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Nintendo Switch


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4 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

It was a teaser, might hold onto that detail til later to keep the hype train going. Aslong as it is reasonably priced, I'm pretty sold at this point 

Maybe. Motion control was such a big part of Nintendos recent past you would have thought that they would have been pushing it, if they were going to continue with it.

I hope they do. It would be a shame for it to just dwindle away after the success of the Wii

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I can't see the detachable control pads having motion control.

The trailer shows a boy setting it up to sit on a plane. No-one's going to want to flail their arms about like an idiot in a public space.

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Although knowing Nintendo that's exactly the kind of idiotic thing they'd do.

Can mind a few years ago playing Zelda on my DS on the bus on the way to Uni. There was part of the game that wanted Link to shout into a cave. Couldn't figure out how to do it. Eventually realised it wanted me to shout into the DS's microphone.

Like f**k was I doing that. Put right away.

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I like the look and idea behind this, the Vita has such wasted potential when you see games like Killzone and Uncharted running on it, but knowing Nintendo it will be seriously underpowered and nowhere near PS4/Xbox One standards.

And as for the split screen, :lol: utterly ridiculous on a 6.5" screen, my tablet has a bigger screen and it's pretty shite for playing games unless you're holding it quite close, imagine trying to play games on your phone but holding it a few feet away, that's your Switch split screen multiplayer experience. And unless you have the hands of a baby you're going to get some serious hand cramps within minutes using those tiny controllers.

Edited by Tommy Nooka
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Someone said nobody has a nintendo as their main console anymore? I do!

I don't know if it's age thing (32) but I have grown up with nintendo all the way through all their consoles and now I just don't have time to invest hours upon hours upon games. Mario platformers, mario kart, zelda,  splatoon etc are exactly the type of games I want to play so it suits me fine.

I actually bought a ps4 the other year but it was only for 3 games- fifa, battlefront and walking dead. I have since ditched fifa but can see me maybe picking it up again in future.

Nintendo have confirmed 3rd party partners and there is loads with EA and Telltale as two of them so I'll probably ditch my ps4 when switch comes out.

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You just, just, just know Nintendo are going to f**k up big-style here.

Nintendo lucked out with the Wii. The sheer number of bored middle-aged housewives who bought it to play Wii Fit once and then put it in a drawer, never to be seen again, convinced them they were still major players in the home console hardware market. The Wii U was shit, and I've a feeling this is going to flop.

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13 minutes ago, Gaz said:

You just, just, just know Nintendo are going to f**k up big-style here.

Nintendo lucked out with the Wii. The sheer number of bored middle-aged housewives who bought it to play Wii Fit once and then put it in a drawer, never to be seen again, convinced them they were still major players in the home console hardware market. The Wii U was shit, and I've a feeling this is going to flop.

Its kind of hard to see how, other than failing to get any AAA titles onto the Switch. It doesnt have the confusing controller of the Wii U - which was actually a decent idea but developers didnt know what to do with it, or at least werent bothered trying - but it was huge and the battery life, while decent for a screen, was pretty poor for a controller.

The concept of this is pretty simple - play the same games out and about as you do at home. As long as its the performance is decent and Nintendo can deliver the games, particularly from the major 3rd parties, theres no reason this should flop

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14 minutes ago, Gaz said:

You just, just, just know Nintendo are going to f**k up big-style here.

Nintendo lucked out with the Wii. The sheer number of bored middle-aged housewives who bought it to play Wii Fit once and then put it in a drawer, never to be seen again, convinced them they were still major players in the home console hardware market. The Wii U was shit, and I've a feeling this is going to flop.

Or, they sold a shit load of units because they thought outside the box and brought something different to the table. They did it with the Wii, DS, 3DS and now Switch. 

This is pioneering stuff from Nintendo again.

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14 minutes ago, GingerSaint said:

Or, they sold a shit load of units because they thought outside the box and brought something different to the table. They did it with the Wii, DS, 3DS and now Switch. 

This is pioneering stuff from Nintendo again.

Im not sure Id include the 3DS in that list - its neither particularly pioneering or high selling.

I would, though, include the Gameboy which really kicked off the idea of handheld consoles.

You could, arguably, include the N64 too which was the first major console to feature an analogue stick.

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5 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Been confirmed that the switch controllers aren't motion enabled. Tesco briefly had the Switch on pre-order sale for £350. I think it would have to £250 for it to get good sales. Apparently it will be using similar architecture to the Nvidia shield.

Where did you see that? The articles Ive just read said it might do but wasnt confirmed

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Im guessing there will be no backwards compatilbility with the Wii/Wii U, given the Switch uses cartridges.

It would be pretty cool if it could play NDS/3DS games, although it probably wont

I believe its digital only but there may be a way to get your physical games on it.
It looks like a weird cartridge that runs the games.

I am actually excited for this but i love nintendo (i have and use both my wiiu and 'new' 3ds... almost as much as my xbone)

Think when the specs come out we will see what its capable of. Id assume for power consumption on handheld mode 720 will be output and an upscaler will be in the docking station. Id love if the wiiu pro would be compatible. That thing last for ages on a charge.
Removable storage would be nice. Maybe a usb storage option on docking station similar to that on wiiu.
the cartridges will allow loads more storage space compared to dual layered bluray so i dont see content cutting unless power allows.
Wonder if games will leave spare storage on the carts to save dlc to??
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15 minutes ago, weirdcal said:


I believe its digital only but there may be a way to get your physical games on it.
It looks like a weird cartridge that runs the games.

I am actually excited for this but i love nintendo (i have and use both my wiiu and 'new' 3ds... almost as much as my xbone)

Think when the specs come out we will see what its capable of. Id assume for power consumption on handheld mode 720 will be output and an upscaler will be in the docking station. Id love if the wiiu pro would be compatible. That thing last for ages on a charge.
Removable storage would be nice. Maybe a usb storage option on docking station similar to that on wiiu.
the cartridges will allow loads more storage space compared to dual layered bluray so i dont see content cutting unless power allows.
Wonder if games will leave spare storage on the carts to save dlc to??


Depending on storage that might be a neat way to do it. From what Ive read, though, the architecture and everything is very differnt on the Switch so any kind of compatibility or emulation might be difficult.

Theres something like 100 million DS owners out there, of the various types, thats a big, big market to try and persuade to ditch their current handheld and move to this. Particularly if its more expensive. Both my kids have DSs but its unlikely they'll both be getting one of these

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Depending on storage that might be a neat way to do it. From what Ive read, though, the architecture and everything is very differnt on the Switch so any kind of compatibility or emulation might be difficult.

Theres something like 100 million DS owners out there, of the various types, thats a big, big market to try and persuade to ditch their current handheld and move to this. Particularly if its more expensive. Both my kids have DSs but its unlikely they'll both be getting one of these

Its only a thought. I did read it would have some form (egm possibly, it was a link on reddit).
Another way to look at it is nintendo are releasing mobile games so id assume they would want them played on this. Games will be touch screen... also you cant get 3d only games (2ds i think is the reason)
Only nintendo know and they wont release more info until nearer release.

It looks a great piece of kit and has me expecting great things... again.
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