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The Official Former President Trump thread


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22 hours ago, dorlomin said:

So supporters of a guy who rejects the science of vaccination, the basics of the science of climate and weather, whose VP rejects the science of evolution think they are "less retarded" than "lefties" because some non cited piece of social science allegedly says so.

Alchemy: turning pure irony into comedy gold.



21 hours ago, DublinMagyar said:

Conservative morals. Filed next to Military Intelligence.

So, this proves my point! Correct?

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8 hours ago, welshbairn said:


I'm hoping you'll assist me with the definition of the quoted phrase and the peer reviewed paper in question.

The most famous work is The Righteous Mind by Jonathon Haidt, a social psychologist from the University of Virginia. His basic point is that there are six foundations which form moral systems: care/harm, fairness/cheating, liberty/oppression, loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion, and sanctity/degradation. Tests show that lefties heavily use their beliefs on the first two in their moral judgements, while conservatives use their beliefs on all six in somewhat roughly equal measure. One consequence of this is that conservatives easily predict what the average lefty response to a certain situation would be, while lefties have a harder time predicting conservative responses to situations. The farther left you identify, the less capable you are of understanding or predicting the moral judgements of others.

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24 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump accuses civil rights icon of being "all talk".  Irony a victim of #posttruth.

Bid deal!

Congressman John Lewis is a political opponent of Trump - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-38623881

"Mr Lewis, a Democrat, said on Friday he would not attend the inauguration on the grounds that he did not see the Republican as a legitimate president.

"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected," he told NBC's Meet the Press. "And they helped destroy the candidacy of [Democrat] Hillary Clinton."

He's not an icon, just another sore Democrat loser who can't take defeat.

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9 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump accuses civil rights icon of being "all talk".  Irony a victim of #posttruth.

1. Rep. John Lewis said that Trump is not a legitimate President and will not attend his inauguration. Imagine if a Republican congressman had said that about Obama.

2. Trump tweeted in response: "Congressman John Lewis should spend more time fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!."

For those that don't know, Mr. Lewis is famous as a leader of the Civil Rights march in Selma, Alabama. Every year there is a great national commemoration of the event. Hollywood makes movies. And of course nobody focuses on what became of Selma. It has become one of the most violent cities in the South. The public schools are failing. White people have largely been forced out of the area. The government is massively corrupt. The economy is dead. Trump isn't going to play the game where you can't criticize the situation that has been allowed to exist in basically every spot where African Americans have gained political power since the Civil Rights Era.

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1 hour ago, Deplorable said:

The most famous work is The Righteous Mind by Jonathon Haidt, a social psychologist from the University of Virginia.

Weird you mention Haidt, was watching this earlier on Social Justice vs. Truth at universities, and how the social justice mindset infests wherever it can.


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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump accuses civil rights icon of being "all talk".  Irony a victim of #posttruth.

You are aware that 'post truth' is just another propaganda tool wielded by 'Progressives' desperately scrambling to retain some semblance of control over various narratives when faced with increasing opposing facts and opinions, right? Classic projection.

Edited by banana
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2 minutes ago, banana said:

You are aware that 'post truth' is just another propaganda tool wielded by 'Progressives' desperately scrambling to retain some semblance of control over various narratives when faced with increasing opposing facts and opinions, right? Classic projection.

Post truth is when facts can be ignored as just another opinion.

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9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Post truth is when facts can be ignored as just another opinion.

Post truth is projection where facts can be ignored and the purveyor branded a racist, misogynist, xenophobe, white supremacist, etc etc etc.

Anyway, the video I posted is highly recommended.

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1. Rep. John Lewis said that Trump is not a legitimate President and will not attend his inauguration. Imagine if a Republican congressman had said that about Obama.
2. Trump tweeted in response: "Congressman John Lewis should spend more time fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!."
For those that don't know, Mr. Lewis is famous as a leader of the Civil Rights march in Selma, Alabama. Every year there is a great national commemoration of the event. Hollywood makes movies. And of course nobody focuses on what became of Selma. It has become one of the most violent cities in the South. The public schools are failing. White people have largely been forced out of the area. The government is massively corrupt. The economy is dead. Trump isn't going to play the game where you can't criticize the situation that has been allowed to exist in basically every spot where African Americans have gained political power since the Civil Rights Era.

You seem to be suggesting that when black Americans are in charge of things, society goes to shit. You're not though are you? Are you?

And getting back to your point about conservatives being more morally astute...does that apply throughout history? Or just 21st century conservatives?

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1 hour ago, pandarilla said:


You seem to be suggesting that when black Americans are in charge of things, society goes to shit. You're not though are you? Are you?

And getting back to your point about conservatives being more morally astute...does that apply throughout history? Or just 21st century conservatives?

Yearning for the good old days of segregation and oppression.

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I think Trump's statement about Lewis is one of the few things he's done right since he won the election. Attention seeking bullshit from yet another Democrat who can't take handle the result. Trump is correct to call him on it. You could argue he should rise above it, and he probably should, but doing things differently doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong. 

Even assuming Vladimir Putin himself hacked the DNC, they showed only actual results from the heart of the party, proving their corruption and disdain for the democratic process of electing a Presidential candidate. If the emails damaged the campaign, it's not because of the fact people seen them but because they were written in the first place. 

The DNC emails have also become a lot bigger after the election than they were before - they were a small issue, certainly, but Wikileaks daily postings were essentially ignored by everyone. Issues more damaging to the Clinton campaign: her emails while Secretary of State, being caught lying about her health, her failure to campaign at all in Wisconsin, her failure to campaign at all in Michigan, her failure to campaign more in Iowa, her belief Pennsylvania was in the bag weeks before the election, her failure to connect with the white working class, her failure to connect with women the way a first female President should, her failure to connect with Black voters, her failure to convert Obama voters in the Rust Belt, her desire for more of the same when in reality the US for many is a shambles, her robotic personality as a career politician, her clear ties with banks and major corporations, her (alleged) pay-for-play dealings with Clinton Foundation donors when Sec. of State, advocating "public and private positions" when speaking to a room full of bankers, being an establishment politician, flip-flopping on NAFTA and TPP when her opponent made trade such a key part of the election, calling 30 miillion Americans "deplorable", calling in millionaire celebrities to boost her campaign when the election was being fought in deprived neighbourhoods, only being named Democratic candidate in an open field because the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders, offering virtually no tangible change or clear message the way her opponent did, and her history in pushing for the US to intervene or begin foreign conflict.

Still, Russia though, right?

She's the biggest failure in American political history. Deal with it and actually try contemplating that she lost to Donald fucking Trump. Think why that might be. Clue - it isn't Russia, it isn't even really Clinton, hopeless as she was. It's because the Democrats and the so-called 'left' or 'progressives' or whatever you'd like to call them have done practically f**k all for the working class for decades. Try attacking that rather than a Russian straw-man.

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26 minutes ago, Paco said:

I think Trump's statement about Lewis is one of the few things he's done right since he won the election. Attention seeking bullshit from yet another Democrat who can't take handle the result. Trump is correct to call him on it. You could argue he should rise above it, and he probably should, but doing things differently doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong. 

Even assuming Vladimir Putin himself hacked the DNC, they showed only actual results from the heart of the party, proving their corruption and disdain for the democratic process of electing a Presidential candidate. If the emails damaged the campaign, it's not because of the fact people seen them but because they were written in the first place. 

The DNC emails have also become a lot bigger after the election than they were before - they were a small issue, certainly, but Wikileaks daily postings were essentially ignored by everyone. Issues more damaging to the Clinton campaign: her emails while Secretary of State, being caught lying about her health, her failure to campaign at all in Wisconsin, her failure to campaign at all in Michigan, her failure to campaign more in Iowa, her belief Pennsylvania was in the bag weeks before the election, her failure to connect with the white working class, her failure to connect with women the way a first female President should, her failure to connect with Black voters, her failure to convert Obama voters in the Rust Belt, her desire for more of the same when in reality the US for many is a shambles, her robotic personality as a career politician, her clear ties with banks and major corporations, her (alleged) pay-for-play dealings with Clinton Foundation donors when Sec. of State, advocating "public and private positions" when speaking to a room full of bankers, being an establishment politician, flip-flopping on NAFTA and TPP when her opponent made trade such a key part of the election, calling 30 miillion Americans "deplorable", calling in millionaire celebrities to boost her campaign when the election was being fought in deprived neighbourhoods, only being named Democratic candidate in an open field because the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders, offering virtually no tangible change or clear message the way her opponent did, and her history in pushing for the US to intervene or begin foreign conflict.

Still, Russia though, right?

She's the biggest failure in American political history. Deal with it and actually try contemplating that she lost to Donald fucking Trump. Think why that might be. Clue - it isn't Russia, it isn't even really Clinton, hopeless as she was. It's because the Democrats and the so-called 'left' or 'progressives' or whatever you'd like to call them have done practically f**k all for the working class for decades. Try attacking that rather than a Russian straw-man.

Well said and the bit in bold could have been written about the UK.

Lord Jack and Baron Mike spring tae mind - guid socialists all  :thumbsdown


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An excellent summary from Paco. Michael Moore predicted a Trump victory for the same reasons. Clinton's campaign was a disaster and that's why she lost. The much bigger disaster is that American voters had to choose between her and Trump or support another candidate, in effect abstain.. 


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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Post truth is when facts can be ignored as just another opinion.

I'm going to split hairs here.  #posttruth is the concept that an unverifiable opinion is as valid as a fact.

Those who believe that Obama was not a U.S. citizen despite there being no verifiable evidence are #posttruthers.

Of course no one who proposed such an unfounded view could ever hold high office in the U.S. could they?

Then again no one who proposed or supported or were willing to believe such a view could ever be considered a racist; after all it's purely coincidental that the target of such malice was black.

1 hour ago, Paco said:

I think Trump's statement about Lewis is one of the few things he's done right since he won the election. Attention seeking bullshit from yet another Democrat who can't take handle the result. Trump is correct to call him on it. You could argue he should rise above it, and he probably should, but doing things differently doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong. 

Even assuming Vladimir Putin himself hacked the DNC, they showed only actual results from the heart of the party, proving their corruption and disdain for the democratic process of electing a Presidential candidate. If the emails damaged the campaign, it's not because of the fact people seen them but because they were written in the first place. 

The DNC emails have also become a lot bigger after the election than they were before - they were a small issue, certainly, but Wikileaks daily postings were essentially ignored by everyone. Issues more damaging to the Clinton campaign: her emails while Secretary of State, being caught lying about her health, her failure to campaign at all in Wisconsin, her failure to campaign at all in Michigan, her failure to campaign more in Iowa, her belief Pennsylvania was in the bag weeks before the election, her failure to connect with the white working class, her failure to connect with women the way a first female President should, her failure to connect with Black voters, her failure to convert Obama voters in the Rust Belt, her desire for more of the same when in reality the US for many is a shambles, her robotic personality as a career politician, her clear ties with banks and major corporations, her (alleged) pay-for-play dealings with Clinton Foundation donors when Sec. of State, advocating "public and private positions" when speaking to a room full of bankers, being an establishment politician, flip-flopping on NAFTA and TPP when her opponent made trade such a key part of the election, calling 30 miillion Americans "deplorable", calling in millionaire celebrities to boost her campaign when the election was being fought in deprived neighbourhoods, only being named Democratic candidate in an open field because the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders, offering virtually no tangible change or clear message the way her opponent did, and her history in pushing for the US to intervene or begin foreign conflict.

Still, Russia though, right?

She's the biggest failure in American political history. Deal with it and actually try contemplating that she lost to Donald fucking Trump. Think why that might be. Clue - it isn't Russia, it isn't even really Clinton, hopeless as she was. It's because the Democrats and the so-called 'left' or 'progressives' or whatever you'd like to call them have done practically f**k all for the working class for decades. Try attacking that rather than a Russian straw-man.

What a bunch of pish.  FWIW it's a legitimate position to question May's premiership if you question the legitimacy of FPTP.  Questioning the validity of the electoral college is no different.  Being unwilling to attend the inauguration of a racist/sexist/mysoginistic/xenophobe is an equally legitimate stance.

W was a service dodging, lying, right wing arsehole but there were few who argued that his inauguration should be boycotted.


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The first person I saw write about post truth was Jim Murphy. Is this how far right posters are that Jim Murphy's a progressive? And Clinton's Democrats that shut down any hint of appealing to the Sanders wing of the party in favour of chasing that soft Republican vote are also left wing and progressive?

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