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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Bishop lying though his teeth as always.  There was no issue with eu membership,  Scotland faced no prospect of even being out of the eu for one second,  and the UK governments position on a currency union was a lie all along contradicting their own previous statements.   Irrelevant now but worth pointing up when people are lying, also reminded me to make him the 8th person on my ignore list. 

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1 hour ago, Peppino Impastato said:

Bishop lying though his teeth as always.  There was no issue with eu membership,  Scotland faced no prospect of even being out of the eu for one second,  and the UK governments position on a currency union was a lie all along contradicting their own previous statements.   Irrelevant now but worth pointing up when people are lying, also reminded me to make him the 8th person on my ignore list. 

Setting up your own "safe space" echo chamber?

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8 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:

They could have been leaving for Edinburgh; if it wasn't for the wee narrow minded britnats


The Chinese seem happy enough to invest their hard earned in London.

The vast financial infrastructure and regulatory expertise means that London will remain the epicentre of world finance for decades to come........sorry to disappoint your anti-English prejudice.... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-17/chinese-pile-into-bargain-london-property-on-post-brexit-pound

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4 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

And joined again on the same day.  The EU has a history of accommodating awkward situations.

Not true. Before the referendum, The European Commissioner told the Scottish Parliament (in writing) said that an independent Scotland would have to go through the full application process under Article 48.

Under the Treaty of the EU, new applicants must demonstrate that they have complied all aspects European law. An independent Scotland would have to pass a whole raft of legislation to cover areas that are not currently devolved.

An independent Scotland would also have had to deal with the currency issue, i.e. deliver an independent currency. Post-Brexit, it's highly unlikely the EU would accept a currency union with rUK. It's a huge issue for IndyRef2 that the SNP has been avoiding in its post-Brexit EU policies.

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Just now, Cerberus said:

It's funny that Brexiteers are pointing out the potential pitfalls of Scotland leaving the UK when they went completely baws oot with Brexit without knowing any facts.

I pointed this out at the time. No BritNats who advocated leaving the EU can demand a plan for Scotland's independence when they needed no such plan for the UK's independence. This is particularly relevant to those who pretend they would vote for Indy if they only knew what it would look like, when they needed no more than Boris Johnson and Michael Gove shouting "GREAT Britain" to have them boarding the Brexit bus.

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7 hours ago, Peppino Impastato said:

Bishop lying though his teeth as always.  There was no issue with eu membership,  Scotland faced no prospect of even being out of the eu for one second,  and the UK governments position on a currency union was a lie all along contradicting their own previous statements.   Irrelevant now but worth pointing up when people are lying, also reminded me to make him the 8th person on my ignore list. 

Here's the EU Vice-President's letter - http://www.parliament.scot/S4_EuropeanandExternalRelationsCommittee/Inquiries/Letter_from_Viviane_Reding_Vice_President_of_the_European_Commission_dated_20_March_2014__pdf.pdf

The Commission's position on the issue that you raise has been stated on a number of occasions since 2004. The Treaties apply to the Member States. When part of the territory of a Member State ceases to be a part of that State, e.g. because that territory becomes an independent state, the treaties will no longer apply to that territory. In other words, a new independent region would, by the fact of its independence, become a third country with respect to the Union and the Treaties would, from the day of its independence, not apply anymore of its territory."

Now what part that don't you understand? 

Your idiotic posts only prove that you are a both a moronic cretin and a pathological liar.



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7 hours ago, Peppino Impastato said:

Bishop lying though his teeth as always.  There was no issue with eu membership,  Scotland faced no prospect of even being out of the eu for one second,  and the UK governments position on a currency union was a lie all along contradicting their own previous statements.   Irrelevant now but worth pointing up when people are lying, also reminded me to make him the 8th person on my ignore list. 

This statement was very clear - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-27405129

"Chancellor George Osborne has again insisted that a currency union after Scottish independence would not work and has been "ruled out". Mr Osborne told MPs that this was a "no ifs, no buts" position. He said he wanted Scotland to keep the pound but this would only happen if the UK stayed together."

Your denial and deflection only proves how thick you are.


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This statement was very clear - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-27405129

"Chancellor George Osborne has again insisted that a currency union after Scottish independence would not work and has been "ruled out". Mr Osborne told MPs that this was a "no ifs, no buts" position. He said he wanted Scotland to keep the pound but this would only happen if the UK stayed together."

Your denial and deflection only proves how thick you are.

I'm sure he said something about an emergency budget in the event of Brexit. Politician says one thing and does another shocker.
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