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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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12 minutes ago, McSpreader said:



If you revel in negativity your life will be negative and all your interactions will be negative. It will become a self fulfilling prophesy.

I prefer to..


Aye! We know you are a happy clapper type!

Meanwhile in the real world?

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12 minutes ago, WILLIEA said:

Is that just speculation?

Would be disastrous if true.

Yes it is a bit speculative in fairness, he claims he's over there sharing best practice on patient safety with top college hospitals.....

While also meeting US pharmaceutical firms to see how they can "expand their partnerships."

Worth remembering:


Jeremy Hunt co-authored a policy pamphlet that called for the NHS to be replaced by an insurance system.

The 2005 policy book, called Direct Democracy: An Agenda For A New Model Party, was a collection of writings authored by a group of Tory MPs.

Amongst other ideas, the book contained a blueprint for replacing the NHS with an insurance market system – and called for the private sector to be brought in.

 Feel free to think it's fine though.

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I'm not convinced Rob knows what 'insular' means.

Myopic, parochial, narrow minded, provincial, inward looking, petty, intolerant, take your pick Gordon? It seems a perfectly apt description of the more anti-British spit and bile you can read between these pages.
Some never pass up the opportunity to knock the UK.
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13 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:


Myopic, parochial, narrow minded, provincial, inward looking, petty, intolerant, take your pick Gordon? It seems a perfectly apt description of the more anti-British spit and bile you can read between these pages.
Some never pass up the opportunity to knock the UK.

...and some never pass up the opportunity to knock their country Scotland.

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...and some never pass up the opportunity to knock their country Scotland.

Not me Willy, well apart from the people running the show at the moment, but surely it's everyone's right to knock the Government, if they disagree with their policies!?
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Not me Willy, well apart from the people running the show at the moment, but surely it's everyone's right to knock the Government, if they disagree with their policies!?

Just don't knock Britannia if you disagree with its policies though.
Then you are fair game for snidey name calling.
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3 hours ago, WILLIEA said:

Aye! We know you are a happy clapper type!

Meanwhile in the real world?

I'm not a member of  The Church of Doom and Gloom  like yerself, that's for sure.

No-one has a crystal ball, as has been said, so our future is what we make of it.

The negativity within the UK will encourage the EU to attempt to negotiate a poor deal for the UK therefore so, as I said, your negative attitude will be a self serving prophesy.

Luckily there are people such as myself who can see a through the dead wood of Remain to the sunny, fertile uplands of a post -Brexit  future world.

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1 hour ago, RedRob72 said:


Myopic, parochial, narrow minded, provincial, inward looking, petty, intolerant, take your pick Gordon? It seems a perfectly apt description of the more anti-British spit and bile you can read between these pages.
Some never pass up the opportunity to knock the UK.


Yeah, none of those necessarily apply to someone who is critical or even constantly critical of the UK.

You're not a 'citizen of the world' because your world ends at Dover instead of Gretna.

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I'm not a member of  The Church of Doom and Gloom  like yerself, that's for sure.

No-one has a crystal ball, as has been said, so our future is what we make of it.

The negativity within the UK will encourage the EU to attempt to negotiate a poor deal for the UK therefore so, as I said, your negative attitude will be a self serving prophesy.

Luckily there are people such as myself who can see a through the dead wood of Remain to the sunny, fertile uplands of a post -Brexit  future world.


Populated by murderous, gun toting robots?


I see a future of an independent Scotland as part of the EU with the common goal of improving the lives of all its member citizens through improving the weaker economies, sharing of science and art/culture, common food safety&security, protection of the environment and workers rights.


Of course I'm "insular"

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Myopic, parochial, narrow minded, provincial, inward looking, petty, intolerant, take your pick Gordon? It seems a perfectly apt description of the more anti-British spit and bile you can read between these pages.

Some never pass up the opportunity to knock the UK.


Literally it means relating to an island. It's used figuratively for isolationism, which ultimately shares the same Latin root.


In the case of Britnats and Sinn Feiners it makes sense on both levels


It's etymologically related to peninsula (a bit of land that's nearly but not quite an island). So presumably Peninsularity must be a real word as well, for example for the refusal to set foot outside of Fife


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23 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


Literally it means relating to an island. It's used figuratively for isolationism, which ultimately shares the same Latin root.


In the case of Britnats and Sinn Feiners it makes sense on both levels


It's etymologically related to peninsula (a bit of land that's nearly but not quite an island). So presumably Peninsularity must be a real word as well, for example for the refusal to set foot outside of Fife


Or sofuckingobvious, that's the refusal to set foot in Fife.


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2 hours ago, DublinMagyar said:


Populated by murderous, gun toting robots?


I see a future of an independent Scotland as part of the EU with the common goal of improving the lives of all its member citizens through improving the weaker economies, sharing of science and art/culture, common food safety&security, protection of the environment and workers rights.


Of course I'm "insular"

The difference between us is I would like to see that across the world,not just Europe.

The EU is insular and discriminates against weaker economies in Asia, Africa the Caribbean etc by closing out their producers  and using it's economic power and wealth to protect it's own inefficient producers.

Sharing can be done outwith the EU, high standards can be maintained outwith the EU and workers rights are pretty meaningless for most workers with the free movement of cheap Labour, unless you work for the state in some capacity   and that you disingenuously choose not to accept that means you are , indeed, insular  and blinkered.

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5 hours ago, RedRob72 said:

Not me Willy, well apart from the people running the show at the moment, but surely it's everyone's right to knock the Government, if they disagree with their policies!?

I ken that Rob.
It's the c**ts on here that take great delight when anything disparaging is written about the Scottish economy or NHS or Education etc.
These buggers dinnae acknowledge that the Scottish Government has tae govern with one hand tied behind it's back.
And it's only through independence that the hand will be untied.
Fine they (and you) ken it.


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The difference between us is I would like to see that across the world,not just Europe.

The EU is insular and discriminates against weaker economies in Asia, Africa the Caribbean etc by closing out their producers  and using it's economic power and wealth to protect it's own inefficient producers.

Sharing can be done outwith the EU, high standards can be maintained outwith the EU and workers rights are pretty meaningless for most workers with the free movement of cheap Labour, unless you work for the state in some capacity   and that you disingenuously choose not to accept that means you are , indeed, insular  and blinkered.

Wrong, I'd like to see to the whole world under an improved EU (like) system. Followed by a United Federation of planets, but 1 step at a time eh?


Your system ensures that when the rich win, the poor lose out, of course you are to blinkered and insular to see that. (Are you Palpatine?)


How are workers rights in say, China? Vietnam? Malawi? Honduras?


Looks like we would like the same outcome but disagree on the path to Utopia, no?


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9 minutes ago, DublinMagyar said:

Wrong, I'd like to see to the whole world under an improved EU (like) system. Followed by a United Federation of planets, but 1 step at a time eh?


Your system ensures that when the rich win, the poor lose out, of course you are to blinkered and insular to see that. (Are you Palpatine?)


How are workers rights in say, China? Vietnam? Malawi? Honduras?


Looks like we would like the same outcome but disagree on the path to Utopia, no?


Do you really think the EU was set up for the people?

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