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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:


Aye, how about it Jeremy?

Just how the f**k can Labour be so silent on this issue at this time?



Probably the poll lead that's gradually forming and the ongoing implosion of the Conservative Party. There's not really much to gain in coming out explicitly against it atm other than hardening Kipper support back behind the Tories.

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1 hour ago, Suspect Device said:

What I don't understand about the DUP stance is that Northern Ireland was the 3rd biggest vote for remain in the referendum (behind Scotland and London) so why are the DUP now seen as pro "hard" Brexit...

They have painted themselves into a corner. They almost certainly do want a soft border but they steered clear of Corbyn due to his past dalliances with SF because they thought the Tories were still Unionist and assumed something would eventually get sorted out with the EU. It now turns out that they're not and it almost certainly can't without all of the UK doing a soft Brexit, which would put the Tories into complete meltdown.  Senior pro-Remain Tories need to start breaking ranks on this and collapse this government for the greater good or the whole thing is heading over the cliff to a no deal exit.

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I bet May and Foster agreed this strategy before to make the DUP look staunchly intransigent to their fan base. There will be a slight modification of the language and they'll come over as heroic hard bitten negotiators and everyone will be happy by Friday.

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58 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Corbyn is a hard brexiteer

There are times when political opportunism is not only justified but necessary.  An example being when it stops the country from stepping off the edge.

I wonder how many of Corbyn’s grass roots supporters are hard Brexiteers.


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7 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I bet May and Foster agreed this strategy before to make the DUP look staunchly intransigent to their fan base. There will be a slight modification of the language and they'll come over as heroic hard bitten negotiators and everyone will be happy by Friday.

I’ve heard that conspiracy theory elsewhere.  Thing is it’s not just the DUP taking that position, other folk in the Tory party hold on cactly the same position.

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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I bet May and Foster agreed this strategy before to make the DUP look staunchly intransigent to their fan base. There will be a slight modification of the language and they'll come over as heroic hard bitten negotiators and everyone will be happy by Friday.

Looks to me like Theresa May thought the DUP would bottle it and meekly acquiesce if she just ignored them and ploughed on regardless. The problem that Westminster politicians of her generation have at the moment is that they don't seem to grasp that Britannia no long rules the waves and that they have no Empire on which the sun never sets to fall back on in all of this. With Article 50 invoked prior to agreeing the future arrangements they have almost no leverage and are finally finding out just how important the European dimension that they never took seriously and largely tuned out always way to the UK's economy.

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6 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Looks to me like Theresa May thought the DUP would bottle it and meekly acquiesce if she just ignored them and ploughed on regardless. The problem that Westminster politicians of her generation have at the moment is that they don't seem to grasp that Britannia no long rules the waves and that they have no Empire on which the sun never sets to fall back on in all of this. With Article 50 invoked prior to agreeing the future arrangements they have almost no leverage and are finally finding out just how important the European dimension that they never took seriously and largely tuned out always way to the UK's economy.

This Belgian probably didn't help with his leaked interpretation of the draft proposal before Arlene made her press statement.


Philippe Lamberts, a Belgian Green MEP, has told us that the UK is poised to accept that there can't be "regulatory divergence" between the North and South of Ireland after we leave the EU.
In other words, the outlines of the deal that Theresa May is likely to accept today will say that Northern Ireland will continue with more or less the same rules and regulations as the South, implying that it could, in theory, have a special deal where it more or less stays in the EU customs union and the single market.
Lamberts told me it was a concession from the UK that we were going to have to make because of the contradiction of wanting to leave both institutions, but not build a border between North and South


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35 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Looks to me like Theresa May thought the DUP would bottle it and meekly acquiesce if she just ignored them and ploughed on regardless. The problem that Westminster politicians of her generation have at the moment is that they don't seem to grasp that Britannia no long rules the waves and that they have no Empire on which the sun never sets to fall back on in all of this. With Article 50 invoked prior to agreeing the future arrangements they have almost no leverage and are finally finding out just how important the European dimension that they never took seriously and largely tuned out always way to the UK's economy.

Actually Britannia does still have an Empire on which the sun never sets but since it consists of remote islands like Pitcairn, St Helena and Tristan de Cunha it probably doesn't have the same impact that it use to have.  Nevertheless it is nice to know where we will find our exciting new trading partners. 

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