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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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6 hours ago, WILLIEA said:

No ! Greece f*cked over Greece by their compete fiscal incompetence

Right, there's no denying McSpreader's a dick while Scotland and Greece is a ridiculous comparison on a multitude of levels so it's irrelevant to how the EU would treat Scotland, but Greece absolutely was fucked over by the EU. They were the guinea pig for the worst of the austerity, a sacrificial warning to Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain and indeed France of what would happen if they didn't tow Frankfurt's line. Refusing to let them default was an absolutely farcical decision that served the interests of no one but the Bundesbank.

The notion that Greece would be absolutely fine if they'd just made cuts sooner post-2008 and had an efficient bureaucracy that ensured all taxes were collected is based on a complete misunderstanding of the nature of the Eurozone crisis.

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1 hour ago, Cream Cheese said:

No they wouldn't. Scotland has never required a bail out from rUK and would never get one.

No, the rUK are good friends with the US Federal Reserves who dictate how borrowed money is allocated in the UK. Scotland quite clearly runs it's own economy you fool.

You've never heard of the Darien fiasco then. Dangleberry

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The EU listen.........Like it did to Greece !!!

The EU totally f*cked Greece over. Scotland is far less important than Greece and the EU would totally f*ck Scotland over before breakfast !

Having just returned from Greece most Greeks will tell you that it was their own politicians that fucked Greece over.

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2 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:



The words of a servile jacked up with Stockholm syndrome


You like the word 'servile' don't ya? And the 'Stockholm Syndrome' reference.You think that says it all don'tya?....Good for you ! Keeps you happy, bless!

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2 hours ago, Dunning1874 said:

Right, there's no denying McSpreader's a dick while Scotland and Greece is a ridiculous comparison on a multitude of levels so it's irrelevant to how the EU would treat Scotland, but Greece absolutely was fucked over by the EU. They were the guinea pig for the worst of the austerity, a sacrificial warning to Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain and indeed France of what would happen if they didn't tow Frankfurt's line. Refusing to let them default was an absolutely farcical decision that served the interests of no one but the Bundesbank.

The notion that Greece would be absolutely fine if they'd just made cuts sooner post-2008 and had an efficient bureaucracy that ensured all taxes were collected is based on a complete misunderstanding of the nature of the Eurozone crisis.

So you agree with me then call me a dick......f*cksake!

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43 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Well England and Wales lost the plot and voted for separation, so you never know.

The UK did not vote to join what was then a common market, a free trade area with relatively free movement of capital and services only. Grocer Heath signed the documents that took us into what morphed into the EU breaching the UK constitutional convention that requires a prior consultation of the people by a G.E. or a referendum on the basis that Parliament alone had passed the European Communities Bill. The lying b*****d always said it was only a trading arrangement. We know better now, I hope he is turning in his grave now. 

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Just now, topcat(The most tip top) said:



If you can interpret "ridiculous comparison on a multitude of levels" as agreement then surely you could use the same technique to take "utter dick" as a compliment.


That wasn't the bit he agreed with me on ......and he's wrong about that anyway. Scotland has a fiscal imbalance comparable to Greece and no economic muscle or political influence, just like Greece. I don't know why you all kid yourselves we're this major economic powerhouse. Get real.

As for the 'utter dick' insult.....doesn't take a genius to work out where that comment fits best.

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5 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:


Another of your favourite and  yet totally ineffective, infantile insults. You need to learn some new words cuz this is just too pathetic .

Being insulted by you is like being savaged by a dead sheep.....Or should that be  savaged by a dead Lambies Doos, ha ha !

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30 minutes ago, hehawhehaw said:

The UK did not vote to join what was then a common market, a free trade area with relatively free movement of capital and services only. Grocer Heath signed the documents that took us into what morphed into the EU breaching the UK constitutional convention that requires a prior consultation of the people by a G.E. or a referendum on the basis that Parliament alone had passed the European Communities Bill. The lying b*****d always said it was only a trading arrangement. We know better now, I hope he is turning in his grave now. 

And sothe EU did not force the UK into anything. Elected UK politicians and successive UK governments embraced the EU wholeheartedly over decades. The sick man of Europe entered entered the EU (rather than just the common market) in a similar fashion to Scotland entering the UK. Politicians did what they wanted (although the UK's were chosen by the electorate, who continued decade after decade to elect pro-EU parties).

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2 minutes ago, Antlion said:

And sothe EU did not force the UK into anything. Elected UK politicians and successive UK governments embraced the EU wholeheartedly over decades. The sick man of Europe entered entered the EU (rather than just the common market) in a similar fashion to Scotland entering the UK. Politicians did what they wanted (although the UK's were chosen by the electorate, who continued decade after decade to elect pro-EU parties).

Ah what a wonderful trick to pull off. Woolgathering and distracted electors continually being ignored by self serving and dissembling politicians.

Grocer Heath was more interested in The UK losing global influence than a fucked and skint Country (Scotland) embracing the realities of economics and reluctantly conjoin with their wealthy cousins south of the border. 

As soon as Ukip appeared the people of this country used their presence to shake the self serving baby-kissers and hand-shakers into promising the chance of, what they thought they would never have to consent to,the manumission of this Country. Fecking brilliant.

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