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One Party State?

Mortar Bored

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Have we reached the point where, for the foreseeable future, England & wales will be dominated by one party - Conservatives, and Scotland by the SNP?

Labour has been a disaster in recent years, and given the turmoil that the Cons are in, should be making massive political point scoring, instead their own internal bickering is taking the heat off a PM & party who had a global affecting referendum to shore up internal splits in their party, only to lose disastrously. I'm afraid the Tories will come out of this ok- labour are screwed. It should be the reverse!

SNP are popular because they have a good record in government & their main thrusts of Indy, have come to fruition, the EU result consolidates this.

I can't see either losing an election for a very long time.

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Given that a big chunk of England voted leave on the grounds of "we just wanted change", it wouldn't surprise me if there was a jump from Tories when there's inevitably no quick fix. Just need to look back at the last minute Lib Dem fad of recent times.

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Have we reached the point where, for the foreseeable future, England & wales will be dominated by one party - Conservatives, and Scotland by the SNP?

Labour has been a disaster in recent years, and given the turmoil that the Cons are in, should be making massive political point scoring, instead their own internal bickering is taking the heat off a PM & party who had a global affecting referendum to shore up internal splits in their party, only to lose disastrously. I'm afraid the Tories will come out of this ok- labour are screwed. It should be the reverse!

SNP are popular because they have a good record in government & their main thrusts of Indy, have come to fruition, the EU result consolidates this.

I can't see either losing an election for a very long time.

I don't give a f**k what party is in power in England.

There is f**k all you or I can do about it.

The future for Scotland is Independence and that's all I care about.

Once independence is gained then the SNP (as well as the other political parties) will have to re-invent themselves.

Then we can get down to real politics in Scotland.

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I don't give a f**k what party is in power in England.

There is f**k all you or I can do about it.

The future for Scotland is Independence and that's all I care about.

Once independence is gained then the SNP (as well as the other political parties) will have to re-invent themselves.

Then we can get down to real politics in Scotland.

Very good! Ignoring the fact that the party in power in WM directly affects us at the moment.

Just see Thursday as an example of why we should care!

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Don't see any change up here, but once it hits home down south that leaving the EU hasn't actually solved anything and potentially even made things worse, I can see the Tories carrying the can for the failures. With Labour unable to organise a gangbang in a brothel for the forseeable, it could well leave the road open in the former Labour heartlands for a swing to the mindless populism of UKIP.


All the more reason to get out.

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I don't give a f**k what party is in power in England.

There is f**k all you or I can do about it.

The future for Scotland is Independence and that's all I care about.

Once independence is gained then the SNP (as well as the other political parties) will have to re-invent themselves.

Then we can get down to real politics in Scotland.

Independence from Westminster and Brussels or just Westminster?

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Very good! Ignoring the fact that the party in power in WM directly affects us at the moment.

Just see Thursday as an example of why we should care!

Apparently Scotland didnae need to vote last Thursday cos the English voters made the decision for us.

And THAT'S a democracy I couldn't give a f**k about.

Tell me what you or I or any voter in Scotland can do about the political parties in England.

You can sympathise with some and detest others but there is absolutely nothing anyone in Scotland can do about it.

Am I suppose tae go against my principles and vote for a unionist (ie. Labour) party in the unlikely event it will help get

a Labour government in a Union I have absolutely no interest in.

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Don't see how the "raisin d'être" for UKIP existing, failing, after they got there way would attract voters?

Unless the Tories elect a pro-EU PM to negotiate withdrawal. Which is highly unlikely.


We're not talking about logic here unfortunately.


There's a huge unfocused resentment in England from mainly white, mainly lower class people in the forgotten post-industrial hinterland of the country which has manifested itself in Thursday's result. Once out of the EU, they can rule out "Brussels" as the reason for the way their lives are and will look for another target - I could see it being whoever's in power if things are the same, or indeed even more tits-up by that time.


Unfortunately, I could see UKIP's broad-brush populism being attractive to them.

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Independence from Westminster and Brussels or just Westminster?

NATO and the UN too?

Good points.

Certainly independence from Westminster but as to the others I'm no sure.

I would probably take advice from the good guy posters on here - should we stay or should we go.

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Apparently Scotland didnae need to vote last Thursday cos the English voters made the decision for us.

And THAT'S a democracy I couldn't give a f**k about.

Tell me what you or I or any voter in Scotland can do about the political parties in England.

You can sympathise with some and detest others but there is absolutely nothing anyone in Scotland can do about it.

Am I suppose tae go against my principles and vote for a unionist (ie. Labour) party in the unlikely event it will help get

a Labour government in a Union I have absolutely no interest in.

Willie, your arguments are very persuasive, as in I would be persuaded to leave a garden if a foaming mouthed Rottweiler didn't want me there, type of way.

The fact is, we lost 2014, if you are ignorant enough to ignore that, that's up to you, but to bury your head in the sand and not give a f**k about how England votes is very naive.

You are correct, we can't change it, but we can certainly try to influence it.

I got a FB message early on Friday from a Liverpudlian friend, begging the SNP to field a candidate in his constituency. A straw poll of his mates was - SNP - 12, Labour 6, cons-0, UKIP-1, Libs-0.

A lot of people are disgusted by the way the UK is run, not just Scots.

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Apparently Scotland didnae need to vote last Thursday cos the English voters made the decision for us.

And THAT'S a democracy I couldn't give a f**k about.

The EU referendum was a UK wide vote, not a Scottish vote

Again, Scotland came to a democratic decision in 2014 to remain part of the U.K. meaning on Thursday the ballot paper asked "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or Leave the European Union"

Nowhere on the ballot paper did it say anything about Scotland remaining/leaving/independence. Nout, zilch, zero, hee haw

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I remember when Labour lost in 1983 with Michael Foot - and the talk was that Labour would never know power again.


I remember Tony Blair winning in 1997 and the talk was that the Tories would be out of government for decades and Devolution would kill the desire for independence stone dead.


I think it would be a mistake to think the current state of the parties will be the same in 4 years time.

If the Brexit negotations start hurting - then the Tories and UKIP will get it for that.

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I don't give a f**k what party is in power in England.

There is f**k all you or I can do about it.

The future for Scotland is Independence and that's all I care about.

Once independence is gained then the SNP (as well as the other political parties) will have to re-invent themselves.

Then we can get down to real politics in Scotland.

Silly little Winkie.


Don't you realise there is f**k all any individual can do about any election other than cast his/her individual vote and hope enough other voters are similarly minded. That's the same anywhere so I really don't know what you are all angry about. In an independent Scotland you could still as easily end up with election results that don't sit well with you so you are getting angry for no good reason.

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