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The take: Sanders is a filthy red, a damn commie

Sensible riposte: tbh man he's pretty much left of centre in any other first world country



Edited by JamieThomas
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With Biden dead on arrival a lot of African American support is up for grabs. If Bernie can make gains there he will be unbeatable.

So expect a lot more black corporate pundits like Joy Reid boosting Bloomberg over the next few weeks as they probably only have until Super Tuesday to stop Sanders. 

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With Biden dead on arrival a lot of African American support is up for grabs. If Bernie can make gains there he will be unbeatable.
So expect a lot more black corporate pundits like Joy Reid boosting Bloomberg over the next few weeks as they probably only have until Super Tuesday to stop Sanders. 

It’d be interesting to see where they are going. I’m guessing to either Mayor Pete, or perhaps Amy K. Of course, should they go to anyone other than Bernie, then they’ll tacitly be blamed for losing the election by not coming out for the candidate.

As you say, if they are going to to Bernie, I think you’re looking at the most progressive candidate since McGovern having a real shot at beating Trump.

I am enjoying how badly the usual DNC-supported talking heads are calling this. Biden is dead in the water, Warren is going the same way, and Amy K. supporters showing up in numbers.

Amy K/Mayor Pete establishment team versus Bernie the outsider. A Bernie/Amy alliance ticks all the boxes. If it were the UK, it’d be Bernie by a distance, but American voters are weird.
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1 hour ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I was quite shocked to see just how conservative the black vote tends to be in America given just how marginalised they have been and affected negatively more than any other demographic by Conservative policies?

You can argue it's the sensible thing to vote with the party establishment as oppressed communities need to vote as a bloc to protect their interests. 

It's not just about being loyal to Clinton or Biden. It's largely about who their state and local reps endorse.

The question is whether those local politicians have their best interests at heart or are Clay Davis style grifters. 


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48 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


It’d be interesting to see where they are going. I’m guessing to either Mayor Pete, or perhaps Amy K. Of course, should they go to anyone other than Bernie, then they’ll tacitly be blamed for losing the election by not coming out for the candidate.

As you say, if they are going to to Bernie, I think you’re looking at the most progressive candidate since McGovern having a real shot at beating Trump.

I am enjoying how badly the usual DNC-supported talking heads are calling this. Biden is dead in the water, Warren is going the same way, and Amy K. supporters showing up in numbers.

Amy K/Mayor Pete establishment team versus Bernie the outsider. A Bernie/Amy alliance ticks all the boxes. If it were the UK, it’d be Bernie by a distance, but American voters are weird.


The Klob and Mayo Pete are not going to attract support from minorities. And you can't have a Bernie/Amy alliance as she is a mad right winger. 

Warren crashing and burning is hilarious. She is a good candidate on paper but has zero charisma and the whole Cherokee claim would gift Trump the election on it's own. 

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The Klob and Mayo Pete are not going to attract support from minorities. And you can't have a Bernie/Amy alliance as she is a mad right winger. 
Warren crashing and burning is hilarious. She is a good candidate on paper but has zero charisma and the whole Cherokee claim would gift Trump the election on it's own. 

Chapo were saying on Michael Moore’s Rumble podcast that you could convert Klobuchar to Bernie’s platform if he gave her permission to physically assault senators.
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Anyway, it’s still Bernie. It’s always been Bernie and if he sees off the slugs in the Dem establishment then Donald loses his main narrative which has been “the Dems are screwing Bernie!” in the hope of keeping his base out of the general.


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Chapo were saying on Michael Moore’s Rumble podcast that you could convert Klobuchar to Bernie’s platform if he gave her permission to physically assault senators.


I was listening to that. I still think there’s a lot of fear of Bernie’s “socialist” policies, and it would take Klobuchar or Mayor Pete to appeal to the “centre”. There are a lot of shared policies between the runners, but they’ve been determined to drive wedges between them.


I was then listening to the Bulwark. It’s quite funny how polarised activist Democrats are from institutional Democrats, who basically side with Never Trumper ex-GOP folk.


Truth of the matter, whomever they nominate, is that if they can’t raise the turnout to beat Trump, the Democrats will have the President they deserve.


I really fear the Dems are going to f**k this up. They should have encouraged more of the candidates to drop out before Iowa, and at least pretended to unified.

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There are still a lot of dirty tricks for Bernie to overcome in the primary and hopefully the general. 

We saw how quickly the media here got onside with Boris when it came down to him versus a genuine leftist. The American media will do the same probably via supporting a hopeless independent like Bloomberg.

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There are still a lot of dirty tricks for Bernie to overcome in the primary and hopefully the general. 
We saw how quickly the media here got onside with Boris when it came down to him versus a genuine leftist. The American media will do the same probably via supporting a hopeless independent like Bloomberg.

They say Jane Sanders is next on Trump’s list to sling spurious accusations of corruption at. Devin Nunes was photographed in Indiana, preparing a hatchet job on Mayor Pete.
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3 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I was quite shocked to see just how conservative the black vote tends to be in America given just how marginalised they have been and affected negatively more than any other demographic by Conservative policies?

A whole lot of African Americans don't really identify with (non-slavery) immigrants. It's almost like a self-defence mechanism - since their own overseas identity has been so thoroughly erased, they hold onto their "American-ness" by rejecting outsiders. My partner, who is Nigerian and went to America for middle school and high school, got bullied by the African American kids who said things like "you're not really black" and called her African booty scratcher etc.

African American communities also often hold very tightly to their faith (which is usually Christianity), and so will hold 'small C' conservative views as a result, such as rejecting homosexuality. 

They have also not benefited greatly from the opportunities created by globalism, so have less knowledge of the benefits of liberalism. 

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