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The Official Former President Trump thread


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14 hours ago, JamieThomas said:

Slow burner this one. Starts off as a tl;dr, then bang there it is right at the end


"a shared cultural and political heritage dating back thousands of years to Ancient Rome".

Think he's been watching too many Charlton Heston and Kirk Douglas films... Remind me how old 'murca is again Donny?

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Pence is declaring a temporary ceasefire within a twenty mile zone within Syria, to be extended when YPG move south of the area. Not sure if he's got a deal with them or if the Syrian and Russian troops ensconced in border towns have been told about this. Turkey will be happy though. Kurds not so much.

P.S. This has to be the worst Commander in Chief f**k up in American history, if you discount all the pointless wars. Basically 2 craven betrayals to a people who have lost 11 thousand lives fighting on your directions within a week, and surrendering area control to your 2 greatest supposed enemies, Russia and Iran.

Edited by welshbairn
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23 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Turkey are obviously going to relocate as many refugees into the area as they possibly can to create a human buffer between them and the Kurds.


That depends on the Kurds, Syrian troops and Russians moving out from their biggest population centres, all close to the border.

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Hillary Clinton accusing Tulsi Gabbard of being groomed by Russia as a spoiler candidate.

Anyone in America who wants health care they can't afford and isn't keen on poor Americans' kids being blown up in countries they can't find on a map is obviously controlled directly by Putin.

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59 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Hillary Clinton accusing Tulsi Gabbard of being groomed by Russia as a spoiler candidate.

Anyone in America who wants health care they can't afford and isn't keen on poor Americans' kids being blown up in countries they can't find on a map is obviously controlled directly by Putin.

Looks like they're going with the old 'doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results' thing for 2020.

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Hillary Clinton with a head’s gone moment and calling Dem candidates Russian assets.

Tulsi Gabbard is a piece of work, but any criticism of her from Clinton can only help her cause. It’s almost as if Hilary is impervious to advice as Trump.
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