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Ruth Davidson.


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1 minute ago, jmothecat said:


Why would she possibly suggest it? There is no advantage to her or for Labour for people to vote Tory over the SNP.


That's what she should remember. 

Slab are blinded by hatred for the SNP in Scotland.  It makes them unable to see the wider picture.

During the TV debates, Kezia should've been hammering Ruth Davidson.  Because Ruth Davidson is the Tories representative and the Tories are who Labour are fighting for the privilege of government.  She didn't though, she never does in these debates.

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2 minutes ago, Shades75 said:

That's what she should remember. 

Slab are blinded by hatred for the SNP in Scotland.  It makes them unable to see the wider picture.

During the TV debates, Kezia should've been hammering Ruth Davidson.  Because Ruth Davidson is the Tories representative and the Tories are who Labour are fighting for the privilege of government.  She didn't though, she never does in these debates.


People voting labour in Scotland are really unreconciled Blairite red torys (jmothecat) or have really short memories.

Whatever folk thought they were voting for in Scotland, it was not Corbyns labour party. By and large the slab members standing oppose(d) Corbyn and will be stabbing him in the back at the first opportunity.

A vote for labour in Scotland is and always has been a wasted vote for anyone who supports independence. It has allowed their unionist cretin mps and msps to paint indyref as being unpopular and try and get it shelved.

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2 hours ago, jmothecat said:

That's not what the headline writer thought in a Tory paper where there is an obvious advantage in trying to make people think that was her suggestion.



I live in Ayr, Carrick & Cumnock where Labour were second in 2015, I was off work with a kidney problem from April through to June I returned to work on Friday morning. This was the first election I haven't been doorstepped by Labour and the first one where no-one from Labour were at the polling station, both happened during the Council elections. I did get a leaflet through from the Conservatives telling us that the Ruth Davidson's candidate was the only one who could beat the SNP. There's no doubt in my mind about the message she was trying to get across. Like I said spin away.


Meanwhile RD seems to be letting it all get to her - walking out of a Channel 4 interview. Still at least Theresa's listening to her.


Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson walked out in the middle of an interview after she was questioned about Democratic Unionist Party’s stance on LGTB rights.


Edited by btb
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6 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:


There is a very clear advantage to the unionist cause though, which Kezia Dugdale is very clearly part of.


Which is the crux of the matter.

Kezia didn't think that Labour could win the election, and her support for Corbyn was tepid - at very, very best.  So she, and her cohorts, were more than happy to talk "divisive second referendum" and "stop the SNP".  I'm sure that most of us have some campaign leaflets that show this.

These were the identical attack lines used by all three unionist parties in Scotland.

She basically did whatever Ruth Davidson dictated.

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It's fair to have a go at Slab for dancing to Davidson's tune but there's the difference between a political enemy and an electoral one.  The Tories are (or at least should be) Slab's political enemy but the SNP are their electoral one.  That will always dictate their electioneering position.

Whilst we're at it, we should recognise that the SNP has given Davidson a pretty easy ride IMO.  We should have been attacking her more and linking her to every unpopular Tory policy on a continual basis, not just during the election campaign.  Instead we've allowed her to adopt this "nice wee Ruthie" persona that has made her quite popular with large swathes of the electorate.


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46 minutes ago, Shades75 said:

Which is the crux of the matter.

Kezia didn't think that Labour could win the election, and her support for Corbyn was tepid - at very, very best.  So she, and her cohorts, were more than happy to talk "divisive second referendum" and "stop the SNP".  I'm sure that most of us have some campaign leaflets that show this.

These were the identical attack lines used by all three unionist parties in Scotland.

She basically did whatever Ruth Davidson dictated.

.........and it worked - the head story on BBC Scotland news is "Ruth Davidson holds talks with prime minister"



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2 hours ago, Lex said:

Delicious amount of seethe she causes amongst Labour and SNP supporters.


Future PM material for sure.

Oh I hope so. First foriegn born leader of the Former United Kingdom (fuk).

By the way. She is an irrlelevance to most indy voters. 

The leader of a britnat rocket party, whose core support are staunch and would never back indy anyway

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That's what she should remember. 
Slab are blinded by hatred for the SNP in Scotland.  It makes them unable to see the wider picture.
During the TV debates, Kezia should've been hammering Ruth Davidson.  Because Ruth Davidson is the Tories representative and the Tories are who Labour are fighting for the privilege of government.  She didn't though, she never does in these debates.

The Tories aren't who Labour are fighting with for seats in Scotland though. Ideologically I, and the rest of the party, are certainly more opposed to the Tories than we are the SNP, but we are fighting for seats held by the SNP, not seats held by the Tories. We aren't going to take the borders or Kincardineshire, but we've a chance in Glasgow and Edinburgh. We are competing with the SNP in Scotland far
more than we are the Tories. Dugdale's pitch to unionist floating voters has everything to do with winning seats we can win and very little, if anything, to do with ideology.

It's also worth noting that Kezia's major speech on this issue, the one she was pretty much trying to condense for the Sky interview, she did spend a lot of time criticising the Tories with a particular focus on the rape clause.
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3 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

The only example of parties giving other ones a free run in the election was the Greens, standing in only 3 seats to help the air passenger duty abolishing SNP. 

........and UKIP which stood in just 10 in Scotland.

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All the Scottish Greens' decisions about whether or not to stand candidates were taken at constituency level, I believe, with a lack of money and resources being the main factor for only standing in three seats after so many elections and referendums over a relatively short period of time. In some cases, though, I'm sure they will have considered the possibility of taking votes from the party most likely to defeat the Tories (the SNP in most cases). It isn't exactly a secret that the Greens support the idea of cooperating with other parties to block the Tories. 

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So full quote:

“The reality is the vast majority of seats across Scotland, it’s only the Labour party that can beat the SNP.

“There are a few differences in the Borders and the Highlands where the Tories might be better placed but right across Scotland’s centre belt, where the vast majority of Scotland’s population lives, the only party that can beat the SNP is the Labour party.”

That's not advocating voting Tory at all. It's actually a completely accurate summation of Scottish politics and sounds to me like a pitch to try to convince Tory unionists in the central belt to back Labour over the SNP, not sure why they would but a completely sensible pitch for the Scottish Labour leader to make.

You are dumber than a bag of hammers.
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2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

You are dumber than a bag of hammers.

Very disparaging, I've not met a hammer yet that thinks Dugdale didn't encourage Labour voters to vote Tory in seats where they were best placed to win.

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