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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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7 hours ago, Elementary Penguin said:


Two of the posts of the season. The left-hugging revisionists will be out in force soon enough though to remind you both how lucky we were to have the team we got, that its only been misfortune and a lack of breaks which has us in the mess we are, and listings of the reasons why several of our players can more than make up for their shortcomings in other ways.....no, really!


In real terms, we're fucked. 

I haven't seen anyone say at all we are lucky we are to have the team we do!

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3 hours ago, David W said:

Without wanting to disagree with anything you've said there, one of the obvious problems with tactics is that they're cyclical. Look at the fawning over Chelsea's 343, when such formations were panned in the height of the 4231. What matters is overloads in areas of the pitch.

Would you maybe agree that holding midfielders were "invented" because fullbacks got more attacking?  The way we've played the last three games, I don't think we've really played that sort of player anyway. The back four hasn't really changed shape too much (McNeil's overlapped maybe a couple of times per game) and McLaughlin has pushed higher up the pitch as a result.

One of the problems Ferguson had was that he rarely had us with a situation where we were "ganging up" on an opposition player. Look at the way that Forfar got around McNiff in the New Year game as he was getting little support from McLaughlin. Resulted in two goals.

Good players obviously make a difference. That thing about the goalkeeper getting MotM always annoys me as well; Gibson ended up second in the MotM voting last year!


I would. The arsin about with fancy tactics has been discredited for some time and in themselves are another admission of failure, or more specifically, the inability to develop / sign good players for standard positions.

Why the need for fullbacks to constantly bomb forward if you sign very good left and right sided midfielders in a standard 4-4-2 ?

But if you don't, then you have to counteract that with more support from fullbacks, which then means you have to counteract that with holding midfielders, which then means a striker has to drop back one to 'play in the hole'

It's all bullshit. A team of good players playing in their correct positions will win more games than they lose. The idea is that the system is designed around the players you have, not trying to make a circle fit a square. Ferguson had a set idea involving wingbacks but that absolutely demands a very strong centre half pairing at least. We know the rest....

Anyway for Saturday I'd play 2 at the back with 2 holding midfielders in front protected by another 3 holding midfielders in front of them, then play 3 out wide right and overload them down there. That should do the trick ! :rolleyes:

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20 minutes ago, Elementary Penguin said:

I didn't say those were posted in the last few days; its the sort of revisionist pish we've been getting from certain quarters after each bad result, until recently. 


Then again, anything to argue with me. 


Hated and adored, but never ignored it seems. 

You missed modest off the wee list at the end!

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7 hours ago, Elementary Penguin said:

By all means, discuss minutiae all you like. If thats what you consider important, i'll not expect you to be overly excitable however the season pans out. It has its place, granted.....but dangling at the foot of a league certainly isn't fucking it. 


How long do you give it, then....if as you're suggesting, the scientifics are beyond doubt of proof, and they take time to bed in, we're as well resigning to the drop just now. Is that your preference?

Apologies if I misunderstand your post. Your current line seems to stem from the post I made regarding giving McGovern/MacDonald time. Within said post, I pointed out that they wouldn't have been my choice. I was simply pointing out that expecting a massive change, from any manager, was always fanciful. I personally (and I realise that I'm in a minority here) don't see the point in wasting my time moaning about it; they've been picked, for whatever reason (and I still haven't had any justification from those "in the know"), and they've now got a job to do. They'll get my backing whilst they carry that out. If it doesn't work, we all know who is responsible.

If you'd seen me after the last four or five games then you'd know I'm fully aware of the threat of relegation. I'm not resigned at all to the drop though. I think we'll take 7 points from the next 3 games. Then the real inquisition into what's going on at all levels of the club can begin in earnest.

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Let's not kid ourselves on mcgovern and McDonald got the job because there is no money left to employ another manager, simple as that, the decision to give them the job was based simply on the fact they had no other option . I don't think it's sunk in to the board it's supporters or management and playing staff the trouble we are in at the moment I don't see many rallying cries come out from the club , the co mangers interview on Saturday gave the impression nothing much too worry about not looking over our shoulder and don't worry we will win a few games and there seems an element amongst the support who seem to think who cares if we drop into the lowland league we will still have a team to watch


Next three/four games will tell us a lot about the manager's and players


David wouldn't hold much hope of an inquest in the summer of what's wrong at the club , the board are already circling the wagons and preparing the gloom and doom stories for next year , suitably backed up by their followers



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9 minutes ago, cfcuk said:

Ps defence gets endless stick , have a look at the goal on Saturday Mclaughlin does track his man gut just run past him
Not a word said

That was acknowledged CFC, but presumably once past him he'd still have a defence to beat.  Instead he had wide open space to run into.  The defence has all the play in front of them, they should be able to see the dangers coming.  There's also the chances Arbroath missed.

But that's just one game and comes back to the point I was making about signing "good players", or at least at this level, adequate.  Changing this that & the next thing and devising all sorts of systems is just countering basic deficiencies. The root of that is the signing policy, and even allowing for very limited resources, there's some key areas of a team you have to prioritize to build something around. 

Some had high expectations in the summer due to the signings.  But as far as I could tell, Peaso aside, all of them were playing at this level last season.  Not to say that they couldnt do a decent job for us, the creativity in midfield was strengthened, but the forward line was the same except for the addition of Peaso and the defence looked weaker from the outset.  He had the chance to prioritize that in January, but didn't.

Clearly there's no money to bring a new manager in.  We have what we have and can only hope they manage to get a few results together.  That's the priority right now.  If they do, then will be the time to address the entire structure otherwise it'll be Groundhog Day.  If they don't, there'll be nothing left to address anyway.    

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1 hour ago, cfcuk said:

Ps defence gets endless stick , have a look at the goal on Saturday Mclaughlin does track his man gut just run past him
Not a word said

I see McNiff pushing wide to pick up Linn (not something any Clyde fan would argue with as the right course of action). When that happens, Perry CAN'T then push out onto Doris like he does. It leaves a massive space into which Whatley can run. He has to protect the penalty area.

McLaughlin undoubtedly to blame as well but players will get a run on people with a one-two. He can reasonably expect there not to be a massive gap in behind him.

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Feels like it's time to turn off the fuckin lights [emoji20]. I can't even be arsed reading this thread anymore as it's just depressing and that's without watching us play!  I don't think I can deal with the whole build up to be let down yet again if such a build up is web possible again. 

Hate to admit it, but if we go down it really is time to switch off the lights and pass away because let's face it, we're not going back up, the overheads in the Lowland League will eventually cripple us. We've somehow managed to keep this sinking ship afloat for 10 years but for me the last watertight compartment is about to give way. 

I hope I'm wrong but if things continue like this until the end of the season, I think that one of Scotlands proudest clubs is about to be consigned to the history books [emoji20]




The club won't fold the colts play in lowland league with the sum of next to nothing coming in , it will simply be a shell of the club we know and love


If you run your club like a community project it eventually becomes one ,the football is virtually secondary , yes there is good work done around the club within the community in fact it's about the only part that is well run


If we do go down then there will simply be a hundred if your lucky at home games huddled around the directors box telling them what a great job they are doing


If we do survive and we do nothing which is the most likely outcome then eventually we will hit the lowland league time for a radical change in thinking from the support however not holding my breath on that one


Not one word has came from the board about the predicament we are in no rallying call plan or nothing simply retreat into the bunker




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If we go down, I'll still be going to see Clyde. Does that make me a happy clapper, content with everything? Nope!

Even in the lowland league I'll still enjoy watching Clyde (if they're winning... and existing).


But how you could extract any sort of enjoyment watching us in the Lowland League I do find strange , but we are all different suppose , bit like voting for a name change. ( never know it might get resurrected) [emoji23]

You might actually find you are now in the majority amongst the support because doesn't seem a ground swell of worry about dropping out the league and as long as there is a team in a Clyde strip running about a football park no matter in what form they seem content.

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55 minutes ago, cfcuk said:

The club won't fold the colts play in lowland league with the sum of next to nothing coming in , it will simply be a shell of the club we know and love

If you run your club like a community project it eventually becomes one ,the football is virtually secondary , yes there is good work done around the club within the community in fact it's about the only part that is well run

If we do go down then there will simply be a hundred if your lucky at home games huddled around the directors box telling them what a great job they are doing

If we do survive and we do nothing which is the most likely outcome then eventually we will hit the lowland league time for a radical change in thinking from the support however not holding my breath on that one

Not one word has came from the board about the predicament we are in no rallying call plan or nothing simply retreat into the bunker

Ok, I agree with a previous poster - the comments are just becoming more and more depressing, and you are one of the main contributors. 

I know you are more passionate than a lot of supporters, but how's about cutting down on the depressing negativity?

I, like many other fans, know just how bad a predicament we're in - without continually having to be reminded.

I'm not a "happy clapper" (whatever that is). I'm not somebody who thinks the Board have done a good job (they have obviously made mistakes, which I'm sure, with hindsight, they know they shouldn't have made). But I still appreciate that these guys are spending a lot of their own time trying to keep the ship afloat.

We've got 5 of the next 6 games at home. If we can't get a fair few points out of that - the bottom line is we don't deserve anything other than to be preparing for a play-off. If the worst happens and we do end up bottom of the league, I'm trying to be optimistic that some of our injured players will be fit enough by that time to take part in the play-off, and more importantly, make a difference.

It's been an abomination of a season (apart from the Cup), but if I were a betting man my money would still be on us staying up. Assuming we do, we have to get the next managerial appointment right, so it makes sense to me not to rush into a panic decision. The one thing I would do though, is contact somebody like Jimmy Calderwood, or Danny Lennon to see if they'd be willing to lend a guiding hand (for free, obviously) until the end of the season. (If you don't ask, you don't get). 

And if the unthinkable happens and we do go down, I'll still be there supporting the team, until it takes its dying breath - or I do.

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I think you are wrong Cfcuk.No doubt crowds would drop in the Lowland League but not to the level envisaged by you.For whatever the reason there are still many of us who will still follow and I suspect that you might even make the odd appearance. it is     In the blood.

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Seems u lot are starting to come round to the fact u going down sad really but having Barry in charge for so long was your downfall came in filled team with duds released Duffy 's side basically then released and continued to accrue more duds at every window sad but true

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1 hour ago, cfcuk said:

You might actually find you are now in the majority amongst the support because doesn't seem a ground swell of worry about dropping out the league and as long as there is a team in a Clyde strip running about a football park no matter in what form they seem content.



You don't actually believe this stuff you post do you?

Have you asked all the support this question or are you just passing off your opinions as facts?

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Ok, I agree with a previous poster - the comments are just becoming more and more depressing, and you are one of the main contributors. 
I know you are more passionate than a lot of supporters, but how's about cutting down on the depressing negativity?
I, like many other fans, know just how bad a predicament we're in - without continually having to be reminded.
I'm not a "happy clapper" (whatever that is). I'm not somebody who thinks the Board have done a good job (they have obviously made mistakes, which I'm sure, with hindsight, they know they shouldn't have made). But I still appreciate that these guys are spending a lot of their own time trying to keep the ship afloat.
We've got 5 of the next 6 games at home. If we can't get a fair few points out of that - the bottom line is we don't deserve anything other than to be preparing for a play-off. If the worst happens and we do end up bottom of the league, I'm trying to be optimistic that some of our injured players will be fit enough by that time to take part in the play-off, and more importantly, make a difference.
It's been an abomination of a season (apart from the Cup), but if I were a betting man my money would still be on us staying up. Assuming we do, we have to get the next managerial appointment right, so it makes sense to me not to rush into a panic decision. The one thing I would do though, is contact somebody like Jimmy Calderwood, or Danny Lennon to see if they'd be willing to lend a guiding hand (for free, obviously) until the end of the season. (If you don't ask, you don't get). 
And if the unthinkable happens and we do go down, I'll still be there supporting the team, until it takes its dying breath - or I do.

Firstly the post was in response to a fab who said the club will die so maybe take that up with him?

I have said I don't think we will go down and Cowdenbeath will save us

Sorry if I upset you and the others by pointing out the utter mess the club is in I know you would rather I stuck to the party line.

Out of interest did you round on the previous chairman who told you that the club would die if we stay a Broadwood that was even more negative than me did you round on the vice chairman whose Xmas message was negative?

Maybe this season is a wake up call

Ps on a serous note you really think Lennon or Calderwood would come into clyde even on an advisors role for nothing ?

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You don't actually believe this stuff you post do you?
Have you asked all the support this question or are you just passing off your opinions as facts?

No its an opinion sorry should have ran it past the "real clyde fans first "[emoji23]
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