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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Looks like Corbyn now sees a back bench revolt by Tories to secure a soft Brexit as his path to power, which is a bit of a surprise given he's supposed to be strongly Eurosceptic and a lot of his rise in the polls was driven by working class UKIP voters. Fingers crossed the soft Brexit part of the equation works. Suspect May might even bottle it and agree to a transition period with the four freedoms in place as the last thing the Tories will want at the moment is a general election.

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Interesting bit on Sky News website
From what we have seen from the three rounds of talks so far, the negotiations cannot succeed. If they go on as they are, Britain will fall out of the EU without a deal - something neither side wants (although it would be more damaging to the UK).
And that is because of a mistake Theresa May made on day one of becoming prime minister. She adopted the language and approach of the Leave campaign, hook, line and sinker and she failed to prepare the way for the inevitable compromise which would be part of any bespoke deal.
I do not agree with the conclusion of the article but the bit about May is spot on and she is begining to look a bit like Trump; complete denial of the reality around her in favour of her own deluded take on the world.  Her recent comments about fighting the next election as Tory party leader is further evidence of this delusional position.  She is a truely awful politician.

Doesn't matter a jot to the sevco fans tho
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1 hour ago, Jacksgranda said:

Reminds me of an old Auf Wiedersehn Pet episode where the German construction company boss comes up with the one liner, "We knew it was a British bomb, because it did not blow up" or something along those lines.

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16 hours ago, zidane's child said:

David Davis and Keir Starmer on Marr tomorrow morning

Heard Keith Starmer on the radio earlier, got the impression that the Labour Party are prevaricating again.  For f**k sake, adopt a line that you can get behind and argue consistently.


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Reminds me of an old Auf Wiedersehn Pet episode where the German construction company boss comes up with the one liner, "We knew it was a British bomb, because it did not blow up" or something along those lines.


It didn't go off!
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53 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Heard Keith Starmer on the radio earlier, got the impression that the Labour Party are prevaricating again.  For f**k sake, adopt a line that you can get behind and argue consistently.


I'd need to agree here. Starmer called it "a new developent in their existing policy" which he's probably been briefed to do, but it is an area where Labour could get one over the Tories.

Listening to Davis, they still think the EU are bluffing and eventually the UK will "get a good deal" once their defensive approach is taken down.


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4 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

AfF501lw_bigger.jpg Ian DuntVerified account @IanDunt 2h2 hours ago

Vince Cable reveals that when he was business sec, May suppressed nine reports showing immigration did not hit wages or jobs.

I'm glad he spoke out about it at the time.  It shows he's a man of principle.

Oh, wait....

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FTSE 100 chiefs’ fury at No 10 letter backing ministers on Brexit


This is getting Trumpesque; there must be folk inside No 10 and Whitehall who have realised what a f**k up Brexit is going to be and are now undermining May and the government at every opportunity.


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Personally I think the Brexit strategy was this:

We leave
Other countries leave
The EU falls apart

Since stage 2 hasn't happened, they are stalling for time and saying "What do we do now?"

Probably sending letters to Albania, Serbia, Montenegro and wherever saying
"If you want to join the EU, we will support your bid 100%, provided you then promise to leave."


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43 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Personally I think the Brexit strategy was this:

We leave
Other countries leave
The EU falls apart

Since stage 2 hasn't happened, they are stalling for time and saying "What do we do now?"

Probably sending letters to Albania, Serbia, Montenegro and wherever saying
"If you want to join the EU, we will support your bid 100%, provided you then promise to leave."



They probably anticipated an imminent admission of Turkey to the EU and all the horrors that would supposedly bring.

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