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The BIG strip the titles thread

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Just now, hellbhoy said:

You have hit the nail on the head with a massive hammer. They know they did in fact cheat and they are getting away with it whilst retaining their ill gotten gains.

Imagine, as a football fan, being pleased with that though.  

I genuinely can't.  

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12 hours ago, Insaintee said:

I don't think this is quite a straightforward as you think. As I said LNS led an inquiry where the SFA spoon fed him his decisions but telling him what was and was not possible. The same SFA that was led by a recipient of an EBT. Clear conflict of interest. 

Also with the payments into EBT being declared payments Rangers are guilty of making undeclared payments to players and that is not the same as improper registration of players and carries a much harsher penalty. That is not addressed at all by LNS in fact he specifically states that this is not what he is considering so technically LNS is totally irrelevant. 

Equally titles is a SPFL issue and they are not bound by LNS


Lord Nimmo sat down with the SPL handbook of rules & regulations and was hired by the SPL to give the commission some sort of legal credence. All he did was adjudicate for the SPL using their rigged set of rules in their newly rewritten rules if Rangers FC had broken any of them, which they did. Lord Nimmo was completely and utterly bound by the association rulebook and couldn't hand out any more than he could have because the SPL handbook was written in such a manner the outcome was already set long before they even asked Nimmo to chair the commission.

Also in the latest SPFL & SFA handbook of rules & regulations it has a clause that binds any decision made by a panel or commission to be final unless!. The Rangers FC do the right thing and ask for an appeal based on the latest ruling from the Supreme Court which they won't for a plethora of reasons no one has even considered because they just want the cheating b*****ds to have titles & trophies stripped from them.

They can't reopen the LNS inquiry because it is in the rules that any panel or commission outcome is final, done, ended or any other word that applies in this manner. If they did reopen the case or investigate into the commissions ruling with the latest Supreme court outcome, The Rangers can have it blocked by appeal citing the SPFL's rule J22. The associations made sure the first verdict sticks legally unless challenged by the club member itself who was given the fine for breaching the rules which got called an administrative error FFS?

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11 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

Lord Nimmo sat down with the SPL handbook of rules & regulations and was hired by the SPL to give the commission some sort of legal credence. All he did was adjudicate for the SPL using their rigged set of rules in their newly rewritten rules if Rangers FC had broken any of them, which they did. Lord Nimmo was completely and utterly bound by the association rulebook and couldn't hand out any more than he could have because the SPL handbook was written in such a manner the outcome was already set long before they even asked Nimmo to chair the commission.

Also in the latest SPFL & SFA handbook of rules & regulations it has a clause that binds any decision made by a panel or commission to be final unless!. The Rangers FC do the right thing and ask for an appeal based on the latest ruling from the Supreme Court which they won't for a plethora of reasons no one has even considered because they just want the cheating b*****ds to have titles & trophies stripped from them.

They can't reopen the LNS inquiry because it is in the rules that any panel or commission outcome is final, done, ended or any other word that applies in this manner. If they did reopen the case or investigate into the commissions ruling with the latest Supreme court outcome, The Rangers can have it blocked by appeal citing the SPFL's rule J22. The associations made sure the first verdict sticks legally unless challenged by the club member itself who was given the fine for breaching the rules which got called an administrative error FFS?

You actually read the SFA's and the spfl's rulebook.....



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30 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Imagine, as a football fan, being pleased with that though.  

I genuinely can't.  

They invest too much of their self-worth in their football cub.  Any loss of the club's prestige is personal.


I know it's simplistic and smacks of cod-psychology but there it is.

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11 hours ago, Tartantony said:


Just want to clear this up as it's been said a few times now. Rangers have paid this fine. The SPFL was going to use it's offset rule and withhold prize money to recoup the fine so they decided just to pay it

Sorry, you are absolutely correct and I had forgot about that completely. :lol:

7 hours ago, wastecoatwilly said:

Why are you snowballing this you know it's not about rangers it's about the governance of the game
You also know that the rules were changed to suit plus a precedent can be set so it doesn't happen again?
Stripping titles should be the consequence of this wrong doing not a monetary fine.

I'm not snowballing it at all. As much as you think the SFA are corrupt you have to look at the bigger picture instead of focusing on one minor detail that has been smudged.

Rangers FC PLC est1872/3 if they get stripped of titles and branded cheats has a larger implication than you think. The club itself never mind the SFA or SPL at this point thought it had found a way to boost it's ability to procure players and staff by using a dodgy financial offshore method no c**t they thought would ever get caught with. For 10 years they fielded improperly registered players domestically and more importantly in European competitions.

Now if UEFA receive complaints from European clubs claiming compensation for games they lost to Rangers FC, where do you think this will end? UEFA investigate the SFA & former SPL and find them complicit in "A" hiding the clubs activities by rewriting their rule books and "B" The SFA will be liable to sanctions and fines if found to be complicit. This affects the whole game in Scotland if Rangers are found guilty, basically we will be chucked out of Europe in disgrace.

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1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:

That you can spend so much time on the Sevco threads and make a schoolbhoy error like this is astonishing.  There have been two enquiries and LNS was involved in both.  The SFA used him to gather, sift and present evidence for their three man panel after we went bust.  They found us guilty of bringing the game in to disrepute and we were punished.

He is not the only one who has made a schoolboy error is he? Nimmo was the independent adjudicator. He merely overlooked any evidence shown to the panel for it's merit in the commission, if it isn't in or connected or relevant to the rules then it gets chucked out. Both parties gave evidence, Nimmo simply looked at it according to the rules & regulations and said yeh or nay, he never gathered, collected or even looked for evidence as it was all presented to him for adjudication.

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51 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Imagine, as a football fan, being pleased with that though.  

I genuinely can't.  

They have been getting worse since the Supreme court ruling aftermath knowing feck all is going to be done even though the HMRC have legally in a court of law found the EBT loans to be actually players earnings, and they are only going to gloat about it the more nothing happens.

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22 minutes ago, bennett said:

You actually read the SFA's and the spfl's rulebook.....



Only the insolvency and panel sections, not a lot in there by the way. :lol: There is a lot of "according to article blah blah in section whitever in the event of whatnot refer to bullshit paragraph letter/number citing rule here and there". :(:lol:

Also that's how we all know what rules were changed just before Rangers FC est1872/3 went tits up. Rulebooks season 2010/2011 would have Rangers FC the club liquidated and disgraced for cheating and title stripping as mandatory without a panel in sight to try and thwart real justice.

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13 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

Only the insolvency and panel sections, not a lot in there by the way. :lol: There is a lot of "according to article blah blah in section whitever in the event of whatnot refer to bullshit paragraph letter/number citing rule here and there". :(:lol:

Also that's how we all know what rules were changed just before Rangers FC est1872/3 went tits up. Rulebooks season 2010/2011 would have Rangers FC the club liquidated and disgraced for cheating and title stripping as mandatory without a panel in sight to try and thwart real justice.


If it keeps you happy, sounds rather boring to me.


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1 hour ago, Monkey Tennis said:

I won't speak for Willy, but that's pretty much what I'm after I suppose.

I certainly would like the penalty re-visited, so that it goes some way towards reflecting the scale of the guilt.  

I think it's time for you, as diddy fluffer in chief, to hang up your tickling stick.  You've made some very salient points over the years, many of which I agreed with.  You also took a principled stance against the tawdry 'Lance Armstrong/financial doping' empty-headedness.  I admire that.

However, the jury is no longer out and the large songstress has delivered her final aria.  All that's left here are the brain-dead, atavistic moon-howlers who love to rail against Bennet.

Away and chat about your team.


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49 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

Sorry, you are absolutely correct and I had forgot about that completely. :lol:

I'm not snowballing it at all. As much as you think the SFA are corrupt you have to look at the bigger picture instead of focusing on one minor detail that has been smudged.

Rangers FC PLC est1872/3 if they get stripped of titles and branded cheats has a larger implication than you think. The club itself never mind the SFA or SPL at this point thought it had found a way to boost it's ability to procure players and staff by using a dodgy financial offshore method no c**t they thought would ever get caught with. For 10 years they fielded improperly registered players domestically and more importantly in European competitions.

Now if UEFA receive complaints from European clubs claiming compensation for games they lost to Rangers FC, where do you think this will end? UEFA investigate the SFA & former SPL and find them complicit in "A" hiding the clubs activities by rewriting their rule books and "B" The SFA will be liable to sanctions and fines if found to be complicit. This affects the whole game in Scotland if Rangers are found guilty, basically we will be chucked out of Europe in disgrace.

 I hope UEFA get complaints from clubs because it could end the SFA and open a back door to a UK league
The SFA deserve everything that is coming to them feck the consequences two wrongs doesn't make it right

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3 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

 I hope UEFA get complaints from clubs because it could end the SFA and open a back door to a UK league
The SFA deserve everything that is coming to them feck the consequences two wrongs doesn't make it right



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Just now, wastecoatwilly said:

 I hope UEFA get complaints from clubs because it could end the SFA and open a back door to a UK league
The SFA deserve everything that is coming to them feck the consequences two wrongs doesn't make it right

I think the best course of action is the fans pestering the clubs to show a vote of no confidence in the current board at both associations. Folk like you and me banging on on an anonymous internet forum won't even make them flinch. How many fans of all the other clubs care how many titles Rangers have?

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3 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

I think the best course of action is the fans pestering the clubs to show a vote of no confidence in the current board at both associations. Folk like you and me banging on on an anonymous internet forum won't even make them flinch. How many fans of all the other clubs care how many titles Rangers have?

Integrity again.

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couldn't care less if the former or present Rangers get to keep their titles, as long as the world knows, and especially they know, those titles are tainted and there is nothing that can be done to change that particular fact.


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