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7 hours ago, Christophe said:

It's excellent, I binged the whole thing. Hugh Dennis is a revelation in it. The guinea pig stuff in ep3 set me off big time. Fucking hell, can't get it out of my head!

This is what I was like, tbh - watched the 6 episodes over 2 nights, and couldn't stop thinking about it.

Good point about Dennis - he was very good in it

Clever wee series, imo.

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Have to say I loved this too. Starts off as a comedy, then slowly gets a bit darker.

I liked how everyone else appears damaged / off their nut and she was the normal one and in control. Slowly it shows she is anything but and waits till the last as to why things go down hill.

I won't spoil the revelation at the end, as that explains everything.

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6 minutes ago, Kennboy1978 said:

His teeth !

The scene in the last episode (I think) was hilarious. Nearly there, almost there......

He was funny, but I'm not really sure what purpose he served - maybe just a clue as to the main character's er...character - casually picking up random guys on buses - not that there's anything wrong with that.

I also didn't get why the series is called Fleabag - am I being very dim?

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He was funny, but I'm not really sure what purpose he served - maybe just a clue as to the main character's er...character - casually picking up random guys on buses - not that there's anything wrong with that.

I also didn't get why the series is called Fleabag - am I being very dim?

Aye that's what I took from it, anyone or anything will do.

I IMDB'd it and her character name was Fleabag. Then it dawned on me I don't think she was ever referred to by name was she ?
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Just now, Kennboy1978 said:

Aye that's what I took from it, anyone or anything will do.
I IMDB'd it and her character name was Fleabag. Then it dawned on me I don't think she was ever referred to by name was she ?



I don't even know! :lol:

I don't think she was, but it maybe just didn't register.

What a weird and wonderful series.

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