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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Watched his speech live there. He's that pub weirdo that comes and sits down beside you to interrupt your conversation and tell you that he used to be in the Beatles, but you wouldn't know him because the aliens wiped everyone's mind after.


"They transport women with duct tape over their mouths and they can't breathe". Pretty sure that's corpse trafficking rather than human, you absolute fucking oddball. wiggo.png

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Trump's surely fucked it? Cernovich is the first to break ranks and have a pop at Trump for caving over the wall but I genuinely think this could f**k his chances for 2020 if the Dems run anyone competent.


Stefan Molyneux as well. The lunatics are abandoning the asylum.

Edited by NotThePars
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6 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The United Poodledom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Venezuela just the latest pawn in the proxy war between Russia and the USA/ TORIES.

Let's face it, their economy wouldn't have been in such a state if it weren't for the US sanctions put in place in an attempt to destroy those pesky commies...........................

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9 hours ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

I've seen a few people make this take but I don't really understand it - what is different now to a month ago that means he won't get re-elected in 2020?

I mean I think he was probably already odds-on to lose in 2020 - I don't get why this makes a difference?

'Moderate' Republicans don't appreciate shutdowns that bring inconvenience  - only took 90 minute delays at LaGuardia for there to be a stramash - and the loonball wing think he's a pussy because he got hee haw cash for his wall. Pelosi's been in the job 3 weeks, destroyed him already and he's potentially got another nearly 2 years of her living in his prostate. You'd feel a bit sorry for him if he wasn't such a thundering arse. 

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