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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Tear-stained pish? It's the Remainers who are greeting their eyes out. [emoji38]
If Sturgeon wants independence, let's get on with IndyRef2. But wait a moment, referendums can't be trusted any more... :rolleyes:

You're literally jumping on every single post on the politics forum that's remotely critical of Brexit. It's almost like you're personally offended by it.

Utterly bizarre behaviour.

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1 minute ago, jupe1407 said:


You're literally jumping on every single post on the politics forum that's remotely critical of Brexit. It's almost like you're personally offended by it.

Utterly bizarre behaviour.


Is that nonsense the best you can offer? It's the likes you who is personally offended by any criticism of the SNP or Sturgeon. No one is allowed to deviate from the party line. If you do, the thought police are on your back pronto.

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Is that nonsense the best you can offer? It's the likes you who is personally offended by any criticism of the SNP or Sturgeon. No one is allowed to deviate from the party line. If you do, the thought police are on your back pronto.


I'm not even a member of the party you fucking imbecile.

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38 minutes ago, WILLIEA said:

Sometimes it is best to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

Same thing applies to typing on internet forums.

Please take note!

so who are you crediting with the quote. It's either abe lincoln or sam clemens, or even the biblical proverb 17:28 new international version or the king james version. but they are certainly not your own words. another cutnpaste eh

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I did not say that you were. You quoted from the manifesto, the party line. 
It's you who is the fucking imbecile. 

Are you actually suggesting that using an excerpt from a party's manifesto to piss all over your half-arsed point (whatever it was) is toeing the party line? Really?

Fucking hell, you're simple.
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2 minutes ago, jupe1407 said:


Are you actually suggesting that using an excerpt from a party's manifesto to piss all over your half-arsed point (whatever it was) is toeing the party line? Really?

Fucking hell, you're simple.


Keep digging yourself into that hole! :lol:

An anger-management course might help deal with your obvious issues.

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1 hour ago, Bishop Briggs said:

I'm positive that real Scottish independence and self-government will deliver prosperity. Staying in the EU and keeping the Pound (economic control by the Bank of England) will not.

I'm not defending Westminster, just advocating the result of the referendum should be respected and implemented. Two in SNP voters voted to Leave the EU. Are they defenders of Westminster too. Or does it just suit the interests of Remain supporters to smear them as such.

So you are such a big supporter of Scottish independence. You must then recognise the need to gain that independence, prior to Scotland having its own conversation about the EU.

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4 hours ago, Bishop Briggs said:

Like it or not, it was the result was decided by the majority of voters in that "union of nations".

True democrats respect the results of referendums according to the laws that enabled snd governed them. 

Like it or not, the SNP is a Scottish national party, which respects the results of the Scottish electorate. Damn their eyes, right? Imagine not embracing the UK as a single entity. Sacrilege!

As to the laws which enable and govern referenda, I refer you to it being a non-binding advisory ballot, and no more.

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20 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

So you are such a big supporter of Scottish independence. You must then recognise the need to gain that independence, prior to Scotland having its own conversation about the EU.

There was such a conversation before the independence referendum in 2014.

The SNP lied in the White Paper about Scotland being allowed to join, without going through the application process, on independence day.

It continued to repeat those even after the EU Vice-President refuted them, in a letter to the Scottish Parliament's Chair of the European Committee, in March 2014.

It's difficult to have a conversation on EU membership when your Government has lied repeatedly about the EU's Treaties.

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