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"The ICT Thread - From the Premiership to the Seaside"

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The previous board has no idea what they were doing and stumbled onto a great team thanks to Terry Butcher, who basically ran the club.

The current board also have no idea what they are doing but could end up doing the right things by accident.

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I never liked Butcher but being an egotistical narcissist is not a bad thing for a leader. Plus he was a "name" and attracted players sometimes on that basis alone. But our scouting team were second to none at that time, Butcher bullied the Board into bigger signing on fees, contracts and wages  but when a dictator is challenged then it becomes a personal battle and his "evil" personna took over. As for the current board they are utterly clueless about football. They were brought in to sort out the finances and try to bring the club back to an even keel. Others have sorted out the communication problems and if anyone is changing the football side it is Robbo, abetted by the likes of Messrs Esson, Tokely and Wilson.

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On 08/12/2018 at 00:46, UpInTheAyr said:

If that United player was Shankland then I guess that's where your manager got that "some players at Ayr are on a grand a week" line. Although it'd still be very surprising if we're paying him anything like that, never mind £1200.

I reckon the reference was to Dundee United and Craig Curran.  And yep, I'd very much doubt Ayr United are paying more wages than ICT are.  Given where both clubs have been playing for the last decade or so. (Not a dig at Ayr United btw, just going by income playing in the SPL/Prem against League One/Championship).

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Alright lads,

I've written a short story, and since it's about Inverness, I thought it would make sense to post it here.

"How The f**k Are We Winning This?" - https://accentunknown.wordpress.com/2018/12/04/how-the-f**k-are-we-winning-this/#more-735

Give it a read and let me know what you think

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I reckon the reference was to Dundee United and Craig Curran.  And yep, I'd very much doubt Ayr United are paying more wages than ICT are.  Given where both clubs have been playing for the last decade or so. (Not a dig at Ayr United btw, just going by income playing in the SPL/Prem against League One/Championship).

I think it’s well known Shankland turned down teams offering him more money and I think we did bump his wage up but not that much.

If he was after more money he’d be away by now. Perfectly reasonable suggestion that Inverness could offer higher wages than us.
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18 hours ago, Accent-Unknown said:


I've written a short story,

Too short, didn't read.



Chick Young tells a similar story about his step father in the immediate aftermath of St Mirren's cup win.

It seemed that some of the team wouldn't be good enough for the new season.


I like the fact that you chose Inverness as a Highland team as they have previous European experience. Anything else would be fantastical.


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30 minutes ago, ICTChris said:


The report on STV answers the burning “who’s shoe was it?!!!” question.


I believe the guy who posted that is also on the board of Caley Jags Forever Together.  No wonder folk aren't turning up at their AGMs.

Also, does that clown on CTO still think Calder is 'a good guy'?

Edited by Highland Capital
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4 hours ago, Highland Capital said:

I see Riccardo Calder got nine months in the slammer.

Hopefully he will spend the time reflecting on the stupidity of his actions but that he also gets help for his anger issues.

Could have obvious implications on his future career and if he actually has one in football or not. Have no sympathy for the guy for doing what he did but hope that this is not the defining moment of his career as a professional footballer.

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1 hour ago, Tarmo Kink said:


Wonder if Mahonio / Caley Shaun is in there with him. Not seen him about for a while.


When last spotted, he was working his peculiar magic in the Tartan Army Ramblings sub-forum, starting a thread called 'Time for Big Eck to go already', whereupon Scotland promptly won the double-header against Albania and Israel. It always cheers me up when he posts a thread on one of the ICT forums prematurely calling for the head of whoever our current manager is, because it means we're about to go on a brilliant run. It's a rare talent he's got, and one that should be encouraged. 

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