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Kirkintilloch Rob Roy 2016/17


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This is it the minority possibly those with an agenda make the majority sound ungrateful that's what bugs me as it's simply not true.

Anyway noticed match odds for Saturday no way are we a 1/6 on shot that's silly odds.

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What about Gavin will he start or has he left also. Honestly can you not update the forum on real issues the support want to hear or is it all hush hush. RRG

I just told you about an important issue ffs . We had three centre backs one is out for another month or so and another has just left leaving us with one centre back hence the Danny Boyle signing a great signing from the manager. I don't know what more a 'real issue' you want.
I am a supporter with my ear on the ground so to speak nothing more nothing less.

Have a nice day and enjoy Saturday [emoji3]
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Wtf is going on in this thread guys? At a time when you all seem to agree that the club is enjoying a more than decent season,and when you need positivity and harmony both off and on the park (I'm  thinking of making the Roy ma banker this week,but don't tell jb 8))there's more in-fighting on here than we'd see at an East Ayrshire christening!:(

Let's get it together lads and finish the season in style. Meanwhile here's the boss with some positive vibes.:)...

Eta Jist noticed rnb quoting 1/6,so looks like plan B 







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Rob roy guy is dead,
Long live the king!
Rrg.are you now known as rednblack ?
Answer the question.........I rest my case.
There is nothing worse than being taken as a fool and this guy is taking the whole forum as fools.man up and answer the question.

Rob Roy guy is dead

White van man is dead

Harestanes (or the play on that name) is also dead

Current reincarnation is Red and Black but no doubt there is a few others lurking about.
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2 hours ago, Team Player said:

KRR v athurlie next league game 15/04/17 maybe old news but just seen it 

Spirits up guys in it together! that's what matters.


Sorry Team Player I wont make Easter Saturday 15th of April. I will be lying on a beach in Las Cristiano's  with a cold glass of prosecco and my black thong. All the best to the boys this Saturday.

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18 minutes ago, LeeKRR1878 said:

Is that the new fella taking you? From Cumnock to Las Cristiano's

Hen weekend Lee, paradise Park Hotel me and the girls from work. Not much action in Cumnock 

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7 hours ago, cloughy said:



Quite clear you don't take in what I actual said. Why was David Barr not playing on Saturday against Talbot and yet he was at the game. He was not even stripped, last week he got KRR man of the match. The big question here, is David upset at latest centre back signing Danny Boyle. We now have 4 for 2 positions. If the stories are true that he wants released then why, if your in the know would you not raise this point on a open KRR Forum. Or is this just about kissing the managers ass and chair leading. This Sat it's a diddy cup will we see Young Shaun, Young Jordan and Kieran get a run out. How can we develop or youth if they never play.



Your not a real rob roy fan are on here for a noise up and it's working.

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Sorry Team Player I wont make Easter Saturday 15th of April. I will be lying on a beach in Las Cristiano's  with a cold glass of prosecco and my black thong. All the best to the boys this Saturday.

Got a tip off yer pretending to be a burd dear oh dear. No burd would talk that pish on a fitba forum unless yer fae uddingston or airdrie some dump out that way [emoji4]
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Why don't we all meet up on Saturday and see who is who because everyone bickering inhouse are all new I'm up for it love to see red and black in person I've nothing to hide team player could make an appearance as well and we get to the bottom of all this shite


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One thing the Rabs haven't been this season is shite.

Who said the rabs have been shite far from they have done us proud but now and then we all get a bit pissed with performance and team selection etc but some guy has to go on the defensive at every turn people make valid points but not always doesn't mean they are right or wrong or having a dig I praise and slate when I feel it necessary and don't expect to be shot down by yourself at every turn because my opinion differs from you or whoever else if I feel my point of view is right I will defend myself as will others so let's see how it turns out as I've said umpteen times good season regardless
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