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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Michael Portillo predicting May's resignation in a couple of weeks, a long extension to Article 50 under a placeholder PM and the complete implosion of the Tory party made for absolutely sumptuous viewing on This Week


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Let's not split hairs eh?  For generations the extent to which "normal" human rights were applicable in Ireland was at the behest of the church. 

Wasn’t that Kinc’s point, that Eire has lagged behind England & Wales on LGBT rights for generations under the powerful influence of the Church? Things may well be changing (inc the thorny issue of abortion), but let’s not pretend that the Republic has been some sort of progressive liberal Utopia just because it happens to be a *member of the EU, *which in itself was in question only recently.
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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

That petition is bargain basement slacktivism. If you want to do something useful, get your Tory and Labour MPs kicked out at the next election. Donate time and shoe leather.

A rubbish hot take given that the next election likely won't happen until the initial terms of the UK's exit have already been decided by Parliament. 

I don't think that revocation is a serious likelihood, now that the EU has given Parliament enough breathing space to take over the process next week, but the idea that a two million strong petition doesn't strengthen the hand of MPs right now is ridiculous. Just because it's easy to do doesn't make it any less effective.  


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4 hours ago, dorlomin said:

That will not give them time for a general election if they vote down Mays deal on Monday). Its a very carefully considered box they have set up. The deal on the table or very clear steps such as either a new referendum, a new general election or something pretty meaty the EU can put a second time box around. 

"May's deal" is also the EU's deal.  They have given her a huge stick to take into parliament with to beat the Brexiters "its me, no deal or no Brexit" but also a small breathing space for parliament to throw its weight behind a second referendum. They have all the cards and seem to be playing a decent enough game with them. 27 countries each with a veto and they have seemingly crafted a stop gap solution to line up their three options for the UK with no real wiggle room for a renegotiation (without something as substantial as a huge change in the UKs negotiating terms). 

That is technically true but it was never what the EU wanted.  The deal was put together to accommodate May's 'Red Lines'.  They would have far preferred something closer to what Corbyn was proposing.

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20 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:

Wasn’t that Kinc’s point, that Eire has lagged behind England & Wales on LGBT rights for generations under the powerful influence of the Church? Things may well be changing (inc the thorny issue of abortion), but let’s not pretend that the Republic has been some sort of progressive liberal Utopia just because it happens to be a *member of the EU, *which in itself was in question only recently.

No. Did either you or him watch the programme? She held up 2 passports - British and Irish. She described herself as European first because without Europe, she would not enjoy the human rights that she does. This is because the Republic was a fucking backwater for progression and as we know, Northern Ireland is also riddled with obfuscation as a result of faith based politics. 

Both parts of Ireland are more progressive than they would otherwise have been because of the EU. The broader point being made is that removing the UK from the EU creates an environment for right wing or otherwise conservative arseholes to row back on human rights across a whole range of areas.  The actual point made was that the passports she held didn't matter a f**k but it seems to be much more difficult to set that out than it should be when every element is reviewed through one or other of the sectarian lenses before rational thought is allowed to kick in. 

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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Brexit in some form is happening. If you don't like that then your energy is best spent campaigning to replace Brexity MPs with ones who will help us rejoin the EU. Like Scottish independence it is now a long term project.

I'd be pleasantly surprised if that petition site has led to a single change in law.

There's no guarantee of anything happening right now never mind Brexit coming to pass. Your initial claim was that signing a petition was a form of 'slacktivism' - so your current argument that people should 'spend' the same energy canvassing on doorsteps doesn't stack up. If it's so easy to sign a petition then there's absolutely nothing to stop people from choosing to do that as well; it isn't a binary choice.

The bottom line here is that lots of old men like yelling at the cloud of doing things online rather than in 'real life' because that might validate their preferred method of political engagement and put them on a pedestal as the seriously engaged citizens in the room. It doesn't and they're not though. 

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I was going to post this on the Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves thread, but it's got to be much more than petty.

Every TV & radio news channel has them - so called experts. There's no escape from political correspondents, European correspondents, Brexit correspondents all of whom claim to in the know regarding the latest brexit happenings.

The BBC News at 1 has just introduced their Reality Check correspondent - Chris Morris, to enlighten us all. What a load of crap.

These so called experts/correspondents/reporters have one thing in common :

They all know f**k all .

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2 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

I was going to post this on the Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves thread, but it's got to be much more than petty.

Every TV & radio news channel has them - so called experts. There's no escape from political correspondents, European correspondents, Brexit correspondents all of whom claim to in the know regarding the latest brexit happenings.

The BBC News at 1 has just introduced their Reality Check correspondent - Chris Morris, to enlighten us all. What a load of crap.

These so called experts/correspondents/reporters have one thing in common :

They all know f**k all .

You're right. They would be as well having Mystic Meg on to give us her predictions.

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Not sure if this has been posted but how funny is Tusk, he should be doing stand up !!

French President Emmanuel Macron said he thought she had a chance of 10% of having her deal approved but after listening to her he had cut his estimate to 5%, Reuters news agency said.

European Council President Donald Tusk replied that Mr Macron was being "very optimistic", it reported.

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6 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

I was going to post this on the Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves thread, but it's got to be much more than petty.

Every TV & radio news channel has them - so called experts. There's no escape from political correspondents, European correspondents, Brexit correspondents all of whom claim to in the know regarding the latest brexit happenings.

The BBC News at 1 has just introduced their Reality Check correspondent - Chris Morris, to enlighten us all. What a load of crap.

These so called experts/correspondents/reporters have one thing in common :

They all know f**k all .

Image result for chris morris and peter o'hanraha-hanrahan

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1 hour ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

I think May must now be up there in the worst PM of all time list. Utterly hopeless. She should resign now and let someone with some degree of capability take over as leader and PM.

Worst in what regard ?  In that she now risks seriously imperillng the UK economy and the future living standards of its people ?  Or that she places the narrow, sectarian interests of both herself and the Tory Party above what is best for the nation ?  Maybe it's her continuing obsession with  prosecuting the result of an advisory referendum which was an affront to democracy.

Or maybe it's simply that she has now made the transition from being the nasty, right-wing, stubborn, stupid politician of renown to a risible, internationally discredited and ridiculed buffoon.

Still, if her legacy is to drive a stake thro the heart of the Conservative Party it may all have been worth it.

Edited by O'Kelly Isley III
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