.  How disturbing.


Being serious I'd hope the SFA take a dim view of Traynor insinuating they're corrupt enough that Petrie was able to influence an independent judicial panel.  What do they suppose should happen in an analogous future situation that would be less 'disturbing'?  Yeah McKenzie is a legal adviser to the SPFL, so what?  He's supposedly also one of Scotland's top sports lawyers and we hired him because we're just that sort of club.  Can't really see the 'conflict of interest' angle they seem to be spinning from the SPFL's point of view seeing as it's an SFA process and nothing to do with them.  Ditto why should the SFA be bothered that we were defended by a guy who did some work for the SPFL?  It's just crying foul and hoping that the core of the Rangers support who now seem to think they're oppressed see evidence of a conspiracy against them, even if they can't articulate how that conspiracy is meant to work.  Sadly it'll evidently do the required job.  Disgusting journalism that is full of innuendo that borders on defamation but just remains vague enough to stay on the safe side of the law.

Rangers are also extremely disappointed at Mr Petrie’s continued failure to issue an apology in respect of the assaults on our players and officials.

Why would Petrie apologise for something that never happened?

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1 minute ago, Hammer Jag said:

It's basic stuff really. Hibernian fans were on the pitch because over 100 years of agony had just been wiped out with a dramatic, last minute winner in a cup final. 

Why were Rangers supporters on the pitch?

Goaded out their seats like snakes being charmed out a basket. 

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2 hours ago, scoobles said:

Rangers are concerned that adopting this approach will not dissuade supporters of other Clubs from coming onto the field of play and/or assaulting players and officials.

Also there's something which very clearly ought to dissuade supporters of 'other Clubs' (why the capitalisation Jabba?) from coming onto the field of play and assaulting players and officials: assault is a criminal offence.  Pretty sure the thought of getting lifted and potential jail time is more of a deterrent to those who might fancy taking a swing at a player than anything the SFA might consequently do to their club.

Of course we all know that the absolute dearth of such prosecutions is gold-plated evidence that these supposed assaults didn't take place.  Unless we are seriously supposed to believe that an internationally televised event they all managed to occur off camera.  

We also know that some fans of both clubs were arrested for assaulting each other.  Somehow the cameras managed to pick those assaults up. Strangely a very high proportion of those charged turned out to be fans of a certain newco.  And the 'goading' defence doesn't seem to work very well in Scots Law.

The most ridiculous thing about this statement is it is a practical incitement to the worst element of their support (i.e. most of it) to attempt to assault someone on the pitch at some point this season to prove some sort of ludicrous point. Seems The Rangers are absolutely praying that someone, anyone, gets hit by a pitch invader in the next 18 months.  If that happens they'll then presumably feel they've 'won' some twisted sort of moral victory and it will all of course be the fault of Hibs and the SFA.  What an awful club.

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Will be interesting to see after any criminal cases are resolved what video evidence there is of the impunitous (?) attacks on all these Rangers players and officials. Presumably the on going criminal cases is the reason none have surfaced so far but given that most peepul are total roasters I doubt it would have stopped them posting footage if any existed. Total and utter shameless deflection in an attempt to divert the pond life's minds from their on field struggles. Was their a full page statement apologising for the damage to the Celtic toilets and the lengths they were going to to identify and punish those involved in that ???

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These ridiculous statements keep their fans minds off the current state of the team. They are all too busy foaming at the mouth about Rod Petrie and their players being brutally assaulted to care that they currently sit 7th in the league with the title race all but over. Traynor has these idiots eating out of the palm of his fat sweaty hands. 

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That's exactly the problem. Far too many folk on here can't see the wood for the trees. It's blatantly obvious what's going on and what's been going on for far too long now. Hibs and Celtic have a stranglehold on the Scottish game. Blind hatred for Rangers shouldn't cloud that fact.

It's sickening how cosy Petrie and Lawell are and how much power they have. People better wake up and smell the coffee because along with Rangers, it'll be us who continue to find ourselves on the wrong end of the shitty stick.

Questions need answered out of all of this.

Kickback taking this well.

Image result for tache pieandbovril

Edited by Fraser Fyvie
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