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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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Explain how the 'arbitrary' nature of the Football Act differs in a significant manner from the 'arbitrary' nature of the already existing BOTP legislation please. Are you calling for BOTP to repealed as well; if not, why not?

If you have a philosophical issue with arbitrary laws being used to govern behaviour in (predominantly) public spaces, then you might have a problem living within just about every society on the planet. In reality, both BOTP and the Football Act are largely governed to a high level of common sense: which is absolutely necessary to control public order without being an authoritarian shithole. There is no evidence that arresting some mouthbreathers chanting at a football match tips Scotland towards the latter, so your concern is disregarded.

You don't know what you're talking about.

"Conduct severe enough to cause alarm to ordinary people and threaten serious disturbance to the community"

Is clearly a much more exacting and narrow standard than that encompassed by the Criminalisation of Singing Act.

Apart from anything else it requires genuine likelihood of serious disturbance. There have been successful prosecutions under the Act where there was no real threat of disturbance or public disorder at all. Christ, a Thistle fan got convicted for singing an anti-Sectarian song at Firhill when Celtic came to town. He posed absolutely zero threat to public order.

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Inciting hatred is saying things like "kill all Jews" or "Infidels should die" etc


Singing about Craig Gowans dying or the potato famine or Jason Cummings being a paedophile is in bad taste but shouldn't be illegal IMO.


Are you serious? Someone shouts that in a pub, you'd be fine with it? 

Edited by HaikuHibee
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Everybody is tagging this to the OO and Rangers .... again ... yawn.

The people to thank gettong this sorted, and it pains me to admit, is celt*c. Look here http://fansagainstcriminalisation.com/ and along with the guys from this movement that went to the parliament and told the SNP to GTF wae their stupid laws. Take my hat off to yees on this one.

To the rest, it affects EVERYONE. Not just OF. Look at the reports around Scotland. The quicker we get rid of these SNP morons from our lives the better.

It only affects people who want to sing bigoted songs.

Its a good law that was badly needed, as ever the SNP are the first ones to ever attempt to actually try to make Scotland a better place and deal with our problems.

As ever, the unionist parties are perfectly happy to damage Scottish society and roll back laws that are good for Scotland in order to damage the SNP.

The constitution really needs resolving we are in an absurd position of having the main opposition parties working against the interests of our entire country, the NPS is the same, the unionist parties will be perfectly happy to endanger the lives of Scottish children just to hurt the SNP. Disgraceful.

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Singapore 1942 anyone?

My grandad was there, biggest retreat in British military history and complete surrender. He was also there at the reconquest of Singapore too, he got away when it fell like.

And he personally unlocked the gates at Changi jail and was a Chindit too. Quite a guy.

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My grandad was there, biggest retreat in British military history and complete surrender. He was also there at the reconquest of Singapore too, he got away when it fell like.

And he personally unlocked the gates at Changi jail and was a Chindit too. Quite a guy.



Aye so he did.

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The fact that there's broad agreement right across the political spectrum suggests quite strongly that there's a problem with the law, and a need to make changes. 


I'm not even slightly surprised to discover that quite a lot of people have immediately assumed that it's some kind of malicious, conspiratorial attack on the SNP. 

Erm that's cause thats what it is. Deluded in the extreme to think its actually cause the opposition parties are all concerned about it being a bad law, which its not. Its a chance to weaken the SNP is all, not surprised a Celtic fan wants it repealed though, strangely enough its always Old Firm fans that have a problem with it.

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That's the choice of the bartenders. A private business has the right to decide what it's customers can and can't do.


No it doesn't. A police officer can arrest anyone for singing about the Irish potato famine in a pub at any time, under BOTP. BOTP can take place on both public and private property; thanks for playing anyway. 


But... but... unjust, arbitrary law!!!!1111!!!

Edited by vikingTON
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Seems legit. Just 'tell' the Police to enforce the BOTP Act at all football matches at all times? Impractical and even more arbitrary than the Act. Which elements of fan behaviour that fall under BOTP would be dealt with? How should a police officer exercise their own judgement on that matter?



Explain how the 'arbitrary' nature of the Football Act differs in a significant manner from the 'arbitrary' nature of the already existing BOTP legislation please. Are you calling for BOTP to repealed as well; if not, why not?


You're the one claiming that enforcing BOTP is impractical at football matches. How is that impractical, yet police are better equipped to interpret the even looser definitions in the Football Act? Ad lib has already outlined the differences between the laws.



2. The Scottish Government also isn't in a legitimate position to apply political pressure whatsoever upon the SFA. That is the sort of behaviour that sees footballing authorities being suspended by FIFA.


I'm also curious about this point. Have Greece been suspended for suspending their league earlier this season due to crowd disorder? Have England been suspended for making standing illegal in the top 2 divisions? Have Scotland been suspended for making alcohol at football illegal? Of course the government could put pressure on the SFA.

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You're the one claiming that enforcing BOTP is impractical at football matches. How is that impractical, yet police are better equipped to interpret the even looser definitions in the Football Act? Ad lib has already outlined the differences between the laws.


Well, that's utter pish. The Police wanted the Act, take it up with them.

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