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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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I personally don't understand why the likes of Arbroath or Cowdenbeath fans have came along. I get all the banter & wind ups etc but come on folks, we all support teams which have dwindling crowds & very little outwith this league actually care about any of us. When crowds start to drop & the atmosphere is as flat/subdued as it has been recently then questions need asked about the club. Depending who you speak to you'll get different answers as everyone has their own connections to the club. Scottish football in general is struggling & appears to be dying a death unless changes are made, it's a sad state of affairs really!

i have respect for the supporters of all teams especially in lower leagues that pay their money to watch the team they love week in week out. There is now so many other options to do at weekends or football on tv. Personally I love the whole experience of going along to matches, it's just not the same watching through a tv screen but that's the problem with Clyde recently it's getting more of a chore than an enjoyment. It's habit. People may say it's over the top the reaction of some posters as teams all suffer from bad runs of form but there is more to it on this occasion. We need something to offer hope for the future or to engage with supporters but ultimately a decent enough product on the park that makes people want to pay their money to watch. 

I'm extremely positive & optimistic when it comes to Clyde, it takes a lot for me to miss a game but too often nowadays you sit at the game asking 'how long can I watch this for?'. Undecided whether I'll attend the next couple of league fixtures but it seems the only thing the past few weeks keeping my interest is this Scottish cup tie. A great opportunity to progress into the last 16. That excites me. Let's just see what happens on the 21st!

We all share the same view in that we want Clyde to be successful. It's depressing just now but I will put a question out there...

is there anything we as supporters can do to improve things at this very moment other than simply attend games?

Edited by BroadwoodBoy
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I keep up to date with all the clubs in this league and regularly read everybody's threads. Only comment when I see fit, stuff I read in here from time to time is beyond mental at times though. You lads just self implode and start harking back to the old days after a defeat or two, no other fanbase like it in Scotland. As for the rest our crowds are as healthy as ever really in recent times averages in the 6/7 and 8 hundreds, well apart from the golden era in Scotland where you'd have thousands on every terrace in the country. That's a global thing though surely with the amount of alternatives now and accessible football on tv.

Just think you need to calm down and support your team from week to week instead of predicting doomsday all the time. You've got a no bad team, it's no great but a chance of a long awaited promotion. Stick with it and get behind the team instead of harking back to the old days and calling yourselves and everything else shite.

It's not thatttttt bad is it?

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14 hours ago, Another The Other Chairman said:

Last season East Fife and Queen's Park robbed Clyde of promotion which most of Scottish football saw as Clyde's birthright. With both promoted teams hanging on in it seemed a good time to read what was happening to Clyde. Having read a few pages of the Clyde thread it was like entering a time warp. 

The same factions, divided opinion about Barry's managerial ability, a stadium which is a financial millstone and disbelief that Clyde are toiling to make the play-offs suggest the thread has been frozen. What is comforting is that Alimentary has not gone into self imposed exile and still know lots of big words and that the views of Jamesey Lawd, the rational voice of Clyde FC, is still respected.

Better leave now but it will be interesting to see where Clyde ,EF and QP start next season - any predictions ?


cheers pal a predict clyde will still go up east fife will stay up and qpee get relagated am about the only one who thinks barry is still the man to lead us and folk will see am right

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I keep up to date with all the clubs in this league and regularly read everybody's threads. Only comment when I see fit, stuff I read in here from time to time is beyond mental at times though. You lads just self implode and start harking back to the old days after a defeat or two, no other fanbase like it in Scotland. As for the rest our crowds are as healthy as ever really in recent times averages in the 6/7 and 8 hundreds, well apart from the golden era in Scotland where you'd have thousands on every terrace in the country. That's a global thing though surely with the amount of alternatives now and accessible football on tv.

Just think you need to calm down and support your team from week to week instead of predicting doomsday all the time. You've got a no bad team, it's no great but a chance of a long awaited promotion. Stick with it and get behind the team instead of harking back to the old days and calling yourselves and everything else shite.

It's not thatttttt bad is it?

Your club seems well run and you play a brand of football worth watching

We haven't even got a chairman our club new years message blames all out woes on fans not volunteering and doing enough for the club

In the last six months the fans shelled out 25k for a strip that was almost out of date by the time they guts got it

Ran the club Xmas raffle

Ran a race night raised 4k

Add to that season tickets merchandising half time draws

And a team in the process of meltdown heading south in the league

Apart from that everything is fine :)
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7 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Just think you need to calm down and support your team from week to week instead of predicting doomsday all the time. You've got a no bad team, it's no great but a chance of a long awaited promotion. Stick with it and get behind the team instead of harking back to the old days and calling yourselves and everything else shite.

It's not thatttttt bad is it?

Lichtie, how you view Arbroath and what they should / shouldn't be doing is for you and your fellow supporters, that's not my concern.  How you and fans of other clubs view Clyde isn't my concern either.

Think you've mis-read my post anyway, I said nobody supports Clyde expecting trophies and titles, but we've the potential to be far better than we are presently.  Taking your last point, any club with a half decent potential who get their act together would likely progress up to a better level relevantly quickly given how dire the overall standard is throughout the game right now.

Any Saturday where there's a full card throughout the leagues, how many neutrals do you think pay that kind of money to watch what's on offer...any league you like?  Double figures maybe?

The posts you've read from Clyde fans aren't due to two or three bad results, or while struggling in the Premier or Championship, it's while struggling in one of the worst leagues in Europe.  When Totten took over at St Johnstone they were rooted to the bottom of the old 2nd Division.  Should the Saints fans just have said, ah well, that's our standard now, that's fine?

Where I agree with you, we do have some decent players for this level and still have a reasonable chance of making the promotion playoffs....that's for this level.


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1 hour ago, Jamesy lawd said:

cheers pal a predict clyde will still go up east fife will stay up and qpee get relagated am about the only one who thinks barry is still the man to lead us and folk will see am right

Hiya Bob , hiya pal 


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8 hours ago, BroadwoodBoy said:

I personally don't understand why the likes of Arbroath or Cowdenbeath fans have came along. I get all the banter & wind ups etc but come on folks, we all support teams which have dwindling crowds & very little outwith this league actually care about any of us. When crowds start to drop & the atmosphere is as flat/subdued as it has been recently then questions need asked about the club. Depending who you speak to you'll get different answers as everyone has their own connections to the club. Scottish football in general is struggling & appears to be dying a death unless changes are made, it's a sad state of affairs really!

i have respect for the supporters of all teams especially in lower leagues that pay their money to watch the team they love week in week out. There is now so many other options to do at weekends or football on tv. Personally I love the whole experience of going along to matches, it's just not the same watching through a tv screen but that's the problem with Clyde recently it's getting more of a chore than an enjoyment. It's habit. People may say it's over the top the reaction of some posters as teams all suffer from bad runs of form but there is more to it on this occasion. We need something to offer hope for the future or to engage with supporters but ultimately a decent enough product on the park that makes people want to pay their money to watch. 

I'm extremely positive & optimistic when it comes to Clyde, it takes a lot for me to miss a game but too often nowadays you sit at the game asking 'how long can I watch this for?'. Undecided whether I'll attend the next couple of league fixtures but it seems the only thing the past few weeks keeping my interest is this Scottish cup tie. A great opportunity to progress into the last 16. That excites me. Let's just see what happens on the 21st!

We all share the same view in that we want Clyde to be successful. It's depressing just now but I will put a question out there...

is there anything we as supporters can do to improve things at this very moment other than simply attend games?

Really good post BB

As for your question, the answer should be no, we shouldnt have to. Outwith standard fundraising like race nights, lottery tickets, merchandise etc, ask any of the fans, over the years, throwing money into buckets, pay for this, pay for that, give of your time, do this, do that....all on the premise that by doing so it would "fix" things and a bright future would emerge.  And where are we now?  So don't worry BB, no doubt you'll be advised soon what you've to do.


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Really good post BB
As for your question, the answer should be no, we shouldnt have to. Outwith standard fundraising like race nights, lottery tickets, merchandise etc, ask any of the fans, over the years, throwing money into buckets, pay for this, pay for that, give of your time, do this, do that....all on the premise that by doing so it would "fix" things and a bright future would emerge.  And where are we now?  So don't worry BB, no doubt you'll be advised soon what you've to do.

I appreciate all volunteers that aid the club. We can't overstate their importance.
I also don't think Clyde are any different from other teams at this level on their reliance on supporters giving their time and emptying the pockets.
If these fans especially give up we are certainly doomed.
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On 01/01/2017 at 04:07, The Clyde Man said:

Queue Pee moron alert.

Div 1 boring?

Unfortunately Jamesy has managed to find the QP thread on P & B, so we can be sure of being reminded on a regular basis of why being a division up from you is a  treat.  Div 1 is actually terrific, since you ask.  We're winning games (against my expectations) and Gus seems to have a few more managers in his back pocket when it comes to tactics, identifying players and planning.  Maybe it's only temporary, but life is OK.

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Wow. I've never been called a Zionist before.

I too don't want drawn into the "politics" of the club but to make out that I'm only interested in my Saturday experience is wrong.

I want to have a team to support in years to come, as I'm sure we all do.

If loyal Clyde supporters walk away there is no one else to help secure the clubs future.
No one else cares.

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I appreciate your and many others' reasons for reticence, but frankly its one of the reasons we're in the mess we are.

It looks to me like I'm part of the problem.

I've made my views clear. I recognise the strength of everyone's views.

I think I'll leave this discussion there.
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Fine by me. As long as you hold up your end of the deal by simply accepting results as outcomes of a purely footballing nature, instead of wailing about a) lack of funds, or b) why the crowds don't improve. There has been an obvious increase in a), which has made f**k all difference to b). 

And you accept that if too many fans walk away, both from attending matches and fundraising, the club is finished.
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41 minutes ago, Duff Man said:

We must have the most split support in the country... f**k me :(

Naw. Just the most frustrated support with probably the biggest expectations and a Manager who has made so many promises but who hasn't and can't deliver.

Put a team on the park that performs consistently to it's capabilities and most of the bickering will disappear.

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Wow. I've never been called a Zionist before.

I too don't want drawn into the "politics" of the club but to make out that I'm only interested in my Saturday experience is wrong.

I want to have a team to support in years to come, as I'm sure we all do.

If loyal Clyde supporters walk away there is no one else to help secure the clubs future.
No one else cares.

The I want a team to support was trotted out during the EK Clyde days

Depends on what you consider a team and what's the tipping point lowland league , juniors or selling your name for a stadium that 4 years on hasn't even got off a drawing board

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Don't think the issue is with fans putting there hands in there pockets my goodness they have done it enough in the past look in the past year generation shirts , raffles , race nights , golf days that's all on top of paying into games , merchandising programmes we have guys who are paying 500 plus in the executive club , there is a limit to how much you can wring out of a support when there is little or no progress on or off the park

We don't even have a figurehead at the club (chairman )

If the present structure remains The club won't cease more than likely become a lowland league team renting a ground somewhere with 100 odd fans watching it I won't be one of them I would rather remember it as it was no not a giant of Scottish football but good scottish football club with a proud history

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