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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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Just now, thisGRAEME said:

He's shite.


Pretty much this. 

Also, got a serious (hip I think) injury, which he's down south getting tests done for.  He'll not play for Motherwell again.

I miss Wes Fletcher's man bun.  

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I can imagine Wes Fletcher's twitter output is really exciting as he always came over as a funny guy, ahem. 

With a very few exceptions, football player twitter is the most boring twitter: "great performance from the lads #COY<team>", "fans were amazing <insert bicep emoji>", "tough result -  we go again #winning" "baller". Chuck in a couple of awkward bits of banter between players that were team mates 10 years ago and have nothing in common apart from that - and that's yer lot.

On the other hand - supporters who obsessively follow players' social media to see if they are eating properly ("he's had two Mcdonalds this week!") or read a hidden meaning into a tweet about X-Factor are even worse. Also: following the wives/girlfriends of players - seriously?

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This has to have been one of the poorest, shitest seasons I can ever remember following Motherwell. There is zero consistency, we can't string two positive results together, the squad is poor bar three players - Cadden, McDonald & Moult and our manager treats the job like a part time hobby and continually embarrasses the club with his attitude, both on and off the park. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again, we as a club need a drastic overhaul to our entire approach and rid ourselves of this backward looking 'jobs for the boys' culture. In the summer we should be binning McGhee for starters, no two ways about it. The majority of the support don't like or want him and he clearly has ideas way above Motherwell FC. Add to that he has brought nothing positive to the club since his return in late 2015; with the exception of perhaps introducing some youth into the side however reluctantly.

Our playing style and football is woeful and his approach to games is more often than not designed to stop the opposition winning rather than about trying to win ourselves...which never ever works. Result of this is that more and more of our already dwindling support are becoming more and more scunnered and disconnected with the club, something which we cannot afford, but it's totally understandable when they see no forward plan, nothing to engage them and nothing which suggests we have any ambition for the future. I know I for one will not be renewing my season ticket next season unless there is a change of manager at the very least. 

We also need to part company with Hammell, McManus, Lasley and McFadden, at least from the first team in his case and start looking forward and not backwards when it comes to recruitment. Otherwise we are going absolutely nowhere as a club but backwards and downwards.

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I get bored repeating myself as well, but the fact is we need drastic changes at Fir Park and we need to learn to look forward as a club, not backwards, and parting company with a manager who has dined out on one good season with us a decade ago now but is going nowhere with us now, is a start.

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Aye we get bored as well.
McGhees contract runs out this season and barring any heads gone from him or upstairs, he'll see it out.
And if you're putting this season before the play off season on the worst ever list,you're definitely at it.

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1 minute ago, mjw said:

Aye we get bored as well.
McGhees contract runs out this season and barring any heads gone from him or upstairs, he'll see it out.
And if you're putting this season before the play off season on the worst ever list,you're definitely at it.

If you'd actually read my post you'd have seen that I said it was "one of the worst", not "the worst". And it certainly has been one of the worst, for form, for performances and for entertainment. Not to mention that large swathes of the support seem to be feeling more and more disconnected with the club than ever before.

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There's no danger he'll walk and unfortunately there's the same chance of the club sacking him, he's got too many personal friendships within the boardroom.

Sadly it's that outlook that is suffocating us as a club, there's too many personnel in place because of what they've done in the past or personal friendships with the powers that be in the boardroom and until we move away from this 'strategy' then we are truly fucked as a club.

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1 hour ago, mjw said:

Aye we get bored as well.
McGhees contract runs out this season and barring any heads gone from him or upstairs, he'll see it out.
And if you're putting this season before the play off season on the worst ever list,you're definitely at it.

I'd have the play off season down as one of my favourite ever. The *** battering will live long in the memory and more than made up for the turgid shite that came before it.

This season's just a bit, meh. At least now with people frothing at the mouth over Mcghee we've got a bit of excitement.

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I agree that this has been a desperately poor season from a supporters point of view; a lot of poor performances (especially against the Top 4 teams), the most stop-start season I can remember, lots of long distance midweek away's, etc, etc. Add to that the fact that the 1st team seems to have been really unsettled and that recruitement has been scattergun and with very mixed results so far - and it's clear to see that there is plenty to moan about.

On McGhee - I'm really torn on his future. MJC says that he's dined out on one good season - but his record has us finishing 3rd, 7th and 5th, all of which are at least acceptable positions for a club of our size & budget. It looks like we will finish lower than that this season - but would finishing (say) 8th or 9th really be enough for us to pull the trigger? The memory of Barraclough is still too fresh for me to be comfortable with the risks of dumping Mcghee without a very well thought through plan on what happens next.

That said, I think McGhee should be disciplined by the club - and publicly so, as his behaviour was unacceptable and has clearly brought the club into disrepute (to use that classic football term) - and no-one should be above that.

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There's no danger he'll walk and unfortunately there's the same chance of the club sacking him, he's got too many personal friendships within the boardroom.
Sadly it's that outlook that is suffocating us as a club, there's too many personnel in place because of what they've done in the past or personal friendships with the powers that be in the boardroom and until we move away from this 'strategy' then we are truly fucked as a club.

It's the lack of ambition I find depressing.

It's hardly a surprise people are choosing to stay away in large numbers.
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