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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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6 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The FBPE in melt masses are delighted with this but haven't seemed to consider that they still need her to voluntarily bring forward a Statutory Instrument changing the leaving date in the next 11 days or it's No Deal.

^^^ word salad


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It'll be interesting to see how May will react to this publicly.
The FBPE  melt masses are delighted with this but haven't seemed to consider that they still need her to voluntarily bring forward a Statutory Instrument changing the leaving date in the next 11 days or it's No Deal.

^^^ word salad
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7 minutes ago, Detournement said:

It'll be interesting to see how May will react to this publicly.

The FBPE in melt masses are delighted with this but haven't seemed to consider that they still need her to voluntarily bring forward a Statutory Instrument changing the leaving date in the next 11 days or it's No Deal.

If the EU says No to the extension in some way (people keep mentioning Italy) will she be able to bring herself to try to revoke Article 50 when it will probably irrevocably split her party? That's definitely the scary angle to all of this.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
5 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

If the EU says No to the extension in some way (people keep mentioning Italy) will she be able to bring herself to try to revoke Article 50 when it will probably irrevocably split her party? That's definitely the scary angle to all of this.

May, and the Tories in general, will NOT revoke article 50. 

I also seriously doubt if Labour would do that in the case of winning a GE. 

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1 minute ago, Jedi said:

Think the EU will have to agree an extension, but probably only on the condition that a 2nd Ref is held.

...which would need to be voted through parliament next week as well and is probably the only way out of this mess. Think that condition has to be seen as coming from the EU this week and being accepted reluctantly by Westminster, because neither the Tories or Labour will take the initiative on that for fear of alienating Leave voters. Fingers crossed there is no EU government equivalent of the DUP with an agenda of their own that can't be satisfied before the clocks runs down to zero or we could still get No Deal.

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3 hours ago, Spain said:

Declaring himself Emperor and then immediately executint Order 66? Rules don't seem to apply anymore.


2 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Parliament really is just about maintaining kayfabe isn't it? You can do any old shit as long as you can try and maintain a semblance of traditional legitimacy.

Brexit on a pole match is the only way to go now.

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Mogg now officially backing No Deal on the 29th March, which will presumably be the position of the rest of his oiks.

Reliant on the EU saving us now, really. Either with some fudge that permits the deal to go in front of the House, or by allowing an extension.

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8 minutes ago, Donathan said:

The EU won’t reject an extension, a no deal would be an outright disaster for them.

But they’ll certainly try to push for a second referendum which is the ideal outcome IMO

It really isn't. 

Second referendum is only slightly better than No Deal and might result in it any way. The only way to get out of this mess is to revoke article 50 and just cancel Brexit. Brexiteers have had their chance and completely blown it.

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9 minutes ago, Donathan said:

The EU won’t reject an extension, a no deal would be an outright disaster for them.

But they’ll certainly try to push for a second referendum which is the ideal outcome IMO


How do you know?

The EU are 27 countries. It will only take 1 to reject an extension.

A second referendum might not resolve anything.

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1 minute ago, sparky88 said:

Second referendum is only slightly better than No Deal and might result in it any way. The only way to get out of this mess is to revoke article 50 and just cancel Brexit. Brexiteers have had their chance and completely blown it.

Except they aren't going to go away and will keep droning on about the voters being betrayed. Very few people thought Brexit would mean a No Deal cliff edge back in 2016, so it's reasonable to hold a vote confirming that's what the electorate really want given it has been impossible to reach a withdrawal deal that could be approved by Westminster. If they lose, there's no issue with democracy at that point.

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5 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
9 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:
How do you know?
The EU are 27 countries. It will only take 1 to reject an extension.
A second referendum might not resolve anything.

If the Germans want an extension there will be an extension



The EU has consistently said this week that it’s waiting for a reasoned request from the UK for an extension and they haven’t received one yet.

Any decision on how long an extension would be would have to be taken at next week's EU summit in Brussels. All 27 EU leaders would have to unanimously agree to grant an extension and on its length.

Ironically, despite Brexit being about taking back control, the EU has the final say on an extension.

The EU has made much of its own unity during the Brexit process but when it comes to the extension debate, it’s far more fractured.

As it stands, no request has been made by the UK and, as yet, the EU doesn’t know what reasons the UK would give for requiring one.

And that won’t become clear while Britain's Parliament remains so divided.


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Tories have stuck a newly appointed junior minister to explain what's happening next, and it's like the fat kid getting bullied on Lord of the Flies when none of the people giving him a hard time know what's happening either.

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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Tories have stuck a newly appointed junior minister to explain what's happening next, and it's like the fat kid getting bullied on Lord of the Flies when none of the people giving him a hard time know what's happening either.



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Guest Bob Mahelp

For every ancient, arcane rule in the HoC, there's an ancient, arcane workaround. 

The government just need to work out what it is. I suspect that this vote will still go ahead in some shape or form, and I suspect even more strongly that it will pass this time.....as Brexit nutcases are ever more aware of their twisted dream slipping through their fingers.

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It's not fully clear yet whether Bercow's intervention helps or hinders No Deal on the 29th and there may not be a work around that can be used on the very limited time frame that is left.  There is a very real chance that the Conservative party is about to split into its Leave and Remain wings and will be unable to function any longer as a credible governing party in its current form, so if anything untoward happens on the extension from the EU they may not act rationally in the way most of us would want them to. Grab the popcorn basically and stock up on tinned goods just in case...

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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How do you know?
The EU are 27 countries. It will only take 1 to reject an extension.
A second referendum might not resolve anything.

This exactly

I struggle to see the EU granting any extension at the moment however the idea of a 2 year extension thereby allowing for the next General Election seems to be touted about so I’d be interested to see what happens there.

I also don’t think a second ref would do anything. I’m not against it but I still think the majority would vote leave again despite anything other than a No Deal being pretty much impossible.
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