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The Official Former President Trump thread


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9 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I wonder what the "Trump or death" sort in the base Republicans... sorry, Republican base... would be saying at the moment if the ex-President at the centre of these cases was Obama?  Just imagine if Obama had lost in 2012, but carried on, doing and saying for years what Trump did and said, insisting he had won?

Would the Republicans be supporting his actions? 🤣

No, they only support efforts to subvert democracy in favour of their guy. Because they're fascists.

It really can't be overstated that's what we're dealing with here.

12 minutes ago, 10menwent2mow said:

Fucking hell. Has he actually said that about the Womens Fitba Team?? The man is a total mutant. I mean if they'd only picked 11 blonde things from one of his beauty pageants, or maybe if the manager had been able to grab them by the pussy they would've won. The fact that there will be 50% of Americans who agree with his stance, including a shed load of women who will think they lost because Rapinoe prefers said pussy to cock. Honestly. Fire him into the fucking sun. 

Yeah, but they didn't sing their national anthem, so therefore didn't win because they don't love America enough. Basically a US version of "where's the passion, lads?"

In reality, it's a guy who calls POWs "losers" because they were captured by the enemy; to him, you're nothing unless you're beating someone else, all the time. He's the American id writ large, and people love him for it despite being the biggest losers of all by his own definition.

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3 hours ago, BTFD said:

No, they only support efforts to subvert democracy in favour of their guy. Because they're fascists.

It really can't be overstated that's what we're dealing with here.

Yeah, but they didn't sing their national anthem, so therefore didn't win because they don't love America enough. Basically a US version of "where's the passion, lads?"

In reality, it's a guy who calls POWs "losers" because they were captured by the enemy; to him, you're nothing unless you're beating someone else, all the time. He's the American id writ large, and people love him for it despite being the biggest losers of all by his own definition.

Don’t forget this same USWNT winning four years ago was celebrated by…TOFF himself (Treasonous Orange Fat F**k)…as a sign of U.S. power and the will of God!

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12 hours ago, welshbairn said:

He's also demanding to move the trial to West Virginia, peak MAGA territory. For alleged crimes that happened in errr, Washington.

“Trump lawyer John Lauro on CBS: "We would like a diverse venue, a diverse jury ... I think West Virginia will be an excellent venue to try this case. Close to DC and a much more diverse--"”

West Virginia is 93% white, 4% black, 2% Hispanic and 1% Asian…88% high school degree and 22% college degree.

Washington D.C. is 45% black, 37% white, 11% Hispanic and 5% Asian…92% high school degree and 61% college degree.

The Sixth Amendment says a crime will be tried in the district in which it occurred…

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The prosecutor doesn't look like he's in the mood to take any of Trump's shite and his lawyers' determination to have trial by media leak. Wouldn't be surprised if, in the aftermath of this, he didn't also sue Trump for defamation. 


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I've hoped that Trump was going to have a hard time defending his actions and utterances about the previous election but even I found this CNN summary very interesting.  I know that CNN can probably be considered squarely in the "no fan of Trump" camp, but wow...


Some of them are belters.  This is just one of them... no 5 on the list of 21...

"The lie that “the Vice President and I are in total agreement that the Vice President has the power to act." "

"The indictment alleges that the day before the riot, Trump “approved and caused” his campaign to issue a false statement saying Pence agreed with him about having the power to reject electoral votes – even though Trump knew, from a one-on-one meeting with Pence hours prior, that Pence continued to firmly disagree"

Pants positively ablaze!

Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I've hoped that Trump was going to have a hard time defending his actions and utterances about the previous election but even I found this CNN summary very interesting.  I know that CNN can probably be considered squarely in the "no fan of Trump" camp, bus wow...


Some of them are belters.  This is just one of them... no 5 on the list of 21...

"The lie that “the Vice President and I are in total agreement that the Vice President has the power to act." "

"The indictment alleges that the day before the riot, Trump “approved and caused” his campaign to issue a false statement saying Pence agreed with him about having the power to reject electoral votes – even though Trump knew, from a one-on-one meeting with Pence hours prior, that Pence continued to firmly disagree"

Pants positively ablaze!

Once this sociopath is out of the picture it is going to take political discourse in the USA a very long time to get back to some sort of ‘normality’.

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Once this sociopath is out of the picture it is going to take political discourse in the USA a very long time to get back to some sort of ‘normality’.

It will never be out of the picture. The US is rife with sociopathy and always has been. It's entire economy runs on the ideology of self interest and entitlement and that's how people who live there are raised to be. Even the so called "democrats" are sociopathic assholes.

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If Trump is the nominee in 2024 and loses the GE I wonder in there is any chance of the GOP splitting.  I’d imagine the big money swilling around the Republican Party must come from non-Trump people who would like to exert control, particularly if they see Trumpism continuing to be the cause of lost elections.


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6 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Once this sociopath is out of the picture it is going to take political discourse in the USA a very long time to get back to some sort of ‘normality’.

Normal US political discourse is not something we should be hoping to return to. We can consider the following US political discourse and some of its effects:


"Ladies and gentleman, we got him".

George Bush when Saddam Hussein was captured by US forces in 2003, following the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The 2005 London transport bombers gave that event and the UK's shared culpability in it as their motive. It turned Iraq into a hub of salafi-jihadism from which ISIS later emerged. That group genocided yazidis, massacred Parisians, and played a key role in forcing the refugee efflux out of Iraq and Syria into Europe in the mid-2010s. That in turn contributed to support for Brexit.


"We came, we saw, he died".

Hillary Clinton in 2011 after Gaddafi was executed by Libyan militiamen. That death saw Libya turned into a failed state of mass murder and slavery. It became another hub for ISIS and was where Salman Abedi went to sharpen his skills before returning to Manchester to massacre children at a music concert. Sub-Saharan migrants began setting off for Italy from post-Gaddafi Libya which led to countless deaths from drowning.


"f**k the EU".

Victoria Nuland in 2014 when rejecting European concerns over what a serious political rupture in Ukraine could lead to. Nuland didn't care for repercussions. Her sole mission was to open Ukraine up for US business and she achieved it. Eight years later a video by the president of Ukraine was played at the New York Stock Exchange, announcing his nation's assets were all for sale. 

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18 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

If Trump is the nominee in 2024 and loses the GE I wonder in there is any chance of the GOP splitting.  I’d imagine the big money swilling around the Republican Party must come from non-Trump people who would like to exert control, particularly if they see Trumpism continuing to be the cause of lost elections.


This is an interesting number from the recent Ohio election. Turnout around some University campuses was 98%, an unheard of number, and it was mostly driven by opposition to a Republican attempt to change the rules on public propositions, their filing requirements and rules. As soon as 2028, the millennials and Gen Z will be the major political block. There is a belief that as voters age, they become more conservative, but this isn’t the case. Instead, the country tends more liberal and the people don’t really change much. What this means is that the Republican Party has to start tacking back to the Center, back Left, or they will find themselves out of power indefinitely. Gen X is already somewhat too liberal for the Republicans Party overall, and it’s showing in recent voting trends as the move Right is exposing the faults between the aging Republican Leadership and Gen X’s more liberal viewpoints.

Edited by TxRover
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7 hours ago, FreedomFarter said:

Normal US political discourse is not something we should be hoping to return to. We can consider the following US political discourse and some of its effects:


"Ladies and gentleman, we got him".

George Bush when Saddam Hussein was captured by US forces in 2003, following the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The 2005 London transport bombers gave that event and the UK's shared culpability in it as their motive. It turned Iraq into a hub of salafi-jihadism from which ISIS later emerged. That group genocided yazidis, massacred Parisians, and played a key role in forcing the refugee efflux out of Iraq and Syria into Europe in the mid-2010s. That in turn contributed to support for Brexit.


"We came, we saw, he died".

Hillary Clinton in 2011 after Gaddafi was executed by Libyan militiamen. That death saw Libya turned into a failed state of mass murder and slavery. It became another hub for ISIS and was where Salman Abedi went to sharpen his skills before returning to Manchester to massacre children at a music concert. Sub-Saharan migrants began setting off for Italy from post-Gaddafi Libya which led to countless deaths from drowning.


"f**k the EU".

Victoria Nuland in 2014 when rejecting European concerns over what a serious political rupture in Ukraine could lead to. Nuland didn't care for repercussions. Her sole mission was to open Ukraine up for US business and she achieved it. Eight years later a video by the president of Ukraine was played at the New York Stock Exchange, announcing his nation's assets were all for sale. 

The Monroe Doctrine is alive and well.

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He’s pushing to see how far he can go.  Hopefully Willis and/or a Georgia judge responds accordingly to the provocation.

Trump campaign runs ad attacking Georgia DA who’s expected to indict him.


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4 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

He’s pushing to see how far he can go.  Hopefully Willis and/or a Georgia judge responds accordingly to the provocation.

Trump campaign runs ad attacking Georgia DA who’s expected to indict him.


This indictment could be quite interesting in that word is leaking out it won’t be just The Donald that gets arrested. A large number of defendants will be quite the challenge for the Trump lawyers, as those further down the food chain can easily decide to flip. Also, in conspiracy cases, small statements by low level personnel can have huge impacts, so his lawyers will be going apeshit trying to ride herd on them.


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Jack Smith wants the ‘insurrection trial’ to start on January 2.  I’m sure there will be push back but even if it’s 3 or 4 months later than this then it will still be well before the Presidential election which is good news.


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14 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Jack Smith wants the ‘insurrection trial’ to start on January 2.  I’m sure there will be push back but even if it’s 3 or 4 months later than this then it will still be well before the Presidential election which is good news.


Trump openly calling for delay until after the election. There’s an interesting debate about if it’s better or worse for him if the trial got delayed.


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8 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump now telling a potential grand jury witness in Georgia that he shouldn’t testify!

Perfectly normal behaviour.  :unsure2:

Seems perfectly fair. Why shouldn't the accused determine the location of a trial, the timing of a trial, the judge in the case, who gets to prosecute and who should be allowed to testify for the prosecution?

Just imagine the foaming at the mouth of the Republicans if Obama did it.

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Looks like Cannon played into Smith’s hands with her actions to delay the Florida trial, as they’re pushing hard to get the Washington D.C. trial underway first. More interestingly, the Georgia indictment could come as early as tonight…and his “encouraging” a witness not to testify could work to speed up the D.C. trial again.

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