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52 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

Do you think this was the current managers decision or something that was planned by Lee Johnson perhaps that the club couldn’t get out of (or didn’t want to?)

Suspect, since its Hibs, the logic went as far as "what do big clubs do".

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29 minutes ago, Hoose Rice said:

Nah, Montgomery was into all that fly on the wall shite at the CCMs.   He properly agreed to it, probably stick it on his CV or something. 

If you watch Australian sports, not just the fitba, you'll see that stuff all the time, not as an exception. Rugby league has cameras in the dressing room, and the A-League used to (maybe still does) have interviews with coaches during the game from time to time (as you noted). I think their other sports did that too (I lived there ages and ages ago). He was over there for ages, so probably isn't that arsed about it.

I don't know if Amercian sports do the same, but I'll assume they do because they're shite.

I think it's asking for trouble. A coach can't win in that scenario, and I don't see what is in it for anyone to be able to see the changing room. It should be a place where players and coaches can be open and honest without worrying about the (often mad) perceptions of non-expert onlookers.

tl;dr Montgomery is a weirdo and Hibs will certainly be relegated.

Edited by VincentGuerin
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Just now, VincentGuerin said:


I think it's asking for trouble. A coach can't win in that scenario, and I don't see what is in it for anyone to be able to see the changing room.

Agreed. Darvel beat Aberdeen last year in probably the biggest ever Scottish upset and it was slightly overshadowed by the pre-match talk from the manager which was cringeworthy.

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4 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Suspect, since its Hibs, the logic went as far as "what do big clubs do".

You are mistaking us for the biggest most massive club in Edinburgh the World, our neighbours 

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Just now, Sortmeout said:

Agreed. Darvel beat Aberdeen last year in probably the biggest ever Scottish upset and it was slightly overshadowed by the pre-match talk from the manager which was cringeworthy.

That's a good example.

Opinions on the team talk are subjective, but he'd have looked daft if they'd lost 6-0.

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9 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

Can't wait for Sky sports New reporting Hoose Rice sitting in his car outside Tynecastle on deadline day.


:lol: only if I get get a room in that new super dooper hotel that has a windae mate.   At least then I could throw myself out it once I've signed ;) 

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Bit of ITK GOSSIP for the Hibbies on here that might amuse you.

I've mentioned (a million times) on here that my missus' brother is a now former footballer who played in the EFL.

This weekend at a family event we popped into, I got talking to a current EFL player mate of his who had been lined up to go to Hibs in the summer, but it got canned as a player at his current club got injured so he was required to stick around. He said that until Johnson got the bullet there was a good chance he was off to Hibs this month as he has worked with Johnson before and said, and I quote:

"He's amazing to work for. Such a good guy, and I was dying to go."

I told him he may not find many Hibs fans who thought so highly of him and he agreed he can come across Brentish, but reckoned he was good in the dressing room etc. He said that he'd have gone to Hibs despite offers from down south to play for him again, as well as his wife liking Edinburgh. I expressed my surprise at his desire to move to Scotland, and he explained that, like any other job, footballers like to have a good boss that they get on with.

So, there you go, lads. Apparently, LJOK. Thought you'd be pleased to hear it.

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2 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

Bit of IK GOSSIP for the Hibbies on here that might amuse you.

I've mentioned (a million times) on here that my missus' brother is a now former footballer who played in the EFL.

This weekend at a family event we popped into I got talking to a current player mate of his who had been lined up to go to Hibs in the summer, but it got canned as a player at his current club got injured so he was required to stick around. He said that until Johnson got the bullet there was a good chance he was off to Hibs this month as he has worked with Johnson before and said, and I quote:

"He's amazing to work for. Such a good guy, and I was dying to go."

I told him he may not find many Hibs fans who thought so highly of him and he agreed he can come across Brentish, but reckoned he was good in the dressing room etc. He said that he'd have gone to Hibs despite offers from down south to play for him again, as well as his wife liking Edinburgh. I expressed my surprise at his desire to move to Scotland, and he explained that, like any other job, footballers like to have a good boss that they get on with.

So, there you go, lads. Apparently, LJOK. Thought you'd be pleased to hear it.

Maybe he's more appealing to players down South but I know that senior players at us and others that have retired the last few years that couldn't stand the guy. 

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3 minutes ago, Hoose Rice said:

Maybe he's more appealing to players down South but I know that senior players at us and others that have retired the last few years that couldn't stand the guy. 

Aye, that seems to be how it's gone.

My brother-in-law (I'm not married, but how else do I describe him?) has mentioned before that he's had wildly different views on coaches from mates of his. Obviously, every time a coach moves there's a bunch of WhatsApp activity as players check up on the new guy or swap stories etc. Said he's had it both ways where coaches he's been told are c***s have turned out good guys and vice versa.

I suppose a lot of it is situational. I think I'm right in saying Johnson's family stayed in England most of the time when he was at Hibs. That kind of thing can make life difficult and change behaviour etc.

Who knows?

Anyway, tl:dr, Johnson is a genius who would have won Hibs the league, Montgomery is a weirdo who will see you relegated in May.

Hard lines, lads.

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46 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

Aye, that seems to be how it's gone.

My brother-in-law (I'm not married, but how else do I describe him?) has mentioned before that he's had wildly different views on coaches from mates of his. Obviously, every time a coach moves there's a bunch of WhatsApp activity as players check up on the new guy or swap stories etc. Said he's had it both ways where coaches he's been told are c***s have turned out good guys and vice versa.

I suppose a lot of it is situational. I think I'm right in saying Johnson's family stayed in England most of the time when he was at Hibs. That kind of thing can make life difficult and change behaviour etc.

Who knows?

Anyway, tl:dr, Johnson is a genius who would have won Hibs the league, Montgomery is a weirdo who will see you relegated in May.

Hard lines, lads.

The take I have had from players via mates is that they mostly "love" all managers that play them regularly, and the guy that benches them or doesnt fit them into his system is a "useless w****r".

All these guys want is to play on Saturdays and pick up their bonuses !

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Just now, Leith Green said:

The take I have had from players via mates is that they mostly "love" all managers that play them regularly, and the guy that benches them or doesnt fit them into his system is a "useless w****r".

All these guys want is to play on Saturdays and pick up their bonuses !

Aye, I think that's basically it.

Coach tells you you're good = good guy

Coach tells you you're not good enough to be in his team = c**t

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38 minutes ago, Zing. said:

Why are we wanting to sign a boy that can’t get off the bench for Dundee United in the Scottish Championship?

We surely aren’t that skint ffs :lol: 

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45 minutes ago, Zing. said:

Why are we wanting to sign a boy that can’t get off the bench for Dundee United in the Scottish Championship?

Mind people said that about the Harris / Boyle swap..........

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47 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

Mind people said that about the Harris / Boyle swap..........

Remember being seething when that happened. Turned out to be one of the best transfer deals we done this century. 

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3 hours ago, Zing. said:

Why are we wanting to sign a boy that can’t get off the bench for Dundee United in the Scottish Championship?

Because we only want players to come in and improve us.  Oh, wait. 

Cheap option would be my guess and maybe he can play in a 442? 


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