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Double Winning St Johnstone FC Thread

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He's not at the level of consistency of Mannus, and has had more howlers, but then Mannus was a very steady and reliable keeper.

It always bemused me when, with a couple of seasons still to play for us, loads of our supporters on WAP were yelling for Mannus to be dropped and Clark brought into the team, when in all honesty most of us had hardly seen Clark play.  There was a bit of an obsession about Mannus rarely coming off his line.   Maybe just the nature of football fans that the idea of something new and exciting is better than the tried and tested option.

Mannus's last season where we had the two in competition was a really good standard of goalkeeper options by Scottish Premiership standard at the time.

Hadn't really thought about Clark being replaced, it doesn't really feel like a priority to me, so interesting to hear you and Radford both mention it.

Out of interest, outwith  the OF, which keepers in the Premiership would you prefer to be our number 1 over Clark?

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It certainly won't be a priority and I'd be amazed if we brought a keeper in unless there was an injury. In terms of other keepers in the league out with the OF then Lewis is obviously ahead of Clark. They've both left now but I'd have Hladky and Gillespie ahead of him comfortably too. The rest are much of a muchness/unknown quantities but doesn't mean we can't look to better the position. I can only comment from watching Clark regularly, no idea who United's keeper even is but hopefully of the same standard as last few we came up against.

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Is it coincidence theres been a clear drop off in Clark since Mannus left?

Having no threat to your position cant be healthy, and its clear Parish is never going to be number one here through his performances.

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Yeah think that's very valid point RG. Budget is not going to allow us to bring somebody of that standard in as backup. Clark needs to step up as Mannus did when he only had the likes of Tuffey and Banks challenging him. His performance didn't falter.

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It always bemused me when, with a couple of seasons still to play for us, loads of our supporters on WAP were yelling for Mannus to be dropped and Clark brought into the team, when in all honesty most of us had hardly seen Clark play.  


Those particular supporters are probably the same ones who championed the likes of Liam Caddis, Aaron Comrie and Craig Thomson ahead of superior first-team options at the time. If you’ve come through the Saints youth system, it seems that you can do no wrong (unless your name is Chris Kane).

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1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

Is it coincidence theres been a clear drop off in Clark since Mannus left?

Having no threat to your position cant be healthy, and its clear Parish is never going to be number one here through his performances.

IMO missing Gordon through injury had quite an effect last season, I don't remember the same level of flap the season before. He seems the sort of keeper that pulls out showreel saves but when he can't rely on the defence he really struggles with the bread and butter stuff. He doesn't deal with crosses particularly well and  Duffy and Tanser can't stop them, and the opposition knew this (not Duffy-bashing, agree that he was thrown in at the deep end before he was ready).

Also, his kicking is absolutely woeful both from moving and dead balls.

Would have Mannus back tomorrow but Zander can be good value, like the 9-man back to the wall home game against Aberdeen last year. His beard seems to wind up opposition fans for some reason, so that's a plus too. 

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2 hours ago, Valentino Bolognese said:


Also, his kicking is absolutely woeful both from moving and dead balls.

This is a strange one for me.

When he was first breaking through his kicking was one of his big strengths, especially in terms of distance, where he'd be kicking a good 30 yards further than Mannus could.

But in the last year or so his kicking became terrible, regularly slicing goalkicks and kicks from hand out the park.

Its bizarre how you can just suddenly become poor at something like that when previously it was a bit of a strength.  I wondered if he was being asked to aim more accurately at particular teammates standing out wide or something which has led to the poorer result.

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8 hours ago, PauloPerth said:

This is a strange one for me.

When he was first breaking through his kicking was one of his big strengths, especially in terms of distance, where he'd be kicking a good 30 yards further than Mannus could.

But in the last year or so his kicking became terrible, regularly slicing goalkicks and kicks from hand out the park.

Its bizarre how you can just suddenly become poor at something like that when previously it was a bit of a strength.  I wondered if he was being asked to aim more accurately at particular teammates standing out wide or something which has led to the poorer result.

There was definitely something going on with trying to find the wide players last season and thinking back on it you are right, he did used to launch it miles. Last year though he had terrible feet. 

Really important season for him coming up I feel. 

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Thing is you can watch Clark in practice and he doesn’t slice a single one and they usually find their man. Come match time he’s trying to hit such small margins for some reason instead of just blasting it 70 yards up the pitch and get the pressure off. It was like he knew the strikers weren’t winning it so never bothered.

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1 hour ago, Mr Positive, sometimes. said:

Zander's kicking issues come from (IMO) his technique being so side on when he kicks it, particularly out of hand.

Makes the margin for error when kicking through the line of the ball a lot smaller. 



This has a fair bit to do with it imo.  I'm not a fan of the training they do either, I've watched a fair bit, especially since Ross got taken on, they seem to just go through the motions and do the basic routines. I'm not seeing the video and behind the scenes coaching but the stuff on the training pitch they do we were coaching u14s about 10 years ago. It's obviously finely honed but would bore me to fucking tears carrying that out. 

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3 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

This has a fair bit to do with it imo.  I'm not a fan of the training they do either, I've watched a fair bit, especially since Ross got taken on, they seem to just go through the motions and do the basic routines. I'm not seeing the video and behind the scenes coaching but the stuff on the training pitch they do we were coaching u14s about 10 years ago. It's obviously finely honed but would bore me to fucking tears carrying that out. 

Are you meaning the goalie training specifically or training in general? 

Would have thought that for the outfield players, new management would bring in new ideals, new drills etc but maybe leave the goalkeeping coaching alone. 

There was some talk on here that Zander was being coached to stay on his line more.  No idea if that's true but It did seem that one of the problems last year was either not coming from the ball at crosses (see Motherwell away) or seeming to be in two minds about coming out (Hearts at home for example). 

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2 hours ago, Kyle said:

Steve Brown so desperate to get out that he’s just joined, or is about to join, the SPFL board.  


2 hours ago, THE FAT MAN said:

Nothing new.been on it before. 

It is nothing new but he's already stated he was needing time away from football to concentrate on other things outside football, that's the main reason he hired Kirsten.


Let's hope he doesn't get asked in any interviews to promote Scottish football....

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