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Squads for France & Italy

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On a different note who will play RB on Saturday seeing as Paterson got the hook so soon against Italy? Square peg in a round hole as usual for Strachan most likely?


Not that the 11 will make a difference anyway, if we concede less than 3 it will be a positive result because I think France, with the talent they have, the support of a home nation and the need to want to stick two fingers up after what happened last year will spur them on to winning the euros quite convincingly.

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Didn't we do that in the last campaign? Stuck with the same players not really giving anyone a chance ? We stuck with fletcher ( scoring a hatrick against Gibraltar the guys a world beater) and well we failed. Yet here was Griffiths full of confidence yet not given much of a chance.

I'd love for our team to work as a unit. But the unit we have right now (certainly last qualification ) are not good enough.

Scott Brown still gets a game for Scotland . He is awful

Fletcher is better than Griffiths though.


Of all the complaints about Strachan picking the wrong squad is way down the list; the players he picks are generally speaking the best ones available.

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Fletcher is better than Griffiths though.

Of all the complaints about Strachan picking the wrong squad is way down the list; the players he picks are generally speaking the best ones available.

You're wasting your time here, Henry.

Similar to the calls for Alan Hutton to be dropped for, erm, worse players.

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Didn't we do that in the last campaign? Stuck with the same players not really giving anyone a chance ? We stuck with fletcher ( scoring a hatrick against Gibraltar the guys a world beater) and well we failed. Yet here was Griffiths full of confidence yet not given much of a chance.

I'd love for our team to work as a unit. But the unit we have right now (certainly last qualification ) are not good enough.

Scott Brown still gets a game for Scotland . He is awful


To be fair, the one absolute categorical failure we had was against Georgia, and we could have had every Scottish striking great from our history playing that night without scoring.  Griffiths was hardly going to be the white knight there, any more than Fletcher was. 


Again it comes down to the "in-form" and "confidence" arguments.  Griffiths probably deserved more of a shot than he got, at least in squads, but although confidence might make the difference in a split second half chance, it's not going to make much difference when you're a lone striker up front backed by a team which is conditioned to play in a way that doesn't suit you.  Against Denmark, Fletcher looked pretty good in his role.  Griffiths absolutely did not.  Of course, it's one game, and a friendly at that, but still.

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But it's not that simple.  You can't just pick the form players and throw them in and hope it sticks.  As Alf Ramsay said to Jack Charlton back when England did something (can't quite remember what) - "I don't pick the best players, I pick the players I need".  It's all very well sorting the players and picking the 11 best, but are they going to be able to go into a team and perform as a unit?  We should be moving more towards the working as a unit idea, not further away from it.  For example, I would much rather have a right-back who is maybe not in form, but has played alongside the rest of the back 4 for a few games, rather than just throwing in someone who has had a few good games for their club. 


Ronaldo, Messi and Suarez are probably the best three players in the World, but if you put them together in a forward line, would they be as good as they are apart?  And that's the best players in the World. 



I doubt the scything tackle he put in against Denmark helped

Fair points.

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Glad I quite like Hutton then.

But aye f**k it let's just stay we the same players and let's accept being average

Again though, you don't replace average players with below average players and expect to improve.

The guy playing right back against Italy was somewhat out of his depth.

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Tell me what you think a good formation would be for our national team? 1 up top didn't work.


I suppose our 2-1 win over Liechtenstein was a rare high point in terms of style & quality.

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That's bollox. Strachan got it all wrong that night. He cost us the campaign as much as the players did. Is the team we have now ( we won't change as the players we have are the best according to a fair few on here) gonna do us good in the world cup campaign? What is good? 3rd?


No, the players deserve most of the blame.  It was an absolute abortion of a performance from everyone that night, and their lackadaisical attitude meant that once they stumbled their way to a 1-0 deficit, there was absolutely no way they were getting through a very, very well organised Georgian side.  Strachan hardly came out of it with no blame, but the players deserve the majority for that night.  Given that that was the night that effectively fucked us, then I'd say the players deserve a lot of the blame. 


Just to state I don't mind fletcher but having one up front is bollox. Fletcher receives the ball controls it and some how the ball will end up getting passed between the defenders.


Tell me what you think a good formation would be for our national team? 1 up top didn't work.


Aye, because just throwing on another striker will solve everything.  Where do you think they should sacrifice that extra man?  At the back where we're absolutely woeful, or in the middle where we're marginally better?  Because having one less man in either of those positions will absolutely not result in better set-up teams - who will all be playing one up front in some way - running all over us.  4-4-2 in the form I presume you're thinking of is an anachronism.


You - along with a lot of others, not just at Scotland level - need to stop getting so hung up on formations.  Talking about formations as the be all and end all is like saying your meal at a restaurant where they served you up a turd was good because they did a mean lentil soup.  You can have a very well set up system with a lone striker, or you can have a dreadful one.  It's about playing to your strengths.  And our strengths are  in midfield.  We don't have a good defensive base to allow forwards to be more expressive; we don't have a top striker to lean on; and we don't have any stars throughout to build around.  What we do have are some pretty decent advanced midfielders, and at one point some pretty decent defensive-minded midfielders.  We also had forwards that could adapt to bringing these players into the game.  So that's how we set up. 


Personally I quite liked the system we set up with against Denmark.  I'm sure that was described as a 4-4-2 on Sky before the game, just because Fletcher and Griffiths were both involved.  But it was the same system we've always played - wide players who can cut in, full-backs getting forward, and two sitting midfielders.  We then had Griffiths playing further forward (who was pretty honking) and Fletcher playing behind doing the role he has been playing.  And we looked pretty good for it.

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Our midfield would be good if we played our best players there. We have played quite a few players there. Unity right out the window but that's not Strachans fault that's the players fault?

Against Denmark ,Strachan played mcginn. Not just him but he was the standout along side tierney. Denmark was a good game and worked well. We didn't play 1 up top that game ( we call that a formation ). Think I agreed with you there. Griffiths you say honking but he didn't have much to do. Unless of course you forgot what happened in the game.


Who are our best players that we're not playing there?

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This thread's great. You get the folk who want to moan about Scotland regardless of what happens and then you get the posters who know this, so go out of their way to defend Scotland, even beyond all reasonable logic.


As for the actual football, the Italy game was a dreadful performance and a complete waste of time. You'd think we'd now go on and get ridden by France but since this is Scotland, we'll probably lose 2-1 in the last minute after a spirited and encouraging display...before drawing with Lithuania in September.

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We've played 4-4-1-1 in virtually every game under Strachan, so I don't see how you can highlight any particular game as being a better formation than any other. Folk probably reckon we should be lining up




Paterson - Hanley - Souttar - Tierney


Ritchie - Gauld - McGinn - Anya


Rhodes - Griffiths

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