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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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On 07/09/2016 at 18:35, McSpreader said:

Maybe from Stornoway 20 years of mass , unfettered immigration looks like a wonderful achievement of multi culturalism. For those in amngst it the picture ain't quite so rosy, I fear!! 

Readers should probably note the McSpreader is supposedly writing from Hawick. 


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My apologies, just seems a little opportunistic in my opinion, that's all. Perhaps it's because she's granted a captive audience in Dublin, Nicola will claim that she's looking out for the best interests of Scotland, but the mischievous intent to cause further division is almost certainly there too! Again just my own take on it.

Just feel that some people in Scotland see our polticians as second rate jokes. I think Nic is a fantastic stateswoman and it's perfectly normal to see her visit other countries
Way too much negativity by some
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34 minutes ago, mjw said:

It's probably more the country she's gone to that's bothering him.
Too Kafflicky.

I think you are right!

The irony being that after a slow beginning ( well behind us ) ROI is now rapidly becoming secular

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20 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

This is true the seethe and rage from the britnats has been delicious today

The more that the BritNat underbelly is revealed, the better. Most "No" voters, I believe, are not hardcore BritNats; but political moments like these really do reveal the extreme hatred that underpins that particular nationalist ideology. Their hatred and bile is as likely to turn off normal "No" voters as anyone else. After all, who wants to be associated with sectarianism and the embarrassing Orange marchers?

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She got a decent reception in  our second house .  Same house survived  getting the boot a few years back because the referendum was proposed by an unpopular govt . To be honest she gave a decent speech but all said the whole thing was harmless .


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Dublin's an easy gig for the SNP, let's not pretend otherwise.

Of course it is, they're pissed off about Brexit, we're pissed off about Brexit our interests are broadly aligned.

But that's not why I compared it with going to Tokyo

I meant in regards to the "not as if she's got much going on at home" jibe that someone made earlier, possibly you,

It's no more time away from Charlotte square than a trip to Downing Street

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Of course it is, they're pissed off about Brexit, we're pissed off about Brexit our interests are broadly aligned.

But that's not why I compared it with going to Tokyo

I meant in regards to the "not as if she's got much going on at home" jibe that someone made earlier, possibly you,

It's no more time away from Charlotte square than a trip to Downing Street

Many Unionists are pissed off with Brexit too, but blatant 'grandstanding ' with a sensitive neighbour doesn't help at all!

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