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About Clyde01

  • Birthday 25/07/1983

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  1. Just before the thistle equaliser to make it 2-2 we were stroking the ball about for 30 or 40 passes and looking confident and comfortable in possession. Then we lost it and got caught out at the back unfortunately. The result was obviously fantastic last night but the level of performance was even more pleasing in a way.
  2. It gives you a quick visual indicator that said individual is a c**t and best avoided.
  3. Ray Grant was excellent today, there is no way our best 11 doesn’t contain him.
  4. Given how poor an experience a visit to meadowbank is for supporters the last thing you want to do is give people more reasons to stay away. Not sure what happened tonight but saw a whole squad of ultras climb the fence and stand in the waste ground at the far side before kick off. They mostly all climbed out again just before kick off (not sure what caused that) and soon after seemed to be let in en-masse to stand at the far corner of the pitch. Seems unlikely they all signed up for a membership card in that short time frame!
  5. What a difference being able to make a raft of subs and not completely destroy the quality of the team. Edinburgh were not great by any means but after last season that was very enjoyable viewing.
  6. Hopefully Bo’ness win the first round. If not it’s bad enough playing a b-team but also likely to be postponed (farcically) if it’s during an international window.
  7. If entry prices are performance related then the board should have had the prices down to about a fiver last season when it was obvious after a couple of games that we were dugmeat and Duffy had signed a bunch of ringers.
  8. You could raise an extra £400 per home game by getting 23 or 24 more punters through the door at £17 a skull. Surely attempting to grow the fan base is a better model than fleecing those who already turn up harder. The walk up prices are a joke but in contrast the season ticket is very good value at just over £14 per game if you attend all 18 (as is the child for a fiver season ticket). We could easily have stuck another £20-£40 on the season ticket price and it would still work out well under the walk up price.
  9. Surely we could have used the benefit of the mystery benefactor to subsidise the prices as a thank you to the fans for all the shite we’ve put up with of late. £19 for a Scottish League 2 game is taking the piss.
  10. Well spotted! I did of course mean ineligible.
  11. The Wikipedia page now seems more up to date than the source website. Crazy fixture backlog for BOD Thistle, into June and still 4 games left, mental! Why are the penalties for fielding an illegible player so severe? Most leagues it’s 3 points but I notice Dyce and East End got 6 points and Stonehaven got 7?
  12. It’s good he got the full 90mins in this pointless match though. Wouldn’t want him rusty after only playing 50 odd times for Villa this season.
  13. You boys are absolutely bricking it from playing the famous Bully Wee. You are probably not alone to be fair, the Clyde are back baby!
  14. I did say COULD rather than SHOULD but the SoS has already lost Threave, if a couple of other bigger teams defect over is there much of a future for the league, especially at tier 6? Progression into the lower reaches of the west would be gentler than straight into the lowland league which Dalbeattie indicated they didn’t really fancy anyway (despite also being miles off it on the field). It would also allow some new blood into the league, the likes of Kello rovers could easily drop in there.
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