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Double Winning St Johnstone FC Thread

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1 minute ago, mizfit said:

Tell you what, I wouldn’t mind Taylor Steven getting a chance against Celtic. 

Was the making of McCann, but is it fair to make that his chance, particularly if we've signed other wingers?

Let the experienced ones be lambs to the slaughter. 

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2 minutes ago, PSJ.84 said:

Slowly getting the fear with how honest MacLean is being. Don’t disagree with a word he’s saying, and it’s what fans need to hear, but I do worry it’ll make players go the other way 

I can’t disagree with his comments just now. He might not be the man who bares the fruit of the seeds he planting, but he’s not beating about the bush. 

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1 hour ago, DukDukGoose said:

Rory Loy on Sportsound trying to cause a bit of issue earlier by claiming MacLean is throwing players under the bus with his press interviews.

I never heard what MacLean said and I might even agree with Loy as MacLean is proving to be an absolutely horrendously awkward interviewee but after a promising start to his pundit career, Loy seems to have developed into another 'defend yer pals at all costs and kick everyone else for the slightest thing' in a long line of Sportsound pundits.

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3 minutes ago, mizfit said:

Tell you what, I wouldn’t mind Taylor Steven getting a chance against Celtic. 

For me we play McCrystal  now at centre Mid! he looks a player and so just play him to get experience ! if not for anything else next season in the championship !

Max is not going to make it at this level, Ballantyne is not going to make it at this level, Jephcott is not going to make it at this level.(again play Steven). 

Olufunwwa why take him off he needs game time , Smith why take him off he needs game time!

Macca needs to sacrifice the first round of games at least to play his way and players and see where we are, and hopefully see some progress!

McGowan, Considine, Carey, Gordon are also not any good at this level. 




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He's saying this has been two years in the making. He's absolutely right, a lot of us have been talking about it for much of the last two years when it became clear Davidson was building for short term success. Maclean has been here for all of that time. I'm sorry but he has to take at least some responsibility for where we are now, the captain hindsight act doesn't cut it for me. 

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8 minutes ago, Kyle said:

He's saying this has been two years in the making. He's absolutely right, a lot of us have been talking about it for much of the last two years when it became clear Davidson was building for short term success. Maclean has been here for all of that time. I'm sorry but he has to take at least some responsibility for where we are now, the captain hindsight act doesn't cut it for me. 

Its why he got the Job! A younger person(In football management terms) looking for a break in management he is not going to turn it down! Three year contract depends on the wage he is getting as well !

Who would have taking the job on who is experienced?


Edited by Center half
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There's really no argument to be made about this St Johnstone squad because it's incomplete. 

The biggest problem is we have no pace or width. A lot of the signings we've made will only perform under appropriate conditions, and a team without pace and width is not conducive to effective football. 

We can evaluate this new crop of players until we're blue in the face but it's all a bit redundant because we have no pace or width and very little creativity.

I suspect they'll only come good once we field a full football team and allow them to do the job we signed them for. 

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Add even Clark, Kane, McPherson*, Wright and Gallacher out of the ten injured players and the starting eleven is miles away from the shite we've been seeing. Add in a couple more fresh faces and the doom and gloom will be lifted.

Today wasn't good enough and Macca has to take most of the blame. Mclelland not punting the ball out and midfielders not tracking runners is basic organisation and decision making, that's the coach and the players fault.

*sad times when you think McPherson can make a difference. 

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3 minutes ago, Center half said:

Its why he got the Job! A younger person(In football management terms) looking for a break in management he is not going to turn it down! Three year contract depends on the wage he is getting as well !

Who would have taking the job on who is experienced?


We have to back him now because he's in situ, but going for the continuity candidate when things were so bad for so long just sums up how half arsed everything was towards the end of Steve Brown's tenure.  We clearly needed a fresh start after the malaise set in with Davidson. 

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17 minutes ago, Kyle said:

We have to back him now because he's in situ, but going for the continuity candidate when things were so bad for so long just sums up how half arsed everything was towards the end of Steve Brown's tenure.  We clearly needed a fresh start after the malaise set in with Davidson. 

Yes its not Maccas fault ! he was asked to do the job he agreed ! he can only pish with the cock he is given here.

is it 15 years I think  we will have been up this time, and a tremendous record for us ! But still a wasted opportunity we lost 3/4 years ago.

Anyway what goes around comes around!    

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4 hours ago, Kyle said:

He's saying this has been two years in the making. He's absolutely right, a lot of us have been talking about it for much of the last two years when it became clear Davidson was building for short term success. Maclean has been here for all of that time. I'm sorry but he has to take at least some responsibility for where we are now, the captain hindsight act doesn't cut it for me. 

Aye, this.

Ive sympathy with MacLean as he inherited a shitshow and the task this Summer of cutting the squad in half, lowering the wage bill overall, lowering the age of the squad, but also improving the squad to avoid relegation, is near impossible. 

But at the same time hes been here for years and knew exactly what he was getting into.

I worried about him bragging about what "his team" was going to do, and how he'd be playing attacking exciting football with youngsters playing because it felt like a fantasy rather than reality. Just been assuming he was saying it to try and put some bravado in the squad, but kind of worrying now he genuinely thought he could manage that while inheriting a husk of one of the worst squads in the division.

Shafted by injuries etc., causes problems and the quality is lacking, but the lack of effort/structure around us is on him and his training. Next games a write off but the Dundee game isnt, if we're still a shambles at that point then people will start to turn and his interviews will start to lose their meaning. Words are just words.

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4 hours ago, PSJ.84 said:

Slowly getting the fear with how honest MacLean is being. Don’t disagree with a word he’s saying, and it’s what fans need to hear, but I do worry it’ll make players go the other way 

Having just seen his comments, aye.

Davidson was too dull, but MacLean is maybe too emotional?

Experienced players are embarrassing and have been for a while but i dont know if the manager saying that in the public is the way to do it. Let the fans do that job for you. Youll have them resenting you as a rookie manager already and we're likely getting absolutely thumped in our next game too.

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5 hours ago, PSJ.84 said:

Slowly getting the fear with how honest MacLean is being. Don’t disagree with a word he’s saying, and it’s what fans need to hear, but I do worry it’ll make players go the other way 

I do wonder if it might have an impact on players he is looking to sign. They might look at these interviews which seem to happening most weeks and think twice about signing. 



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"So Macca, [enter result here], can you sum that up for us?"

"Not good enough...blah blah blah"

I am so done with this it is not even funny. 

Whatever the question is, Macca is not the answer. 

Macca is at the wheel and he has St Johnstone in Ayrton Senna's passenger seat. 

Edited by PerthSaints
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I don't really mind the latest set of comments, from the ones I've seen they are just criticism without (more) hopeless promises.

Gordon and May in particular, and also Carey and Considine can have no complaints about being attacked in that manner. They have been disgraceful this season. 

I think if Stevie May wasn't (deservedly) "St Johnstone legend Stevie May" he'd have been dropped for Jephcott or even Steven already. It's a shame as he did some good stuff at the end of last season, so it's not a case of simple decline. 

Gordon has been beyond hopeless, but McClelland's performance today unfortunately cools some hype and reiterates why Gordon and/or Considine have to be in there and Considine was needed left today. 

I don't read the comments as being directed at, for example, Phillips who despite some fantastic touches was poor overall, and I don't see why a potential new signing would be put off by them either. Philips is almost one of our senior players these days but think he wasn't the target. 

With Ballantyne being so ineffective it seems obvious to me that playing Jephcott in his place would be better. Whether pushing up to be more like 2 up front or being a little deeper, that'd surely produce more than Ballantyne. Jephcott does need to get fit though, unless it is just a case of his posture forcing his stomach out and his arse back. Maybe need to look up what he looked like at Plymouth. 

I'd happily see Carey disappear. Stroppy petulant selfish and ineffective, despite having some nice abilities. 

So disappointing as I was on board with playing Max and Ballantyne and releasing Spoony to help that happen, but it really hasn't worked out yet. 

Overall, what a total mess 

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6 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Having just seen his comments, aye.

Davidson was too dull, but MacLean is maybe too emotional?

Experienced players are embarrassing and have been for a while but i dont know if the manager saying that in the public is the way to do it. Let the fans do that job for you. Youll have them resenting you as a rookie manager already and we're likely getting absolutely thumped in our next game too.

Davidson took the majority of the heat last season because people, myself included, simply wanted shot of him. So I think he’s absolutely spot on with saying the players have been protected, but at the same time to come out publicly with it feels like a last resort type thing. We’re only just midway through August. I’d be a bit wary of hanging them out to dry in that manner, without the ability to actually drop them. Agree with Kyle that he has to take - and probably will - a portion of the blame too.  

Maybe I’m just overthinking it, but do those players have the mentality to stick two fingers up to MacLean and prove him wrong? I’d say it’s more likely they shitebag it and shrink even further.  

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