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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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16 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

You can see by my avatar what I want tae happen.
I would presume there will be nae Barnett formula when we are independent.


6 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

That's avoiding the issue.

Do you think that the Barnett Formula and block grant should be abolished now? Do you think that it's a bad deal for Scotland? If so, how would the Scottish Government and the SNP's MPs improve on it?

If Sturgeon calls another IndyRef, is the Smith Commission deal (including Barnet Formula and block grant) dead?

Do you think that Trident in Scotland is a guid idea?
Do you think bombing ISIS  is a guid idea.
Do you think paying billions of £'s for a new English railway line is a guid idea?
We have tae accept these things for a formula & block grant.

That's avoiding the issue. Do you think that the Barnett Formula and block grant should be abolished now?
Of course I want the Barnett Formula & Block Grant abolished and replaced with Scotland keeping her own revenues.
That way we can pay tae Westminster whit we think they should get, then come Independence - Freedom :lol:

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13 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

There's a bloody site mair than three estates in Scotland and I can remember yonks ago Maggie Thatcher saying if ye want independence then elect indy MPs.
Whitever happened tae that idea?

ps: I ken whit ye mean by three estates but I thought there were at least four?

Those MPs were only elected on the basis that independence would be put to a vote. thats why there's plenty no voters voting for the SNP.

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4 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

What about the liabilities? Any independence deal will be a complex negotiation.

But it will finished and implemented within 18 months as Salmond assured us in the last independence White Paper. :rolleyes:

The liabilities wont be as large as the msm like to make out. We won't be taking QE and there's loads of debt that did not benefit Scotland in the slightest. What would your timeframe be ? I'd hazard a guess that we would have been independent within the timeframe, maybe 2 years instead of 18 months. 

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10 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

Sturgeon's response included this quote from the BBC website - "It is now crystal clear that the promises made to Scotland by the UK government about the Sewel Convention and the importance of embedding it in statute were not worth the paper they were written on."

That's a bizarre statement. The Sewel Convention applies when Westminster legislates on a matter that is devolved to Holyrood. Foreign Policy, including EU Membership, is not devolved in any way. The Sewel Convention (1998) has never been embedded in statute and I can't recall any UK Government promise to do so.

I might be mis-remembering, but did the SNP not propose an amedndment to the SA2016 that would have done just that?  Mundell said it was not required as the Sewell convention already assured the permanence of the Scottish Parliament.

How quickly the lies have come unspun.

Edited by Crossbill
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Just now, Wee Willie said:


Do you think that Trident in Scotland is a guid idea?
Do you think bombing ISIS  is a guid idea.
Do you think paying billions of £'s for a new English railway line is a guid idea?
We have tae accept these things for a formula & block grant.

That's avoiding the issue. Do you think that the Barnett Formula and block grant should be abolished now?
Of course I want the Barnett Formula & Block Grant abolished and replaced with Scotland keeping her own revenues.
That way we can pay tae Westminster whit we think they should get, then come Independence - Freedom :lol:

No to those 3 questions. 

However, Scotland's budget deficit is a big independence issue that will not go away.

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7 minutes ago, Antlion said:

It won't stop the BritNats attempting it. Indeed, I see the usual suspects on this thread are already weighing in in their fight against Scottish statehood; they must realise that the stark reality of regionhood is being writ large and publicly today.

*insert Alan partridge shrug gif here

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18 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

There's a bloody site mair than three estates in Scotland and I can remember yonks ago Maggie Thatcher saying if ye want independence then elect indy MPs.
Whitever happened tae that idea?

ps: I ken whit ye mean by three estates but I thought there were at least four?

Scottish parliament,Scottish assembly and the lord lyon is the only three that matter

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1 minute ago, Bishop Briggs said:

No to those 3 questions. 

However, Scotland's budget deficit is a big independence issue that will not go away.

Our budget is the way it precisely because we are tied to a wasteful and quite frankly financially useless country. We do not have borrowing power and only very recently got minimal financial powers. You'd rather we continued this with no hope of making it better. Well done you, Mr Sensible.

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9 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

What about the liabilities? Any independence deal will be a complex negotiation.

But it will finished and implemented within 18 months as Salmond assured us in the last independence White Paper. :rolleyes:

England can keep Trident and that should be worth a bob or two.
They will also need all the warships and warplanes tae police the world sans Scotland

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Just now, AUFC90 said:

The liabilities wont be as large as the msm like to make out. We won't be taking QE and there's loads of debt that did not benefit Scotland in the slightest. What would your timeframe be ? I'd hazard a guess that we would have been independent within the timeframe, maybe 2 years instead of 18 months. 

The currency issue will take longer to sort out. If the SNP wants a currency union, an independent Scotland will have to take on its share of the UK's debts. Without a currency union, an independent Scotland will need to set up its own central bank and currency.

Then there are all the British regulatory bodies and government agencies. An independent Scotland would need to legislate for and set up its own equivalents. In the meantime, it would have negotiate contracts to use the UK's organisations.

My guess is 3 to 5 years minimum. Scotland's divorce from the UK will be much more complex than Britain leaving the EU. 

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2 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

England can keep Trident and that should be worth a bob or two.
They will also need all the warships and warplanes tae police the world sans Scotland

This. If they want our share of billions of pound of military assets that we didn't need but paid for anyway then they'll have to stump up the cash.

Edited by AUFC90
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1 minute ago, Bishop Briggs said:

The currency issue will take longer to sort out. If the SNP wants a currency union, an independent Scotland will have to take on its share of the UK's debts. Without a currency union, an independent Scotland will need to set up its own central bank and currency.

Then there are all the British regulatory bodies and government agencies. An independent Scotland would need to legislate for and set up its own equivalents. In the meantime, it would have negotiate contracts to use the UK's organisations.

My guess is 3 to 5 years minimum. Scotland's divorce from the UK will be much more complex than Britain leaving the EU. 

If you say so, you voted for a side that currently don't have a single bullet point worth of a plan wrote down anywhere.

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1 minute ago, AUFC90 said:

This. If they want our share of billions of pound of military assets that we don't but paid for anyway then they'll have to stump up the cash.

If that's the way it's gonna be then I'm first in line.
I'm partial tae a broon envelope and I widnae mind a backhander - cash that is and no the other :lol:

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Just now, AUFC90 said:

If you say so, you voted for a side that currently don't have a single bullet point worth of a plan wrote down anywhere.

That's nonsense. The plan exists but has not been published yet.

IIRC the Government promised that the plan will be published within a few weeks, before Article 50 is invoked.


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1 minute ago, Wee Willie said:

If that's the way it's gonna be then I'm first in line.
I'm partial tae a broon envelope and I widnae mind a backhander - cash that is and no the other :lol:

They'll just take it aff your debt that your flatmate ran up in your name.

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Just now, Bishop Briggs said:

That's nonsense. The plan exists but has not been published yet.

IIRC the Government promised that the plan will be published within a few weeks, before Article 50 is invoked.


Government advisers furiously scribbling everywhere. Overtime galore.

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1 minute ago, AUFC90 said:

Government advisers furiously scribbling everywhere. Overtime galore.

Probably over the last few months. Cameron and Osborne were sure that their Remain campaign would win and did not even bother to plan for a Leave victory.

Gideon's reward is a well-paid consulting job with a huge fund manager. Enoch Powell famously said that all political careers end in failure. In Osborne's case, it is a filthy lucrative failure.

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39 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

There's a bloody site mair than three estates in Scotland and I can remember yonks ago Maggie Thatcher saying if ye want independence then elect indy MPs.
Whitever happened tae that idea?

ps: I ken whit ye mean by three estates but I thought there were at least four?


18 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

Scottish parliament,Scottish assembly and the lord lyon is the only three that matter

Come Indy and if I'm in charge then that c**t is for the chop - literally.
And surely it's better tae have the fourth estate on your side?

Is Scottish parliament & Scottish Assembly no the same?
According tae wiki they are.

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