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The Official Former President Trump thread


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6 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

Whether or not he really believed he could win, I'm pretty sure he wanted to given that he's been talking about it for about 30 years. Bit of a risky move to become the most intensely scrutinised person on Earth with such a history of nefarious dealings.

I think he thought he could blag his way through as usual by threatening to sue anyone who accused him of anything, and refusing to release his tax records. It is a bit suspicious that both his sons have been quoted saying they've had a shed load of money from Russians and Trump says he's had no dealings with them apart from the Miss World thing. As Michael Flynn said to a friend who warned him about taking money from the Russians and Turks, it would only be a problem if Trump won.

Edited by welshbairn
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Think it was Felix Biederman that said the Resistance/ Clinton Democrats' obsession with impeachment is because all of them are the sort of people who demand to speak to the manager and transfer this to their view on how politics should be conducted.

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I think he thought he could blag his way through as usual by threatening to sue anyone who accused him of anything, and refusing to release his tax records. It is a bit suspicious that both his sons have been quoted saying they've had a shed load of money from Russians and Trump says he's had no dealings with them apart from the Miss World thing. As Michael Flynn said to a friend who warned him about taking money from the Russians and Turks, it would only be a problem if Trump won.

He sold a property in West Palm to a Russian, sight unseen, for 3 times its value a while back. He also gave money to Pam Bondi's (Florida AG) reelection campaign, and shock horror, FL was one of the states that didn't bother to go after him over Trump University. That's why it's significant that the Mueller team let it be known they're actively working with the NY Attorney Generals office and also that two properties in NY were listed as assets believed to be bought with laundered money on the Manafort/Gates inditements. If Trump pardons those, Schneidermann can have them in a NY state court and Trump has no power of pardon. By the same token, if there's dodgy Russian money going thru Trump Tower NYC - and given Manafort bought a gaff there for $10m and paid it in cash, that sounds kinda likely - Pence can't protect Trump from the New York State courts.
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6 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Republicans won’t vote for impeachment while they can throw any old shit in front of Trump and can expect that he’ll sign it. Heck even the fucking idiot Democrats just helped push through even more surveillance legislation that’s supposedly going to stop Trump or something?

Some of the Republicans on sitting committees are absolutely on the gravy train under Trump.  Guys like Lankford aren't even subtle about it.  Impeachment is what ever the House decides it is.  I would argue quite strongly that his reaction to Charlottesville was an impeachable offence.  

6 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Even if the Dems take over the Senate and House I don't think they'll impeach him for anything less than rape/murder. They'd be able to stop him doing much, like the Reps did to Obama, and get shot of him in 2020. If they managed to impeach him for anything less than a major crime the reaction would be rage on a massive scale, and would probably screw their chances in 2020.

The incompetence of the current Democrat leadership can change, though. Trump cannot.

4 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

Is it just me who finds the idea of running for president of the USA in order to launder money absolutely ludicrous? Personally I'd be looking to fly a little more under the radar.

On one hand some accuse Trump of acting like Hitler, while also saying he never wanted to be president.  The truth is, what Mueller is investigating goes far beyond post-inauguration Russian ties.  Trump is merely deflecting by going on about "no collusion".  Mueller isn't investigating collusion.

The most telling thing Trump ever said, "fine people" aside, was when he warned Mueller his personal finances were a red line.

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On 1/22/2018 at 05:08, Peppino Impastato said:

Would have made a fkn brilliant president, and all polling indicates he would have won.

He could have been a good president. He has a lot more flaws than some people realise.

However he essentially did win - the nomination was clearly stolen from him.

Unfortunately he is getting old and there is no way credible on the left of the party to replace. My prediction is that America will be duped by another Obama type in 2020.

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It’s why the battle for the party is going on at the grassroots level. The Democratic left are attempting to copy what Momentum are doing here by taking over the party apparatus embedding the left more concretely within the party. Whether they’ll be successful and how long that will take is another matter.

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It’s why the battle for the party is going on at the grassroots level. The Democratic left are attempting to copy what Momentum are doing here by taking over the party apparatus embedding the left more concretely within the party. Whether they’ll be successful and how long that will take is another matter.

I think you might actually be right on this. As a reaction to Trump and to capture the BLM and Me too type support I think we will see a black female candidate to take on Trump in 2020, I suppose its all about if Oprah wants it, but I wouldnt be surprised to see Kamal Harris the junior Senator from California consider a run, she’s 14:1 on Paddy Power just now. I think her experience as a prosecutor might help win the soft republican type votes.
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7 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

It’s why the battle for the party is going on at the grassroots level. The Democratic left are attempting to copy what Momentum are doing here by taking over the party apparatus embedding the left more concretely within the party. Whether they’ll be successful and how long that will take is another matter.

Here's hoping they can make a difference.

2 huge problems remain:

Democratic primaries are less democratic than Republican ones with the superdelegates system.

The left was also to a large extent fooled by Obama - it's possible that happens again with carefully placed messages in the "alternative" media. I think there is more awareness and understanding now so it's harder to get away with it. However they will follow a similar template to Obama: minority candidate with short political history, vague but left-wing sounding campaign and media outlets (including so-called alternative media) falsely claiming that the chosen front candidate is financed by lots of small donations.

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17 hours ago, Swarley said:

Great pair of lads to have your back in a scrap

To be fair, the Honduras football team is easily worth a battalion of marines in terms of their ability to deal out violence and mayhem. Their friendly against England before the 2014 World Cup was like watching Rollerball.

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Here's hoping they can make a difference.
2 huge problems remain:
Democratic primaries are less democratic than Republican ones with the superdelegates system.
The left was also to a large extent fooled by Obama - it's possible that happens again with carefully placed messages in the "alternative" media. I think there is more awareness and understanding now so it's harder to get away with it. However they will follow a similar template to Obama: minority candidate with short political history, vague but left-wing sounding campaign and media outlets (including so-called alternative media) falsely claiming that the chosen front candidate is financed by lots of small donations.

Yeah I think the battle is much more difficult across the pond. Another difficult problem to overcome is that the New Labour method of courting soft-Tories was thoroughly discredited by 2015 whereas there’s still a strong belief among Democrats that they can effectively court “sensible Republicans” especially with the fucking child in the White House.

I think you might actually be right on this. As a reaction to Trump and to capture the BLM and Me too type support I think we will see a black female candidate to take on Trump in 2020, I suppose its all about if Oprah wants it, but I wouldnt be surprised to see Kamal Harris the junior Senator from California consider a run, she’s 14:1 on Paddy Power just now. I think her experience as a prosecutor might help win the soft republican type votes.

Looking at it incredibly simplistically and reductively you could be right. I think Clinton failed to get out the bloc that turned out specifically for Obama and that was her major undoing alongside a fatal over reliance on data driven campaigning and a belief that soft Republicans would back an establishment Democrat over a moron reactionary.
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Not sure if this is the right thread, but just watched the sentencing on US TV of the Olympic gymnast doctor beast. 175 years + 60 from a previous trial. Fair enough but the judge spent a fair amount of time negotiating conditions for media deals. And talking about her own family. Something to be said for the bewigged, cold and stiff upper lip of the British judiciary, who don't have to rely on elections to keep their jobs.

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