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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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This is exactly what happens when you try your best to totally fudge a solution to a problem that can't really be solved and sign up to something you don't understand. 

I agree it's ridiculous that these checks need to be in place on internal movements in the UK... but then I didn't sign off on the prototocol and therefore agree to it. 


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2 hours ago, speckled tangerine said:

It seems that the EU are calling the UK bluff on the grace period on certain imports into Norn Iron. The brexit agreement needs to be implemented by the end of June, as previously agreed or heavy tariffs and export bans on UK goods may well apply.

The Prime Minister may have carte blanche to do whatever he likes at home with that thumping majority, but in the real world it seems his policy of marking the brown demand letters coming through the door for him "gone away-not at this address" has very limited effectiveness.



I hope the EU follow through on what they’re claiming they might do.  As @Michael W says Johnson signed off on this; I would add, in great haste after an absolute shambles of a ‘negotiation’.

The Tories and their supporters are going to have to learn the price of the Brexit deal that Johnson agreed to.

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1 hour ago, Michael W said:

This is exactly what happens when you try your best to totally fudge a solution to a problem that can't really be solved and sign up to something you don't understand. 

I agree it's ridiculous that these checks need to be in place on internal movements in the UK... but then I didn't sign off on the prototocol and therefore agree to it. 


It wouldn't be so bad had it not been blindingly obvious since 24 June 2016. The NI Protocol is/was all that was left after both CU and SM were discounted on the basis that FoM was part and parcel. Everyone knew that. 

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1 hour ago, HTG said:

It wouldn't be so bad had it not been blindingly obvious since 24 June 2016. The NI Protocol is/was all that was left after both CU and SM were discounted on the basis that FoM was part and parcel. Everyone knew that. 

The Customs Union was never going to happen. If we'd stayed in the existing Customs Union the rest would've followed as you say. We could've tried to agree a separate CU along the lines of the EU-Turkey agreement, but this still requires a customs declarations so the Ireland issues would still be a problem unless we could've agreed that we wouldn't require them. Not sure that would happen based, so we'd end up needing GB-NI declarations in both directions to prevent a customs border in Ireland. Oddly that would be worse than the current declaration situation under the protocol. 

There's also the issue with being unable to agree new trade deals, which is the main benefit of Brexit. 

The only way around this really is to align withEU standards on food, which may allow a compromise. I haven't really seen any examples of us ditching them en masse, so it just looks like posturing as it stands. As I say, it is patently ridiculous that movements of goods within a country are problematic is this way, but if you sign up to it then that's what has to happen. 

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On 10/06/2021 at 17:03, Billy Jean King said:

Why are we sending sausages to NI when they should be awash with those disgusting, fatty, rusk filled Richmond fuckers.

We don't eat those free state sausages in this neck of the woods...

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1 hour ago, Tony Ferrino said:

Nothing weird about that.

Fewer sausages would do his waistline the world of good. 

Or perhaps he harbours ambitions horizontal to fit his jacket.

Unfortunately I don't ever see him growing into it vertically.

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13 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
17 minutes ago, speckled tangerine said:
Those Perthshire fields that vote for Murdo won't have any cattle in them once those hormone filled, pesticide cuts from OZ take over the shelves. 

Still vote Torys though


We have betrayed. We have been lied to. Our businesses are finished.......

But it would be much worse in an independent Scotland within the EU.

That covers it, aye?

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