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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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Where are we up to regarding relocation?
Is there another Rutherglen, EK, Shettleston,  in the pipeline?
What is the plan for a new chairman/strategic leader?
Season could be dead by Wednesday so back to planning the big stuff...............

At new year they said 4 locations were being investigated
They interviewed for a chairman ( bizarre ) don't think there is a strategy if there is one they are keeping it quiete

So basically nothing to report

We will simply stumble along crowds going down stuck in the bottom tier of Scottish football trying not to get relegated into the lowland league think that's about as close to a strategy as it gets
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Ah well, back to watching under 15 football for a while longer. Shame, I thought the effort and performance at Stirling was decent.

Certainly was a lot better than the previous 6 odd games
Seeing as we have problems trying to organise seating for 60 odd away fans
Doubt the other items you mention are even on the radar

Probably find the games you go and watch are better organised :)
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Had a wee think today n spoke to a few people in football circle(Non clyde)......

Firstly without doubt i firmly believe hes paying wages, Keeping him on doesnt sound right to most but whats the alternative before anyone goes off on one??!. Yes we might increase our support by 10/25/50 heads if were lucky but thats a drop in the ocean to what hes putting in im led to believe........

Not fingering pointing but one post suggested from Cfuck was to put club up for sale. To who.?! Who would fancy a club in 3rd div. Shit crowds. Shit youth system and no stadium of our own...

Keep ferguson might not help but im certain it would get worse when he left to be replaced by a coughlin type......

We got lucky with duffy who is showing is coaching benefits at a club support who never wanted him for a while,Maybe BF just needs a old head beside his coin to help us cause god help when he leaves and im certain it will only get worse .....

Im not the current managers fan but simply looking at bigget picture. Our crowds were shit when duffy had us up there dont see it becoming a new dawn if/when BF leaves....

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If BF is paying wages, we are fcuked and he will be here until he decides to leave. Did the board not learn their lesson when Brown left and left us in the sh1t with a similar arrangement. The people who make the decisions at the club, although on a voluntary basis are not fit to run the club, but who is going to step in ? I believe the fans ownership doesn't work, it may have served its purpose reducing the debt but other than that the models is not capable of taking the club forward. I am another one who is up for putting the club up for sale and see what happens, could thing really get any worse than they are atm?

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1 hour ago, shawfield shed boy said:

Had a wee think today n spoke to a few people in football circle(Non clyde)......

Firstly without doubt i firmly believe hes paying wages, Keeping him on doesnt sound right to most but whats the alternative before anyone goes off on one??!. Yes we might increase our support by 10/25/50 heads if were lucky but thats a drop in the ocean to what hes putting in im led to believe........

Not fingering pointing but one post suggested from Cfuck was to put club up for sale. To who.?! Who would fancy a club in 3rd div. Shit crowds. Shit youth system and no stadium of our own...

Keep ferguson might not help but im certain it would get worse when he left to be replaced by a coughlin type......

We got lucky with duffy who is showing is coaching benefits at a club support who never wanted him for a while,Maybe BF just needs a old head beside his coin to help us cause god help when he leaves and im certain it will only get worse .....

Im not the current managers fan but simply looking at bigget picture. Our crowds were shit when duffy had us up there dont see it becoming a new dawn if/when BF leaves....

Agree with a lot of this.  However, I'm not sure how much Barry is putting in of his own money into player budgets/wages etc.  At the start of the season I'm pretty sure he was talking about players he wanted to get had there been the money available, and that was on top of the signings of Easton, Lowdon etc.

Sadly, I think the troubles the club are facing are way beyond the manager.  Dwindling crowds, long-term supporters still going who are merely doing so because it's all they've know, and certainly not because they see a bright future ahead.

I have a degree of sympathy for those who are involved at boardroom level, but I'm afraid to say the CIC setup and the way the club is run presently doesn't work and never will.  When you see clubs like Queen of the South, who are surviving pretty well as they are, open to the possibility of maybe a fan representation but little more, you know that to have any chance of upward mobility you need more than just the good intentions of a few well-meaning supporters.  Particularly when there has been some glaring errors in the past which have shown up the inexperience of those running the club.

I hope things can turn for the better, particularly for those who have been going year on year for longer than I'm sure they can even remember.  And before anyone asks, no I'm not sure the answer, and sadly I agree that I don't see anyone willing to buy the club.  I would certainly be utilising as fully as possible though the experience that John Taylor has to try and figure out where we go from here....

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When I read some of the stuff posted on this forum I really despair. Cfcuk I share your frustration and know that at heart you are are dedicated Clyde fan. However your constant moans about the current Clyde Board carry absolutely no weight.You do not like the current CIC membership but you are not prepared to do anything about it other than moan.I have offered in the past to pay your fee thereby giving you the opportunity to air your views at the appropriate forum-this offer is still open.You have lots to say and much of it valid so why not take up my offer?

As for you Penquin I cannot make sense of  much you spout albeit be it is said with passion and with undoubted feeling for our team.But any time anyone has a differing opinion then they must be in the pockets of the Board-why? Also in a previous for comments I made re Stirling Al thread you apologised on behalf of the Haddock family on behalf of all Clyde fans for comments I made about Stirling Albion Albion.You pompous oaf.One of my most cherished memories is being presented by the Glasgow South primary League pennant by Harry when  Croftfoot won the league in 1959.Harry-recognised me as being a Shawfield ball boy and it is a moment I'll never forget so do not dare to apologise on my behalf again.

The CIC  initiative gives all Clyde fans the opportunity to have their say so instead of sitting at your keyboard moaning do something about it.

 set up gives 

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Had a wee think today n spoke to a few people in football circle(Non clyde)......
Firstly without doubt i firmly believe hes paying wages, Keeping him on doesnt sound right to most but whats the alternative before anyone goes off on one??!. Yes we might increase our support by 10/25/50 heads if were lucky but thats a drop in the ocean to what hes putting in im led to believe........
Not fingering pointing but one post suggested from Cfuck was to put club up for sale. To who.?! Who would fancy a club in 3rd div. Shit crowds. Shit youth system and no stadium of our own...
Keep ferguson might not help but im certain it would get worse when he left to be replaced by a coughlin type......
We got lucky with duffy who is showing is coaching benefits at a club support who never wanted him for a while,Maybe BF just needs a old head beside his coin to help us cause god help when he leaves and im certain it will only get worse .....
Im not the current managers fan but simply looking at bigget picture. Our crowds were shit when duffy had us up there dont see it becoming a new dawn if/when BF leaves....

It is a time for radical change I have advocated putting the club up for sale at the worst nobody comes in what is lost ?
Or you might get a guy like the alloa owner or you might get a few wealthy guys coming in , owning a football club is still a big deal I really believe that
I have said for a that i thought Ferguson was putting money in and that he is tied into the club finances , remember at every turn the present board has denied it . Why ? I think we are now in the same position we are with brown and that board were given pelters.
Ferguson won't take an old head in the dugout he would see that as an admission of failure.

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When I read some of the stuff posted on this forum I really despair. Cfcuk I share your frustration and know that at heart you are are dedicated Clyde fan. However your constant moans about the current Clyde Board carry absolutely no weight.You do not like the current CIC membership but you are not prepared to do anything about it other than moan.I have offered in the past to pay your fee thereby giving you the opportunity to air your views at the appropriate forum-this offer is still open.You have lots to say and much of it valid so why not take up my offer?
As for you Penquin I cannot make sense of  much you spout albeit be it is said with passion and with undoubted feeling for our team.But any time anyone has a differing opinion then they must be in the pockets of the Board-why? Also in a previous for comments I made re Stirling Al thread you apologised on behalf of the Haddock family on behalf of all Clyde fans for comments I made about Stirling Albion Albion.You pompous oaf.One of my most cherished memories is being presented by the Glasgow South primary League pennant by Harry when  Croftfoot won the league in 1959.Harry-recognised me as being a Shawfield ball boy and it is a moment I'll never forget so do not dare to apologise on my behalf again.
The CIC  initiative gives all Clyde fans the opportunity to have their say so instead of sitting at your keyboard moaning do something about it.
 set up gives 

At the end of the day we are all clyde diehards
If you want you can ask the previous chairman if I asked a lot of questions , challenged the board at forums /agm etc my last agm was when I asked how much money do you think the name change had cost the club answer he didn't know and it wasn't relevant I was the told by other supporters to give it a rest and stop complaining I was also at every name change meeting fighting to keep the club name while the majority told me and others that the club would die if I voted against it which I did
What else do you want me to do chain myself to the dugout at Broadwood ?
I don't believe in the CIC why would I want to prop it up ?
I prefer to put in a three figure sum each year or would you prefer I pay 30 quid and never turn up at a game

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I understand where SSB's coming from, but there's a few things about this

Current manager. If the policy is to keep him on due to 'other contributions', then those haven't mattered anyway. Without them, we reached a playoff but failed to gain promotion. With them, it's the same track record. We're not currently in a playoff place, so where's the gain?

Duffy's time coincided with a divisive term included in a proposed move to EK. Overseeing that was a man who said anyone could buy the club for...ready for this....£1 million. Helluva valuation based on our 'assets'

What is all this about 'buying' the club anyway?We need to source people with the business acumen, intelligence and track record of running commercially viable organisations, people who have built businesses from scratch in particular, as they'd see corelation in our situation

If they were sourced, why should they have to pay to give up their time so we can benefit from their expertize, or be constantly answerable to those who have never run a bath?

Where there's a skillset shortage, it's the responsibility of any board of directors to source it. If successful, they don't then charge them a price for offering their services, it's usually the other way round. If they are offered it for free, result. If they need to stand aside as part of the t&c's, do so

The value is what they bring to the table with their ability.  That ability can be a lot more valuable than someone injecting a lot of money but not the first idea what they were doing...we've been there....


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Cfcuk you are absolutely right.Most of those posting here have Clyde at heart and the hurt being felt is palpable.However where have I asked you to support the CIC initiative what I am saying is that you have absolutely no chance of changing things from the outside.Take up my offer and I'll give you a cheque payable to Clyde FC on Tuesday night.

Penquin I am sorry but I just understand you. 

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What is to sell?


No assets, probably no liabilities, so at best neutral finances. No positive future cash flow to base a valuation on, a team that is average and no money to improve it. Worst of all a desperately split and divisive support who cannot agree on anything and regularly threaten to walk away. What is it we are selling?


CIC may have worked in an environment of success and growth, not at a time of decline and our worst ever performance. It needs momentum and motivation of those involved not growing apathy. It will lead us to be a Montrose, East Stirling or the like. Alive but permanently on life support. Unlike CFCuk I voted yes to the EK plan. Clearly not because I wanted to dilute the Clyde name , history or anything else, but because in my opinion we were on a journey to oblivion and what was being suggested was better than nothing. For me that journey continues apace and we will need something radical to avoid permanent irrelevance. Some will say better to be 100% Clyde and playing at the level we are at than any dilution or other radical plan re location or ownership. Failure to make a change will ensure this is what we are by default.


Watching garbage with no hope of progress, with 250 others in an 8000 capacity stadium, as people continue to argue and bicker with each other- I have other ways to spend £300 a year.

Seeking a consortium to take over rather than seeking another Shettleston or Glencairn may be a better use of time. Or then again....



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me an declan ma best pal done this on his computer and were gona get a flag made you guys need to get a grip and get behind barry hes a ex rangers pleayer and is class give him one more season an you will see a was right we are clyde super clyde noone likes us we dont care


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me an declan ma best pal done this on his computer and were gona get a flag made you guys need to get a grip and get behind barry hes a ex rangers pleayer and is class give him one more season an you will see a was right we are clyde super clyde noone likes us we dont care

Yer at it.
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