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The Official Former President Trump thread


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He speaks like your average guys guy does. I would rather have someone that was down to earth and spoke like normal people than some media crafted bore that pretended to be someone he wasn't.

Well that's clearly not true. If it is then you need some new friends.
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7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I see. Trump got in because white folks got so confused and angry about what polite language to use about other races that they voted for a pig. 

The Trump vote was almost entirely due to how horrendous a creature Clinton is, as you well know.

But there was an element of the liberal left has become so vitriolic, baseless and hate-filled that people want to distance themselves as far as possible away from them.

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Some of the recent comments on here, even if they're terrible trolling and/or the utterances of morons, show why the protests against Trump must continue.  His view of the world and society must be continually challenged throughout his Presidency.

I think the Chlamydia Kid's parents have a lot to answer for and I really hope he is not a parent himself.


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9 hours ago, Cerberus said:

Why do people in the UK care more about a woman's rights in the US than a woman's rights in India?

In their own way they care more about white people / Westerners. That's whose actions they care about. Same reason South Africa was such a big deal when something similar was going on between ethnic groups in most African countries at some point during that time. They want to make sure all white people / Westerners abide by progressive morals. The behavior of other groups are of secondary importance.

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2 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

In their own way they care more about white people / Westerners. That's whose actions they care about. Same reason South Africa was such a big deal when something similar was going on between ethnic groups in most African countries at some point during that time. They want to make sure all white people / Westerners abide by progressive morals. The behavior of other groups are of secondary importance.

Because, ironically, they are racist. 

The acceptable kind of racism though, where you don't say racist things you just don't give a flying f**k about people in other countries unless they are white.

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Lol @ all the Trump apologists on here lashing out at 'identity politics' whilst simultaneously failing to condemn or even acknowledge just how dependent their man's entire campaign was on the very identity politics they apparently abhor; to no less an extent than I ever recall Clinton's campaign being, anyway. It is almost like what they actually mean when they moan about 'identity politics' on the 'liberal left' is basically that it is does not place them front and centre, so they don't like it very much. You can see it on this thread - they are fine with identity politics, but they just aren't so fine with it when it's not their identity politics. 

Also laughing @ the liberal left becoming so "vitriolic, baseless and hate-filled" that Donald fucking Trump became President, but that one shouldn't require any explanation.

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Some of the recent comments on here, even if they're terrible trolling and/or the utterances of morons, show why the protests against Trump must continue.  His view of the world and society must be continually challenged throughout his Presidency.
I think the Chlamydia Kid's parents have a lot to answer for and I really hope he is not a parent himself.

Yawn Zzzz look forward to seeing you on the general forum challenging the comments that are made on a daily basis that could have come from the mouth of Trump in private.
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Really? The average guy says things like "You can do anything… Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything"

I think you hang around with some creepy fuckers, if you think that's normal.

I clearly meant metaphorically and not literally.
Bet you all piss yourself when Frankie Boyle has a laugh at the expense of disabled- sex abuse victims etc. But then when Trump makes sexist comments you all suddenly develop a conscience.
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Full on in denial lying through their fucking teeth mode now.  Surely even the dumbest of trumpets will see through this one.

President Donald Trump has accused the media of dishonestly reporting the size of the crowd at his inauguration.

He said the crowd had reached the Washington monument as he spoke at the US Capitol, despite photographic evidence to the contrary.

Later, his White House press secretary said it had been "the largest audience to ever see an inauguration, period".

In an earlier BBC article the guy in charge of tourism in Washington said demand for hotel rooms was way down compared to previous inaugurations, surely he's not part of 'Fake News' is he?


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8 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I'd like you to tell me why so many people on low-medium wages voted for a fiscal programme that involved half the tax cuts going to the richest 1%, higher taxes for the poor, and massive cuts to federal programmes that disproportionately effect the poor. And then tell me why he isn't a conman.


If you will take an honest answer, I don't care about how much the rich are taxed. I'm agnostic on that issue. I'm against a flat tax and I'm against something massive like 60%, but between that I don't care much. I don't see what the issue has to do with making sure that there are good paying jobs for working class folks. I'm not for fixing the problem by more handouts. I'm for an economic system that allows a greater number of people to succeed on their own. In my view a shutdown on low skilled immigration, an end to "free trade" with poor countries, and a government that looks out for it's own citizens first over 3rd world citizens are important changes we can make. Trump is on the right side of those issues in my view. Furthermore, I buy the argument that our monetary / economic / fiscal policy specifically pushes investment into paper assets rather than brick and mortar assets. I view this as bad for working people, and I think Trump might try a change in policy here. The Democrats showed with Obama that they supported policies that benefited Wall Street over Main Street.

Obviously I line up with Trump on most issues as I'm moderate on economic and social issues (probably slightly right of center for the US on both), oppose the so-called US Empire, and I have cultural reasons as well as the economic reasons for opposing immigration, but those are my specific thoughts on why someone who wants to help the economic prospects of the working class supports Trump.

Edited by Deplorable
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I wish you lot would just be honest about it. You don't give a f**k about the working classes in the rust belt or the North of England. You love Trump because you think he gives you license to say things that polite and sane society disapproves of, paranoid racist and sexist stuff mainly. You don't have any policies other than Unionism and being anti-immigrants.

Who is "my lot"? Aye a big part of his appeal is that he will challenge the ever encroaching and unrelenting oppressive restrictions in freedom of speech.

The biggest concern in our society now seems to be the use of language and political correctness where people are demonised, publicly shamed and tied in knots about words, sentiments and opinions they are allowed to express or even hold. It has went ridiculously far and needs redressed.

Why would anyone in Scotland have an objection to uncontrolled immigration if they didn't care about the people of Northern England either? Not as if Airdrie is bursting with migrants is it?

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18 minutes ago, DrewDon said:
Lol @ all the Trump apologists on here lashing out at 'identity politics' whilst simultaneously failing to condemn or even acknowledge just how dependent their man's entire campaign was on the very identity politics they apparently abhor; to no less an extent than I ever recall Clinton's campaign being, anyway. It is almost like what they actually mean when they moan about 'identity politics' on the 'liberal left' is basically that it is does not place them front and centre, so they don't like it very much. You can see it on this thread - they are fine with identity politics, but they just aren't so fine with it when it's not their identity politics. 

Also laughing @ the liberal left becoming so "vitriolic, baseless and hate-filled" that Donald fucking Trump became President, but that one shouldn't require any explanation.

Perhaps the most demented, projection-ridden, desperate scrambling rewrite of history this sub-forum has ever seen, this week at least. Stunning work, even by your usual low standards.

Edited by banana
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32 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Some of the recent comments on here, even if they're terrible trolling and/or the utterances of morons, show why the protests against Trump must continue.  His view of the world and society must be continually challenged throughout his Presidency.

I think the Chlamydia Kid's parents have a lot to answer for and I really hope he is not a parent himself.


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Sorry, I lumped you together with some horrible people. Apologies to your Mother.

Bit OTT..

All I'm saying is that the women marching, from the small clips I've seen, from the boards, the banners, the tweets, seem to be forgetting that Trumps had an absolutely massive vote from women to get elected in the first place.

53% of white women and 42% of women overall.
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Yes, the issue started with Reagan, but you can't separate his economic policy from his Cold War policy. Reagan's goal was to end the Cold War (not destroy the Soviet Union as nobody saw that potential) by showing them that they couldn't keep up with the US militarily. He has the reputation as a militaristic nut, but that's far from the truth according to people who were there. His goal was to force the Soviets to the table and end the Cold War. He needed to jumpstart economic growth to pay for this military buildup. His strategy worked beyond his wildest dreams, and the next Presidents inherited a whole new world. They made specific decisions regarding economic policy, and those decisions have pushed economic growth to the very top, at the expense of society as a whole. Trump is going to set us on a whole new path. 


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First, I'm not someone who gets outraged by comics. I'm not outraged here. I like Bill Maher. His show makes me laugh.

Second, if you've ever cared 1% about anything I've posted, watch this.


I'm not sure if this is 100% meant to be a funny bit, or if he really is out of touch enough to think it's the drug addicts that are voting for Trump. Yes, all the counties in Ohio and Pennsylvania that switched from Obama to Trump are the ones with skyrocketing levels of opiate abuse. Yes, West Virginia which was Trump's number 1 state has downed 433 pain pills for every person in the state over the past 6 years. Yes, Wisconsin switched Republican for the first time in decades and heroin deaths quadrupled during Obama's Presidency. Dumb fucker, it's the normal people watching the collapse of their society that went for Trump. It's not the junkies. We aren't responding like the blacks in the inner cities did a couple generations ago and voting for more Democrats as their policies lead to societal decay for the lower classes. It's an amazing leftist blind spot if they can't imagine that rural people might see a solution to the problem as something other than more government handouts.

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Full on in denial lying through their fucking teeth mode now.  Surely even the dumbest of trumpets will see through this one.

President Donald Trump has accused the media of dishonestly reporting the size of the crowd at his inauguration.

He said the crowd had reached the Washington monument as he spoke at the US Capitol, despite photographic evidence to the contrary.

Later, his White House press secretary said it had been "the largest audience to ever see an inauguration, period".

In an earlier BBC article the guy in charge of tourism in Washington said demand for hotel rooms was way down compared to previous inaugurations, surely he's not part of 'Fake News' is he?

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