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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, jimbaxters said:

Which paper is that from please?


1 hour ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:
1 hour ago, jimbaxters said:
Which paper is that from please?

Looks like the FT to me. Not known for sensationalism.


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I'm still trying to determine whether this Sunday deadline is a 4 day opportunity for both EU and UK to mobilise their PR machine to announce an agreement that has already been reached. Or, it's genuinely a last gasp scramble to avoid an ever increasing No Deal Outcome.

'Life's a stage and we all play our part.'

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Just now, John Lambies Doos said:

I'm still trying to determine whether this Sunday deadline is a 4 day opportunity for both EU and UK to mobilise their PR machine to announce an agreement that has already been reached. Or, it's genuinely a last gasp scramble to avoid an ever increasing No Deal Outcome.

'Life's a stage and we all play our part.'

I hope for all our sakes its the former.   Brexit was always going to be a disaster and I remain angry about it happening.

As much as it would be amusing for the racist thick morons who voted for it to reap what they sow a lot of innocent poor families are going to suffer  also.

For that reason alone I hope a deal can be reached.   Covid has already hit the poorest hard, a no deal brexit would be disastrous for so many people who don't deserve to suffer due to the incompetence of politicians and the large proportion of xenophobic morons that voted for it.

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Its also free to view in Guardian with the caveat that individual countries can manage tourist entry as they pretty much like.

It's just another example of an ingrained sense of superiority in the xenophobic wings of British society; just like Blofeld, in 1971 Diamonds are Forever, when he described Bonds 'England' as insignificant.

Britain will be a 3rd Country, no different from El Salvador, and despite having a 90 day travel agreement - EU countries can do what the f**k they want with said borders despite Britain citing incredulity.


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11 hours ago, Antlion said:

Mind Laura K telling us that the next 24 hours would be crucial on Sunday? Well apparently now the deadline is next Sunday. And if progress hasn’t been made nor a decision taken by then, you can bet your backside that ... the following 48 hours will probably be crucial.

Hot take. 

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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

I hope for all our sakes its the former.   Brexit was always going to be a disaster and I remain angry about it happening.

As much as it would be amusing for the racist thick morons who voted for it to reap what they sow a lot of innocent poor families are going to suffer  also.

For that reason alone I hope a deal can be reached.   Covid has already hit the poorest hard, a no deal brexit would be disastrous for so many people who don't deserve to suffer due to the incompetence of politicians and the large proportion of xenophobic morons that voted for it.

Can I just confirm, I don't think we've spoke but going by the above you'd be strongly against Scottish Independence, am I correct in that assumption? 

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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

I hope for all our sakes its the former.   Brexit was always going to be a disaster and I remain angry about it happening.

As much as it would be amusing for the racist thick morons who voted for it to reap what they sow a lot of innocent poor families are going to suffer  also.

For that reason alone I hope a deal can be reached.   Covid has already hit the poorest hard, a no deal brexit would be disastrous for so many people who don't deserve to suffer due to the incompetence of politicians and the large proportion of xenophobic morons that voted for it.

I hope a deal can be reached, too, but either way there's going to be huge disruption from Jan 1 and an economic hit. Doing a trade deal doesn't alter the fact that customs declarations will have to be made, or that we lose freedom of movement. If there's no deal I can see the government unilaterally setting UK tariffs on a lot of food  items to zero, at least for a transitional period, and basically just waving stuff through the ports.

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I think the economic impact between No Deal and a cobbled together deal will be minimal, they will both be very damaging.  I recognise the issue of the effect on the most vulnerable but that is going to happen anyway.  Better a No Deal and the lying c***s exposed.

The onus will be on those of us who give a shit to help out as best we can with those who will struggle most.

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5 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I think the economic impact between No Deal and a cobbled together deal will be minimal, they will both be very damaging.  I recognise the issue of the effect on the most vulnerable but that is going to happen anyway.  Better a No Deal and the lying c***s exposed.

The onus will be on those of us who give a shit to help out as best we can with those who will struggle most.

I generally agree, though I suspect that the impact of no deal might be less (though still shite) than some of the more hyperbolic remainers have suggested, meaning the brexiteers won't accept they were wrong.

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22 minutes ago, bendan said:

I generally agree, though I suspect that the impact of no deal might be less (though still shite) than some of the more hyperbolic remainers have suggested, meaning the brexiteers won't accept they were wrong.

There's no way to convincingly untangle the economic effects of covid and brexit, so they won't admit tgat brexit has caused any harm. 

99% of economist will be able to model the effects of brexit but they will probably come up with a range, say 5-15%of GDP. As with climate science /denial this will be taken to be a sign of uncertainty. So when some partisan biased twat who isn't even a trade economist (aka Patrick Minford) publishes a study saying we'd have been worse off in the EU that will be reported on Newsnight and in all the papers as an equally valid view. 

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2 hours ago, Tynierose said:

I hope for all our sakes its the former.   Brexit was always going to be a disaster and I remain angry about it happening.

As much as it would be amusing for the racist thick morons who voted for it to reap what they sow a lot of innocent poor families are going to suffer  also.

For that reason alone I hope a deal can be reached.   Covid has already hit the poorest hard, a no deal brexit would be disastrous for so many people who don't deserve to suffer due to the incompetence of politicians and the large proportion of xenophobic morons that voted for it.

This. So much this.

Throughout my life, I've seen election results which have dismayed me (1983 being an outstanding example) as the GBP used their vote as a form of self-harm. There was always hope that experience would lead to a change in leadership, and perhaps some repair to the damage done. Admittedly, in my lifetime that has mainly meant a slowing of the deterioration of our society rather than any marked improvement, but hope springs eternal, and all that..

This shitshow is on a whole different level. I'm in my mid-50s, and speaking honestly and with as much objectivity as I can muster, the rest of my life is going to be blighted by this monumental mistake - unless, optimistically, I last long enough to get a telemessage from Lizzie or whichever chinless cúnt has taken over by then.

The most ironic thing about it is that the thick, racist, bigots who have darkened a polling booth for probably the only time in their lives are going to see a lot more of those brown people who are the immigrantrs that they really don't like. As you say, it would be funny if so, so many innocents were not going to suffer and, yes, die because of their ill-informed prejudice and willingness to "get it right up the lefties".

The latest PR coming from WM is that if Johnson pulls something out of the fire, then things might not be as bad as if he doesn't . "Sunlit Uplands", anyone?

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1 hour ago, Stormzy said:

Can I just confirm, I don't think we've spoke but going by the above you'd be strongly against Scottish Independence, am I correct in that assumption? 

Do us a favour, wee man - sit down and shut the fúck up while the grown-ups are talking, OK?

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23 minutes ago, coprolite said:

There's no way to convincingly untangle the economic effects of covid and brexit, so they won't admit tgat brexit has caused any harm. 

99% of economist will be able to model the effects of brexit but they will probably come up with a range, say 5-15%of GDP. As with climate science /denial this will be taken to be a sign of uncertainty. So when some partisan biased twat who isn't even a trade economist (aka Patrick Minford) publishes a study saying we'd have been worse off in the EU that will be reported on Newsnight and in all the papers as an equally valid view. 

There is if you're willing to actually think about it, rather than relying on Laura k, Peston and the Heil to tell you what to think. We're not turning Kent into a lorry park because of Covid, for example.

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