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Clubs who ban local press

The Faceman

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Just wondering if any clubs ban any press from their home games due to:

- Writing negative pieces about the club

- misquoting management or players

- or simply writing stuff that's wrong.

In the age where clubs have Facebook, Twitter, insta and their own website is there still a place for the newspapers - especially when they get in for nothing and judging by last weekend's coverage, give very little (in my view) back.

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In my experience most clubs are glad of the coverage and usually have a good working relationship with local press. I guess it works both ways as the press are probably quite keen to get something to fill their pages. The issue with Facebook, Twitter etc is that clubs need someone to maintain such forums in an organised way and it can be difficult getting anyone to do this regularly - how many club websites of Facebook pages do you look at that are well out of date of effectively defunct.

You allude to some ongoing issue so please tell ....

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Not really my problem But I just look at the coverage given to the juniors and lower leagues every week - both as a preview and the report etc and wonder if it justifies the free entry or should clubs charge everyone (bar players manager refs) to come in?

There is some excellent coverage it has to be said. The East Lothian Courier for example is fantastic as is the Local advertiser in Midlothian. But bar that in the East it is very limited. Those that do try really shouldnt unless they provide correct info and check out quotes etc.

i know the arguement there is no interest etc well if thats the case then pay the 6 quid to get in!


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58 minutes ago, Northboy said:

In my experience most clubs are glad of the coverage and usually have a good working relationship with local press. I guess it works both ways as the press are probably quite keen to get something to fill their pages. The issue with Facebook, Twitter etc is that clubs need someone to maintain such forums in an organised way and it can be difficult getting anyone to do this regularly - how many club websites of Facebook pages do you look at that are well out of date of effectively defunct.

You allude to some ongoing issue so please tell ....

I agree with what you say. 

Websites Are on the way out anyway. Apps and Twitter and all the rest of it are taking over.

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I recon ALL Junior clubs are glad of any coverage in their local press. Most local newspapers are bought by their readers week in - week out,& have done for years! Maybe 75% are "older generation",& not really clued up in social media.They rely on getting the local teams' news & match photos by reading the 'back pages',& the purchase of the local press,for this reason,has financial benefits for these newspapers. My local newspaper...The Irvine Times...gives great coverage & news of all three local teams - Irvine Meadow,Irvine Vics.,& my team,Kilwinning Rangers.Local amateur teams are also well covered by the 'Times. So,sorry bud,I can't see any Junior clubs banning important,local press! 

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I've heard some horror stories through the grapevine of people at certain clubs - normally just either the management or a cabal of two or three on their committee - who want control over everything in the media and won't countenance anything appearing in print or online that isn't a puff piece about how great things - and by extension they - are.

I guess that extends to their dealings with the media - I think most clubs however want the exposure, even it it means on occasion having to read a critical piece. In terms of getting stuff wrong, perhaps an element of culpability rests with the clubs - local papers aren't staffed to do in-depth research, so it's the clubs' responsibility to keep them right.

For misquoting, you've obviously never read the Evening Times! They're notorious for tarting up quotes in bizarre flowery language you know the player or manager concerned never used - one that sticks in my mind this season was John our manager describing big Jon Connolly as "that doyen of Junior custodians". Obviously he never used that phrase - it's not 1895...

Didn't stop him getting pelters for it on the bus over to Fauldhouse though.

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On a side note. I'm not on twitter nor Facebook [emoji23] ( it's for children with nothing better to do )
So if the websites are going to become obsolete ( as mentioned above) I'm well and truly fecked. [emoji22]

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Local press tends to be poor for me and by the time it comes out on the Wednesday you could just head down to your teams training on Monday night and talk to the gaffer and players regarding the saturdays game . 


Either that or just talk to them on facebook / twitter . Papers are yesterday's thing. 

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The culpability of a club for incorrect reporting I mentioned earlier doesn't end with the press however; I remember there was one time we were playing a team with virtually no online presence - forget exactly who it was, but it was a side who had no website, FB, twitter or whatever. Struggling for something to put about them in the programme I found a local newspaper story about them online that was several months old and paraphrased it.

At the game, some dick - still not sure whether it was one of their committee or their resident anorak statto - came striding over to me demanding to know why I had put this in the prog because it was ALL WRONG...I think one of the players it mentioned was no longer at the club or something along these lines..Obviously I was meant to know this through telepathy or something!

His face fell when I told him if his club didn't give enough of a f**k to make any information about themselves available, I sure didn't give enough of one to try to double or triple-check what was out there was right.

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The Kirky Herald has been decent with Rob Roy coverage and recently Rossvale too, back page with a detailed report of the game, photos and interviews with the manager. Amateur teams in the area (namely Harestanes, Campsie Minerva, Campsie Black Watch) are covered aswell in it and there are also some coverage of local youth clubs too. The sport section is probably the papers best part as the news stories never actually take place in Kirky and start reporting on things happening in Springburn.

But I remember a Kilsyth Rangers supporter saying that the Kilsyth Chronicle and Cumbernauld news over the past couple of years more or less neglected Kilsyth Rangers and Cumbernauld Utd and filled it with Cumbernauld Colts news

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The Kirky Herald has been decent with Rob Roy coverage and recently Rossvale too, back page with a detailed report of the game, photos and interviews with the manager. Amateur teams in the area (namely Harestanes, Campsie Minerva, Campsie Black Watch) are covered aswell in it and there are also some coverage of local youth clubs too. The sport section is probably the papers best part as the news stories never actually take place in Kirky and start reporting on things happening in Springburn.

But I remember a Kilsyth Rangers supporter saying that the Kilsyth Chronicle and Cumbernauld news over the past couple of years more or less neglected Kilsyth Rangers and Cumbernauld Utd and filled it with Cumbernauld Colts news

Your right lee , they relied on us and utd to fill there sports pages for years ,the they got a hardon for clyde when they moved into the area , and now theve got one for the colts , pisses me off !
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Your right lee , they relied on us and utd to fill there sports pages for years ,the they got a hardon for clyde when they moved into the area , and now theve got one for the colts , pisses me off !

Yeah it was yourself that brought the point up! And I totally agree with it and can understand your frustration.

Clyde moving in to the area I can see the reason they took a fancy for them as throughout Scotland they are a well known team even though now they're nowhere near the best.

But to neglect the 2 teams which filled their back pages for years and start reporting on a team with very little fan base except those connected with the club I don't think is fair. I'm not saying for a second to not report on Colts, by all means report on their games and news. But why don't they spread it out equally with coverage for the 3 (or 4 if you include Clyde) clubs because let's be honest about it, I'm sure there is much more local interest in Kilsyth Rangers and even Utd than Cumbernauld Colts. Especially the season Kilsyth are having I'm surprised there isn't more about them in the local paper
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17 hours ago, Mr Motivator said:

must be really frustrating for a manager being told by the club chairman what he can and can not comment on via social media. Who would do such a thing? 

Thing is those In charge of the game are only to happy to search all day for a comment they dont like so that they can fine or ban them.

Much easier than sorting the issues the game has out.

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There has been a raft of statements in the East regarding teams leaving the Juniors to go into the Lowland league.

If anything it shows 

1) the divide between management and some clubs.

2) the divide between clubs and supporters

3) the clubs are so far ahead of those tasked with running the game that it's got to the embarrassing stage.

Equally, the fact that a few different newspapers from different owners have the same story, it shows either

clubs are happy to feed the papers with said stories

The clubs have no respect for the region - or the region are so out of touch they don't know what's happening on their own door step.

Or the different reporters all happened to have the same story at the Same time!

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On 05/04/2017 at 18:12, JPGR said:

Did Nitten not ban Campbell from the sun and Thomson from Evening News.  So did Musselburgh.

Thomson might no be welcome at Kelty or Bo'ness after this weeks garbage.

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