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Sunderland's a strange choice for his testimonial, a game with the Scottish cup winning team versus against the 2007 cup winning team would have been ideal but I'm not sure how possible it is logistically.

Not a great weekend either for the attendance considering the TRNSMT festival is on and it's the second week of the school holidays but the early start of the league cup limits the dates for friendlies. Would be an absolute sin for him to not get at least 15k attendance. Scottish cup and CIS cup winning legend.

Edited by St. Jude
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Sunderland's a strange choice for his testimonial, a game with the Scottish cup winning team versus against the 2007 cup winning team would have been ideal but I'm not sure how possible it is logistically.
Not a great weekend either for the attendance considering the TRSNMT festival is on and it's the second week of the school holidays. Would be an absolute sin for him to not get at least 15k attendance. Scottish cup and CIS cup winning legend.

I think I read something about Hibs having to pay insurance for players coming back like Brown, Fletcher etc and that Fletcher alone would cost about £30k because of wages etc.
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Lewis deserves a big crowd for this, he's been a good servant to the club and is a double cup winning legend. Not the ideal opposition, so hoping for a couple of decent guest appearances.


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2 minutes ago, mackenzie43 said:

Any juicey rumours going about? Worst part of summer is the lack of football, only wildly speculative rumours get me through :rolleyes:

Liam Henderson. It's happening. 

P.S Don't blame me if it doesn't happen. It's only a BREAKING RUMOUR at this stage from my sources. Still to be confirmed. Stay tuned for further updates. #ITK #fansnews #NLGAWA

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Sunderland are a bunch of fucking tramps who tried to smash up every pub In Leith about 6 years ago when they were here. I'm sure the home end will sell out, get both cups out and a few special guests. would rather it was 3pm Saturday but 2pm on a sunday is not as bad as a 12pm kick off.

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3 hours ago, The Grass Is Greener. said:

I work with a Sunderland fan and he says they will bring a good crowd. I think they travel in decent numbers. As long as we show up it should be a decent occasion. He deserves a good crowd.

They are away at Bury for their 1st pre season friendly on the Friday night, be interesting to see what kind of team they bring up. 

Agree with others really hope he gets a good turn out,  a great servant to the club. 

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It's actually a fucking disgrace. 

Its like they have agreed their every 5 year friendly with Sunderland and just went "aye let's have testimonial too" maybe he was a ball boy when we played them in roughly 2001 but it's a crime like. 

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