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1 hour ago, newcastle broon said:

Who mentioned history or fans and what the fcuk has ww got to do wi it? :lol:

Just that you identify yourself as a WW supporter. The fact that BSC are able to operate successfully at a higher level than WW might, to some, suggest a wee bit of jealousy.

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This club have no ground, no fans, no community and now they don’t even have a name. They are one man’s play thing and they are dangerous. Bad enough that they have given the Colts a foot in the door, just imagine if one of the established league clubs were to lose their status to this charade of a club.

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27 minutes ago, Stag Nation said:

Just that you identify yourself as a WW supporter. The fact that BSC are able to operate successfully at a higher level than WW might, to some, suggest a wee bit of jealousy.

:lol: Na no really I've had every respect for BSC from the start bud.

Most on here would confirm that. 

The pyramid is there for a reason I would start yous back at the bottom if yer going that route. 

Just an opinion of course as it's a fitba forum. 

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30 minutes ago, Stag Nation said:

Just that you identify yourself as a WW supporter. The fact that BSC are able to operate successfully at a higher level than WW might, to some, suggest a wee bit of jealousy.

There are quite a few clubs sitting above WW. It's probably only the old rivals they had from the EoSFL that are still lingering above them they might actually be jealous of due to similar backgrounds.

BSC have had no real advantage over WW other than what looks to be extra financial support from sponsors/ownership. Which is something most supporters of a club are wary of rather than being jealous.

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3 hours ago, Marten said:

…the behaviour of BSC & people involved in the club around the colt team saga was awful…

Are you referring to the Colts proposal being introduced, or something else? There haven’t been any examples of “awful” behaviour from any individuals as far as I’m aware.

Look - I get it. People hold the OF Colts introduction against the club now. What I said previously still stands however in that we are where we are on merit, regardless of any location or fanbase considerations.

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Just now, Born To Run said:

Are you referring to the Colts proposal being introduced, or something else? There haven’t been any examples of “awful” behaviour from any individuals as far as I’m aware.

Look - I get it. People hold the OF Colts introduction against the club now. What I said previously still stands however in that we are where we are on merit, regardless of any location or fanbase considerations.

The whole saga, BSC and people from BSC (like George Fraser) were clearly key in pushing this. I greatly blame George Fraser for this as he shouldn't have put it to a vote in the first place. Obviously it's not just BSC to blame for this, but this awful idea is something I won't forgive him & BSC for.

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This club have no ground, no fans, no community and now they don’t even have a name. They are one man’s play thing and they are dangerous. Bad enough that they have given the Colts a foot in the door, just imagine if one of the established league clubs were to lose their status to this charade of a club.
& we have all their players [emoji23]
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Will Sir Jerry Maguire, the 4th most influential poster in lowland league pie and bovril history, continue to support the LL 'hammer thrower' club or go back to the roots with the OG BSC Glasgow Sports Club? 

This is the most important facet of this debacle imo.

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Will Sir Jerry Maguire, the 4th most influential poster in lowland league pie and bovril history, continue to support the LL 'hammer thrower' club or go back to the roots with the OG BSC Glasgow Sports Club? 
This is the most important facet of this debacle imo.

Jerry is far to ball deep in the colts to be answering to riff raff like you craigieboy. He is a busy man.
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43 minutes ago, johnmc80 said:

Jerry is far to ball deep in the colts to be answering to riff raff like you craigieboy. He is a busy man.

He's probably too baws deep in the colts to even realise this has happened

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The f**k have BSC earned? They applied and got into the LL, never won promotion or f**k all. 

And any shitehawk club can go as far as the financial power of the person subsidising it allows. Given they have no fans, rent a ground, have a squad of players to pay, and other associated running costs - team buses, training pitches etc, its not sustainable without someone funding, must be over six figures per annum to finance it all. I've no idea if they had access to any youth or community grants with the previous affiliation either that they may have ended up firing into their first team squad of journeymen, that would be another source of revenue down the shitter as well.

They were the front runners with the sporting integrity stuff over the play-off, and then that went out the window when the colts flashed two bob. That was under the guise of youth development, when it then turned out they had by all accounts actually not played a single player in their 1st team from their setup because they were playing mercenaries instead.

Now they don't even have a fucking name for fucks sake. :lol: 

Pointless, pointless, club who yes, should just die. Be as well throwing that cash down a drain tbh.


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9 hours ago, Benidorm said:

The f**k have BSC earned? They applied and got into the LL, never won promotion or f**k all. 

Well they earnt their position in the LL by applying and making the effort to get licensed. Ye might not like the way they went with it or like how it's turnt out but they made the effort whilst all the big Joonyer clubs who mocked them are now stuck one or two divisions below them when they had the opportunity to be in that position. 

Up until the nonsense with the OF Colts I always backed BSC and, as tits up as it's went, they deserve to be in the Lowland League because they took the effort to get in there and have remained above the relegation spots ever since

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1 minute ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Up until the nonsense with the OF Colts I always backed BSC and, as tits up as it's went, they deserve to be in the Lowland League because they took the effort to get in there and have remained above the relegation spots ever since

They've brought the game into disrepute by sucking the Old Firm's boaby and their ridiculous franchise for hire status and should be expelled from the leagues. 

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Just now, virginton said:

They've brought the game into disrepute by sucking the Old Firm's boaby and their ridiculous franchise for hire status and should be expelled from the leagues. 

Entirely agree but there a dozen other LL clubs that aren't getting the same patter.

Yourself excluded obviously as you want every club expelled from the league until the league is just Morton, Campbeltown, Wick and the Uist and Harris clubs

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It'll be interesting to see whether they remake themselves as an Alloa-based club for the forseeable (and how that effects the relationship with Alloa Athletic), or whether they up and leave entirely to try to keep their Glasgow roots. Or go fully down the Edusport route and focus on building an entirely online fanbase of oddballs who are really into Equity for Punks, Rangers and American sports.

Edited by AlansHotBath
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6 minutes ago, AlansHotBath said:

It'll be interesting to see whether they remake themselves as an Alloa-based club for the forseeable (and how that effects the relationship with Alloa Athletic), or whether they up and leave entirely to try to keep their Glasgow roots. Or go fully down the Edusport route and focus on building an entirely online fanbase of oddballs who are really into Equity for Punks, Rangers and American sports.

Going by their statement they're still trying to get back to Glasgow. Next season there's the potential of Little Hampden and another couple of grounds that should meet licencing standards, so they should have some new options to try on that front.

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