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The Official Former President Trump thread


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The Transgendered youtuber Blaire White was banned from facebook for unknown reasons recently also, facebook refused to tell her why she had been.

Tbh knowing Blair White and her very anti immigration stand point she probably crossed that point of anti religion and full on racism she consistently tip toed and got banhammered.
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Members of the media who don't agree with Trump are now being banned from his events


How long before people realise he's trying to turn the country into a full scale white supremacist's dictatorship? 

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16 minutes ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

Members of the media who don't agree with Trump are now being banned from his events


How long before people realise he's trying to turn the country into a full scale white supremacist's dictatorship? 

Not right at all that. People who in their personal lives surround themselves with a echo chamber can be an issue, a fucking President doing that is dangerous.

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1 hour ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

Members of the media who don't agree with Trump are now being banned from his events


How long before people realise he's trying to turn the country into a full scale white supremacist's dictatorship? 

This is very worrying but not in the least surprising.  IMO this is only the start of Trump's people excluding certain media outlets.  This will blow up in their faces and they're to stupid to realise it.


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This is very worrying but not in the least surprising.  IMO this is only the start of Trump's people excluding certain media outlets.  This will blow up in their faces and they're to stupid to realise it.

Its not the start though. He started banning certain media outlets while he was still running for office. That's when the other outlets should have stood up to him.
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1 minute ago, mjw said:

Its not the start though. He started banning certain media outlets while he was still running for office. That's when the other outlets should have stood up to him.

Yeah, he wasn't the President then he was a candidate.  The obligations on one is different from the obligations on another.

When I say 'the start' I mean that whilst they will try to justify the exclusion from this gaggle based on numbers available (yeah a thin excuse but one they'll use) I think it's just a matter of time before certain outlets are banned from supposedly open press briefings.

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He has also apparently lost 1 billion dollars since Trump got in although i don't know why(purely because i haven't cared enough to look into it) Which if all this were to be true would suggest his motive for doing so. But at this point this is nothing more than speculation, i just found it interesting and thought it might lead to some conversation on the subject. 


The WSJ reported that he lost $1bn because he bet big on the stock markets dipping after Trump won only for them to rally


Which means he had a plan to make money of a Trump win


Which doesn't fit with your hypothesis.


It was an interesting theory though, while it lasted.


The idea that riots need to be financed was a stranger one

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5 hours ago, Cerberus said:

The MSM were culpable in him getting elected. They are now reaping their rewards.

Tbh I don't need rags like CNN to spoon-feed me news that Trump talks a lot of shite.

The MSM.  Really?

How about, you know, the voters?

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19 hours ago, Cerberus said:

They are also doing it without going before a judge, which is probably illegal. 

That should violate Habeas Corpus, your right to be stood before a judge to asses if your incarceration is lawful. I'd be very surprised if this is what is happening, the fall out of throwing an actual American citizen out of the US without seeing a judge first would be very loud.

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Apparently Mahhamad Ali's son was stopped from re-entering the States at Florida airport and detained for 2 hours because of his name, despite the fact that he was born in Philadelphia!

Fake news! Deplorable said this doesn't happen. Sad!
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23 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Not right at all that. People who in their personal lives surround themselves with a echo chamber can be an issue, a fucking President doing that is dangerous.

Don't fall for anything the mainstream media is saying. CNN went on the air and called it "Unamerican." :lol:


Why exclude Fox News from Benghazi intel briefing?

Guess what news outlet wasn’t front and center? On Friday evening, Fox News anchor Bret Baier had this to say:

This as the CIA brought reporters in to brief them on their timeline, after our reporting about what happened in the early hours after the attack started. We were not invited to that briefing.


On Tuesday afternoon, four of MSNBC’s primetime hosts were seen entering the West Wing for a meeting with President Obama.

The network’s 8 p.m. host Ed Schultz tweeted out that the group was meeting with the president to discuss the impending “fiscal cliff”:


NPR’s Ari Shapiro posted an interesting Tweet on May 21. He discovered that a cadre of well-known lefty columnists and journalists visited the White House together, three of whom he mentioned by name.

Shapiro reported that Jonathan Capehart and Ezra Klein of the Washington Post, and Josh Marshall of the left-wing website TalkingPointsMemo.com were attending a meeting together at the White House.


On Thursday, Fox News’ Ed Henry tweeted that MSNBC hosts Ed Schultz and Lawrence O’Donnell, as well as Ezra Klein of theWashington Post and Fox News’ Juan Williams, had been invitedfor a private off-the-record chat with President Obama. Obama’s signature program, Obamacare, has been flailing in the press for weeks, and Obama apparently believes that it is about time to reshift the narrative:


President Obama met with a group of journalists Wednesday




Edited by Deplorable
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6 hours ago, NotThePars said:


Fake news! Deplorable said this doesn't happen. Sad!


I said that American citizens were not barred from the country. You can be detained when reentering the country. I have on multiple occasions. A couple times crossing from Canada while they ripped apart my car and searched my computer. Another time flying from Japan to Guam. I was the only American on the flight and was the only one detained for questioning. I'm not Muslim so I don't get to go cry to the news every time it happens.

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6 hours ago, dorlomin said:

That should violate Habeas Corpus, your right to be stood before a judge to asses if your incarceration is lawful. I'd be very surprised if this is what is happening, the fall out of throwing an actual American citizen out of the US without seeing a judge first would be very loud.

I'm not exactly sure what he's talking about regarding people not seeing a judge. It might be that people detained at the border are now sent right back across. Obama changed it so that unless the border agent physically saw the person cross the border the suspect had to see a judge. That generally meant a court date and release into the country until then. Before Obama if you were caught soaking wet 3 steps from the Rio Grande with no papers and no good story they could send you right back across even if they didn't see you physically cross the river.

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2 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

I'm not exactly sure what he's talking about regarding people not seeing a judge. It might be that people detained at the border are now sent right back across. Obama changed it so that unless the border agent physically saw the person cross the border the suspect had to see a judge. That generally meant a court date and release into the country until then. Before Obama if you were caught soaking wet 3 steps from the Rio Grande with no papers and no good story they could send you right back across even if they didn't see you physically cross the river.


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1 hour ago, Deplorable said:

Don't fall for anything the mainstream media is saying. CNN went on the air and called it "Unamerican." :lol:

So examples of selecting journalists for various briefings as is the norm.

Not specifically excluding members of the White House press corps who have been critical of the regime.

The buffoon knows he cannot withstand scrutiny so he is doing everything he can to be as polarising as possible. A polarised atmosphere will get people who identify as Republicans defending the dim wit out of tribal loyalty. And as always chuck a dead cat on the table for people to talk about.

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10 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

So examples of selecting journalists for various briefings as is the norm.

Not specifically excluding members of the White House press corps who have been critical of the regime.

The buffoon knows he cannot withstand scrutiny so he is doing everything he can to be as polarising as possible. A polarised atmosphere will get people who identify as Republicans defending the dim wit out of tribal loyalty. And as always chuck a dead cat on the table for people to talk about.

It wasn't a normal briefing from which CNN was excluded. There are meetings with groups of journalists based on politics by every administration. Did you see the first link where Fox News was specifically excluded from a briefing on Benghazi due to Obama being unhappy with their reporting on the matter?

As for the normal briefings, all administrations decide who is let in. I don't think Breitbart had a normal seat at the Obama press conferences, but they do under Trump. Were they excluded by Obama?

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29 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

Did you see the first link where Fox News was specifically excluded from a briefing on Benghazi due to Obama being

The CIA not the White House press secretary excluding the White House press corps. 


As for the normal briefings, all administrations decide who is let in. I don't think Breitbart

Accreditation is not by political affiliation. Excluding accredited journalists for publishing news stories unfriendly to the regime is an interesting development. It is basically a huge markets bonanza for the media excluded. "We ask questions too tough for the manchild and his minions".


Golf clap.

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