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So I'm guilty of blowing smoke up the owner's arse by describing last season as poor? Or did you mean in general? Or did you mean because my posts consist of more than buzzword bingo selections from the list of:
1. Not good enough
2. Shambles
3. Incompetent idiots
4. Shite tan
5. Ian Gordon is playing FM manager at his dad's club
6. Lower league dross
7. Johnson out
8. Cheap option
9. Random punts
10. Deluded

Now you’re just picking words out the air that you’ve maybe read one or two fans say and painting everyone who dares say one negative thing about the owner with that brush.

It’s okay to criticise aspects of the club whilst also supporting, it doesn’t have to be one or the other [emoji106]
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10 minutes ago, Tommy Tappin said:

Handpicked by Shauny boy himself, again as confirmed by Kensall at the Sunnyside event. 

:lol: aye and we just happened to keep him on a long term deal based on his performances being utter shit after Maloney was sacked, because?

Kensell likes to blame everyone else and take no responsibiliy.

Rocky was handpicked by Maloney, was utter shit at all times, dropped, then signed again when the manager left.  Why? :lol: 

No chance.  Maloney took what was given as better than nothing.  

Mathie was sacked because of last summer.  Who takes the blame for January shambles and this summer then?  Whos being sacked if we are still shit come December?  LJ and just blame him?  

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Just now, Hoose Rice said:

Its all and good spending the money they have commercially but empty stands eventually and loses through no Europe, bottom six and no cup run wipes all that away.  Are you seriously trying to say money on the football side of things for the first team has been spent well?

Again you are saying others opinions are attacking the club.  Does nothing for your argument -  I could say being blinkered like you is doing more damage. 

If new goalie coach is an improvement good news.  

I'm saying constantly negativity from punters who've never run a football club means:

1. They're not helping

2. They don't know the whole picture

3. They're contributing to a negative consensus

4. They're talking out of their arses.

Now I know here in social media land, not agreeing with something means that you have to accuse the disagreer of thinking the EXACT opposite but my position is simple:

1. Last season wasn't good enough but we're almost always shite under any owner with any players so that's hardly news and saying 'cheap option' is like 'yeah, and?' 

2. We've got a passionate owner, deluded or otherwise, that's trying to improve us.

3. He needs all the help he can get. Do we get behind him, do we pheck.

4. We do our rivals job for them

5. What have we got to lose? The club? Doubt it, it's sat on too much money. 

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6 minutes ago, Tommy Tappin said:

So I'm guilty of blowing smoke up the owner's arse by describing last season as poor? Or did you mean in general? Or did you mean because my posts consist of more than buzzword bingo selections from the list of:

1. Not good enough

2. Shambles

3. Incompetent idiots

4. Shite tan

5. Ian Gordon is playing FM manager at his dad's club

6. Lower league dross

7. Johnson out

8. Cheap option

9. Random punts

10. Deluded



Ok - all is well with the club in your imagination and everything else is a massive attack on the club or Ron.  Just have to have patience. 

Nae bother.

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3 minutes ago, GreenGray said:

Now you’re just picking words out the air that you’ve maybe read one or two fans say and painting everyone who dares say one negative thing about the owner with that brush.

It’s okay to criticise aspects of the club whilst also supporting, it doesn’t have to be one or the other emoji106.png

Look around boss, it's not one or two. 

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4 minutes ago, Hoose Rice said:

:lol: aye and we just happened to keep him on a long term deal based on his performances being utter shit after Maloney was sacked, because?

Kensell likes to blame everyone else and take no responsibiliy.

Rocky was handpicked by Maloney, was utter shit at all times, dropped, then signed again when the manager left.  Why? :lol: 

No chance.  Maloney took what was given as better than nothing.  

Mathie was sacked because of last summer.  Who takes the blame for January shambles and this summer then?  Whos being sacked if we are still shit come December?  LJ and just blame him?  

Why are we blaming anyone for this summer? 

Have we played the season already? You got your crystal balls out again?

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2 minutes ago, GreenGray said:

Obviously but you get my point. Well I hope you do and you’ve not just chosen to ignore it.

We're not talking in a vacuum here, this is a public forum, players see this, the club sees this. Facebook, twitter is the same. 

That's support?  Not to me it's not. Asking questions publicly is one thing, having a dig is another entirely. 

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Just now, Tommy Tappin said:

I'm saying constantly negativity from punters who've never run a football club means:

1. They're not helping

2. They don't know the whole picture

3. They're contributing to a negative consensus

4. They're talking out of their arses.

Now I know here in social media land, not agreeing with something means that you have to accuse the disagreer of thinking the EXACT opposite but my position is simple:

1. Last season wasn't good enough but we're almost always shite under any owner with any players so that's hardly news and saying 'cheap option' is like 'yeah, and?' 

2. We've got a passionate owner, deluded or otherwise, that's trying to improve us.

3. He needs all the help he can get. Do we get behind him, do we pheck.

4. We do our rivals job for them

5. What have we got to lose? The club? Doubt it, it's sat on too much money. 

1.  its negatve because its shit on the pitch.  Just be happy about bottom 6 and emptied out the cup for the sake of it aye?  Where will that get us?

2.  And you know the whole picture?  Do tell then.  Becuase so far all youve said is be patient as the team gets worse.

3 & 4 - Thats your opinion.  Based on very little.


1.  Because we have been shit before its good enough now?  Stop looking at the past as an excuse for current failings on the pitch.

2&3 he also needs help so appoint the right people not his son and a group of mystery people that is evidently not working but not accepting that is the case.  We get behind Ron.  11500 fans have bought seasons.  Stop blaming the fans. 

4.  We help them build a good team and have appoint a fantastic dof for Hearts now aye?  Stop blaming the fans.  We are doing nothing but support the team. 

All Im getting from you now is Ron is great support is shite so thats where our interaction ends on this :)  I would never slag off our support.  We back the club regardless every single season. 

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2 hours ago, Tommy Tappin said:

Then how about 'supporting' rather than attacking a team that hasn't played a league match yet, 'supporting' rather than attacking an ownership who are 3 years into a 5 year plan and have had covid to navigate and 'supporting' a manager building a side? 

You can bin the navigating covid pish please. Every club was affected.

As for the 5 year plan, maybe better making it 10 seeing as the last 10 months have probably set us back 2 years given that we've had to pay off 2 managers, with the third already under some pressure with a difficult start to the season ahead.

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We're not talking in a vacuum here, this is a public forum, players see this, the club sees this. Facebook, twitter is the same. 
That's support?  Not to me it's not. Asking questions publicly is one thing, having a dig is another entirely. 

I’ve not criticised the players once and rarely do. But no one is immune to criticism and if the club read this then hopefully they can take some of it on.

If anyone has the right to criticise the ones making the decisions it’s the paying fans. No club is ran perfectly but we’re a lot further away from it than others and I don’t think saying so is a bad thing.
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7 minutes ago, Tommy Tappin said:

Why are we blaming anyone for this summer? 

Have we played the season already? You got your crystal balls out again?

We are out one cup already ffs :lol: to diddy part timers.

Want to revisit this in a month after the first 4 games?  You dont need a crystal ball to say we will struggle.  You are ok to simply guess we will be good though? :lol: 

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Is just me that thinks Rocky may actually turn out to be a decent signing :lol:

I think he’s been one of our best players pre season, although admittedly that’s not saying much and we’ve been playing Tin pot opposition such as Morton and Falkirk.

The real test for him will be when the league kicks off on Saturday.

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8 minutes ago, Dominique Malonga said:

Is just me that thinks Rocky may actually turn out to be a decent signing

I said after the re-signing mess that I think he will be YPOTY and it was only half tongue in cheek.

He's only about 20, and should improve however the proof will be in the pudding.

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49 minutes ago, Hoose Rice said:

We are out one cup already ffs :lol: to diddy part timers.

Want to revisit this in a month after the first 4 games?  You dont need a crystal ball to say we will struggle.  You are ok to simply guess we will be good though? :lol: 

You haven't even seen all the signings yet. But you're laser focused on where to find the stick to beat us with and there's many of a likemind.  

One day in the future if we lift a cup under LJ's management or Ron's ownership, don't forget to point out 'aye but remember that context free time when we got pumped out to a diddy part time team'.  Your squad insights are second to none. 

No, I want to revisit this after the first round of fixtures. I want balanced, factual evaluation with no extreme fanboy blind faith and no miserable knut attacks.

Honest question @Hoose Rice genuine motive for asking. Not looking to have a dig, not looking to catch you out. Have you ever built or run a business of any kind, at any point in your career?

If yes, how did it go?

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We can't all be captains of industry, but that doesn't mean we can't look at aspects of our club and have a wee moan.

I was so pissed off at Hibs I sacked off a free night out on them last week.

On the flip side, I received fantastic service from the ticket office this week.

Shit happens man. Take a chill pill.

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10 minutes ago, Tommy Tappin said:

You haven't even seen all the signings yet. But you're laser focused on where to find the stick to beat us with and there's many of a likemind.  

One day in the future if we lift a cup under LJ's management or Ron's ownership, don't forget to point out 'aye but remember that context free time when we got pumped out to a diddy part time team'.  Your squad insights are second to none. 

No, I want to revisit this after the first round of fixtures. I want balanced, factual evaluation with no extreme fanboy blind faith and no miserable knut attacks.

Honest question @Hoose Rice genuine motive for asking. Not looking to have a dig, not looking to catch you out. Have you ever built or run a business of any kind, at any point in your career?

If yes, how did it go?

I’m done mate.  This is no good for anything.

Heres to a decent rest of the season and I sincerely hope your blinkered ways are 100% correct. 

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