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Unpopular opinions - wrestling edition

DA Baracus

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37 minutes ago, Randy Giles said:

To blame things on PG is to show a total lack of understanding of the problems WWE have had. It's possible to have a good PG product if it's booked right.

This.  A lot of the stuff they got away with in the attitude era wouldn't improve what we have now.  Like you say, you can easily have a good product no matter what rating it has.  The NXT Tag Title match never came close to breaching PG, but it was absolutely amazing.

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1 hour ago, Randy Giles said:

To blame things on PG is to show a total lack of understanding of the problems WWE have had. It's possible to have a good PG product if it's booked right.

If they just allowed some wrestlers (Not necessarily them all) to relax and speak freely when cutting a promo rather than sticking to a rigid script I think fans would become more invested.

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5 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

If they just allowed some wrestlers (Not necessarily them all) to relax and speak freely when cutting a promo rather than sticking to a rigid script I think fans would become more invested.

That's not necessarily PG though.  I think part of it will be down to being terrified of what they might say from a ratings perspective, but it's also just as much about them wanting to control the product and make it as slick as possible.  

But other than that, totally agree.  They used to just send them out with loose points to hit.  I think it was Wrestling With Wregret that showed the differences between a script from many, many years ago and today.  Today's was enormous, putting out every little thing they were going to say.  The other one was just a few stage directions, along the lines of "Stone Cold comes out angry at Mankind/Then Rock appears!".  Let the people who can think on their feet say what they feel will get over in the moment.  Sometimes they'll f**k up, but it'll always seem more natural and less rehearsed.

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I think they'd rather follow a script than be let loose and in the heat of the moment come out with something ridiculous that could have consequences with sponsors etc. You can see in more recent times that some of them are being given freedom which has been quite entertaining. 

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The Shield and The Wyatts are potentially two of the best stables the WWE's ever brought through. I say potentially because the latter have been largely squandered but their early promos and feuds as well as their constant presence and the idea of them is superb.

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  • 1 month later...
Some of the opinions on here are mental to me, but I guess that's a reason we all love wrestling. the opinions differ so much.
First off, to the guy saying Edge should have only been a mid carder.... you are insane. Edge was phenomenal! He was an all rounder.. fantastic in the ring, on the mic, plenty of charisma and Edge as the Rated R superstar coming to the ring with Lita was absolute gold. Edge has earned all he has achieved and deserves it all.
Ric Flair was not the greatest of all time regardless of what Triple H and Shawn Michaels tells us. Infact, to me he wouldn't even crack my top 10. So many better all rounders (great in the ring, on the mic with plenty charisma) of more recent eras were better than Flair in his prime.
Randy Orton should have stayed the slithering, unpredictable psychopath! That character was sensational. But as usual, WWE's new era of writers chop and change wrestlers' characters too much that it becomes less believable.
Sasha Banks and Bailey aren't as hot as some make out. Infact, Bailey isn't attractive at all! 
Kurt Angle was a complete and utter machine. He was also money on the mic and in the ring. One of the best EVER.
Got bored of Brock Lesnar a while ago. Infact I prefered the younger Brock before he left the company the first time around. His matches were actually entertaining at that point.
Never been a Daniel Bryan fan. Ultra cheesy character. Cringey on the mic.. and the YES chant sucks! However his work in the ring was fantastic.
Batista is VERY underrated. He had it all! When he was a good guy he was adored, when he was a bad guy he was a complete b*****d. Entertaining in the ring (without being one of the best) and great on the mic.
PG is awful! Totally awful.. the storylines suck! everything seems so cheesy. Hardcore matches are not hardcore.. No believability to a tense storyline because they aren't allowed to push the hatred to an extreme like they used to. And I'll happily say it, I enjoyed Torrie Wilson, Trish. Keibler etc in bikini's etc! 
The Attitude era is the second best era of all time, not the first! The roster, storylines, matches.. infact EVERYTHING was at it's peak around 2001 or 2002 upto 2006. Ruthless Aggression!
I stopped watching WWW around 09 because I genuinely would have rather have watched paint dry... Started watching again when CM Punk dropped the pipe bomb.
CM Punk made me feel like there was a small percentage of my favourite era's still in wrestling. Loved him! 
John Cena gets undeserved hate. Yes he has been pushed in our faces for a bit too long now but he's a good worker and excellent on the mic. 
Dean Ambrose bores me. Lunatic fringe without being a lunatic... so basically just a fringe. Not that good in the ring however good on the mic.
Charlotte is better in the ring than her dad was.
Although not my favourite at the point when he was on top, I can now appreciate just how good Bret Hart actually was when I watch gis matches back. Sensational! Ring psychology at its finest.
Shawn Michaels deserves to be called the best. If he's not the best, then he is certainly up there. If he is not in everyones top 5 then you are crazy.
Shane McMahon is entertaining as hell. Always has been.. The guy is crazy!
Stone Cold matches were more often than not VERY boring. The Rock was better in the ring, although Triple H was better than them both.
Was never a Benoit fan.. Had zero personality. In ring work isn't everything to me which is why I'm probably not a huge fan of the WWE atm as that's all they provide.
Jericho has one of the best minds ever in wrestling. He could get over anything.
PPV named after match types are awful, apart from the Royal Rumble which has always been especially for that one ppv. (TLC, Elimation Chamber, Hell in a Cell) These matches should be surprises that can happen on any given ppv. Not by shoving 4 of them in on one ppv. Sucks ass.
The writers today must be mentally challenged but cheap to employ. awful awful storylines.

If you don't mind me asking what was the best era in your opinion?
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Jerry Lawler is still one of the best commentators in WWE. Doesn't necessarily say anything about Lawler's ability mind you, but Saxton, JBL, Cole, Gravel et al are worse.

For me, Lawler was probably part of the problem but I reckon the WWE wouldn't have been seen in as such a crisis if they had a more responsive crowd and a commentary team that focused on just commentating rather than the new role of plugging everything all the time. The commentary team takes you out of the 'moment' and puts a barrier in terms of the suspension of belief.

Jim Ross was declining in his commentary output, but he's still the best and I think there's a noticeable drop in the perceived lack of quality from when he left.

Commentators have an absolutely massive role in selling the product to the people at home and Ranallo is the best they have right now.

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Edge sucked as a singles guy.

He used to bore me to tears. I hated as he moved up the card as I always seen him as nothing more than a member of the third best tag team at the time in wwf behind the Dudleys and Hardy brothers.

I appreciate him more these days but at the time he was fast forward material.
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RAW WINS!!!!.........................................................................................................................................................is what you guys wanted to say :shutup

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Amore & Cass have been absolutely shit since moving from NXT. 

Ambrose character is boring as f**k and should be no where near the main events. 

Becky Lynch has been garbage since the brand split. 

Jericho is unfunny and I don't get the hype at all. 

Lesnar losing to Goldberg is a farse no matter how you look at it. 

The New Day sucks and has done for a long time. 

Bray Wyatt should jack it in. There is no direction and the character is a complete waste of time. He has never been a legit main eventer.

TNA although not as popular put on far better matches than the WWE for a long time. Not recently though. Their tag division was better (Motor City Machine Guns, Beer Money, Team Canada, Daniels and Kazarian, LAX and British Invasion to name a few) Knockout division (The Beautiful People, Awesome Kong, Gail Kim, Tara, Daphne, ODB and more) the X Division has seem some of the best wrestlers around (Samoa Joe, Daniels, AJ, Chris Sabin, Austin Aries, The list would be endless)

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There's no denying Strowman is ready for that, Undertaker however is not.... The entertainment value of such a match would be non existent. Undertaker struggled really badly to do anything with Luke Harper so how the hell is he supposed to put on a match with a guy 110lbs bigger!!!!!!!!

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