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4 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Didn’t Wings claim that independence was dead for a generation after the SNP lost their majority and had to rely on the Greens?

What would that have to do with facts and figures, I don't agree with his opinions on Twatter so I'm not desperate to agree with them elsewhere without my own input.

Edited by ayrmad
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2 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Didn’t Wings claim that independence was dead for a generation after the SNP lost their majority and had to rely on the Greens?


Till 2021 apparently. https://wingsoverscotland.com/dont-say-we-didnt-tell-you/

Where does the word "generation" appear in the Wings article referenced? As far as I can see, it doesn't.

The actual quotes you appear to be conflating are "independence is now categorically and unequivocally off the table for at least half a decade" and "even if the rUK votes to leave the EU and Scotland votes overwhelmingly to stay in, there will be no indyref before the next Holyrood election in 2021"

Obviously, I hope that his prediction is incorrect in this instance, but it's hardly an example of something that he's posted that has been refuted or proved incorrect about.

(If I've missed the announcement that the Maybot is going to grant a Section 30 order this afternoon, I'm going to look pretty daft now!)

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7 minutes ago, lichtgilphead said:

Where does the word "generation" appear in the Wings article referenced? As far as I can see, it doesn't.

The actual quotes you appear to be conflating are "independence is now categorically and unequivocally off the table for at least half a decade" and "even if the rUK votes to leave the EU and Scotland votes overwhelmingly to stay in, there will be no indyref before the next Holyrood election in 2021"

Obviously, I hope that his prediction is incorrect in this instance, but it's hardly an example of something that he's posted that has been refuted or proved incorrect about.

(If I've missed the announcement that the Maybot is going to grant a Section 30 order this afternoon, I'm going to look pretty daft now!)


That's why I edited the post to clarify. The implication in his article is that "independence is now categorically and unequivocally off the table for at least half a decade" and "even if the rUK votes to leave the EU and Scotland votes overwhelmingly to stay in, there will be no indyref before the next Holyrood election in 2021" because of the Greens. Do you agree with that?

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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:


That's why I edited the post to clarify. The implication in his article is that "independence is now categorically and unequivocally off the table for at least half a decade" and "even if the rUK votes to leave the EU and Scotland votes overwhelmingly to stay in, there will be no indyref before the next Holyrood election in 2021" because of the Greens. Do you agree with that?

OK, I think I get your point now. You are suggesting that Wings was wrong because he predicted in May 2016 that the Greens would block the SNP from even asking for Indyref2. 

Yeah, you're right. That part of his prediction was incorrect. The Green's voted with Sturgeon for a section 30 order in March 2017, but the Tories at Westminster blocked the Scottish Parliament's request.

However, I would argue that the main thrust of the post was that attempts to 'game' the Additional Member System were bound to end in failure and that WoS, Derek Bateman & Scot Goes Pop had all warned that the idea of a 'free' second vote for the Greens was at least misguided.

Events bore out these warnings, as the SNP lost their majority at Holyrood. 

Thanks for reposting that article though. It's a salutory reminder that voting for the SNP each and every time is always the best option if you want independence. Hopefully people see through the Sunday Mail's current transparent attempt to split the independence vote by advocating backing the Greens in the Euro Elections next Thursday

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You're being a fanny is what you're doing.  As I said, refute one of wings articles, any one you want, there's hundreds.  You won't be able to and we both know that.

I for one find myself stunned that a wings ‘supporter’ is resorting to abusing people online when challenged, im baffled as to what sort of influence would encourage someone to abuse someone they disagree with online about politics, if only there was some kind of abusive blogger to act as a guide.
Im not saying for one second the man doesnt research his articles, I’ve disagreed with many things hes produced including his homophobic (fair comment) remarks and his indy is off the cards rants, so i’d refute both those just off the top of my head. I can’t say i’ve read every single one of his articles, largely because when someone behaves the way he does online I tend to not be too interested in other things they say.
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7 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I for one find myself stunned that a wings ‘supporter’ is resorting to abusing people online when challenged, im baffled as to what sort of influence would encourage someone to abuse someone they disagree with online about politics, if only there was some kind of abusive blogger to act as a guide.
Im not saying for one second the man doesnt research his articles, I’ve disagreed with many things hes produced including his homophobic (fair comment) remarks and his indy is off the cards rants, so i’d refute both those just off the top of my head. I can’t say i’ve read every single one of his articles, largely because when someone behaves the way he does online I tend to not be too interested in other things they say.

Shocker that sanctimonious wanksocket when asked to back up his views fails to do so.  And you didn't challenge me in the slightest, you talked shite and I pointed out it was shite.  You have years worth of articles numbering in the hundreds, you can't refute even one.  A judge ruled his remarks categorically not homophobic btw, unlucky.

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Shocker that sanctimonious wanksocket when asked to back up his views fails to do so.  And you didn't challenge me in the slightest, you talked shite and I pointed out it was shite.  You have years worth of articles numbering in the hundreds, you can't refute even one.  A judge ruled his remarks categorically not homophobic btw, unlucky.

Haha keep proving my point about wings and his supporters.
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4 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Haha keep proving my point about wings and his supporters.

This is how normal people speak.  Wings is a normal person, as am I.  You are a fanny. 

As for your 'refutations' one concerns a post not contained in any of his articles already ruled by a judge not homophobic,the other may well turn out to be correct.  He predicted trump, brexit and Tory majority.  Nobody else did.  Politically he's the best mind the UK has seen for a long time.  He's literally always bang on, forensically researched and very well written.   He also shows his working.  You are an ignorant fool.

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8 minutes ago, Kuro said:

Politically he's the best mind the UK has seen for a long time.  He's literally always bang on, forensically researched and very well written. 


Putting this on a placard next time we're protesting Tory cuts to the Humanities.

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This is how normal people speak.  Wings is a normal person, as am I.  You are a fanny. 
As for your 'refutations' one concerns a post not contained in any of his articles already ruled by a judge not homophobic,the other may well turn out to be correct.  He predicted trump, brexit and Tory majority.  Nobody else did.  Politically he's the best mind the UK has seen for a long time.  He's literally always bang on, forensically researched and very well written.   He also shows his working.  You are an ignorant fool.

What a seething mess. I spend months every year in the US and predicted trump and brexit too.
Wings is a normal person?lol. Ok. Also if you think its alright to abuse people who disagree with you then batter in sweetcheeks. You say im ignorant but i’ve never been homophobic or transphobic to anyone, ICR 1, Wings 0. I’ve also never been abusive to a child.
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4 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

What a seething mess. I spend months every year in the US and predicted trump and brexit too.
Wings is a normal person?lol. Ok. Also if you think its alright to abuse people who disagree with you then batter in sweetcheeks. You say im ignorant but i’ve never been homophobic or transphobic to anyone, ICR 1, Wings 0. I’ve also never been abusive to a child.

Sure you did. Would you like to provide even one shred of evidence of said homophobia or transphobia?  I don't think you know what abuse is tbh, but you sure know what concern trolling is.

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11 minutes ago, This time Perthshirebell said:

Stuart Campbell is clearly not homophobic but is transphobic/ ignorant /dismissive.    

Thought this was common knowledge.  

Wings, when it's sticking to ripping apart the Daily Mail/ Express is an excellent read.    I'd be sad to see it fold.   


Can you provide a single transphobic quote from him?

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5 minutes ago, This time Perthshirebell said:



That's not transphobic.  He is not and never has objected to anyone identifying as female, the point is identifying as female doesn't mean you actually ARE female and therefore allowed to invade female only spaces like sports, toilets, changing roos, rape crisis centres and professions.  

You are lifting a quote entirely out of context and misrepresenting it, trans women are men who identity as women, that's not the same as just being a woman, that's why the prefix 'trans' is required.

If you believe that's transphobic report it see how you get on, the last person failed and only avoided damages cause she was deemed too stupid to know her allegation was untrue.

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1 minute ago, This time Perthshirebell said:

No.  He's clearly saying it's "bollocks" to say "Trans woman are not men".   

Do you agree with him that Trans women are and will always be men?   

I couldn't give the slightest fk and am not qualified to say what somebody actually is post op. 

Like wings, I don't care what people choose to call themselves or live as.  I know identifying as female doesn't change biology though. 

I also know you have not followed this debate which has been going on for years, in which wings has such transphobic supporters as Sharon Davies and martina navratilova, and have lifted a single quote entirely out of context with which to misrepresent his views.

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1 minute ago, NotThePars said:

Rape Crisis centres already look after trans women and have trans women working within their org.

Exactly, and actual women in the most vulnerable moments of their entire lives are objecting to this and complaining about it, and being labelled tranephobic for doing so.  This is exactly the sort of thing WoS is also objecting to, as it's clearly wrong.

Here is the crux of his views https://wingsoverscotland.com/the-law-that-nobody-wants/

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