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The BIG strip the titles thread

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1 minute ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Yes, it does relate to the inadequacy of the sanction.

But quoting the lowest common denominator dog whistling of King, marks a real low for you.

So we agree it's about punishment and we agree it's about title-stripping. The only missing bit is you seeing yourself as a moon-howler enabler in their quest to overcome their sporting shortcomings..

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2 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

So we agree it's about punishment and we agree it's about title-stripping. The only missing bit is you seeing yourself as a moon-howler enabler in their quest to overcome their sporting shortcomings..

What's bonkers in believing that an offence was not penalised appropriately?


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1 minute ago, Monkey Tennis said:

What's bonkers in believing that an offence was not penalised appropriately?


The only people who question the punishment are you and your moon-howling pals.  The SFA regard the matter as closed and the SPFL will shortly follow suit.  That only leaves a coterie of socially inadequate and perennial 'victims' supported by a thicket of diddy malcontents.

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10 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

The only people who question the punishment are you and your moon-howling pals.  The SFA regard the matter as closed and the SPFL will shortly follow suit.  That only leaves a coterie of socially inadequate and perennial 'victims' supported by a thicket of diddy malcontents.

That's not really a satisfactory answer is it?

There's nothing even remotely eccentric, let alone 'inadequate' or 'moon howling' in believing that this matter has not been dealt with in a way that is fair or consistent with the norms of football.


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Just now, Monkey Tennis said:

That's not really a satisfactory answer is it?

There's nothing even remotely eccentric, let alone 'inadequate' or 'moon howling' in believing that this matter has not been dealt with in a way that is fair or consistent with the norms of football.


The organisation that commissioned the report stood by its findings.  That it was fair, well-argued, open and transparent was evident to all.  Both these points indicate that you're out of step with the norms of sense.

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The only people who question the punishment are you and your moon-howling pals.  The SFA regard the matter as closed and the SPFL will shortly follow suit.  That only leaves a coterie of socially inadequate and perennial 'victims' supported by a thicket of diddy malcontents.

As the man ( woman?) said, I disapprove of your opinion but will defend to the death.......
And you put it so eloquently ( ya £&!?)Fair play to ye!
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It's not how I see it and don't think you are, but ffs man you are head-butting an immovable object with these c***s and it does not make good reading at times. Like I posted maybe try a different approach they can't question. Kincardine picks his fights and chooses only ones he feels or knows he will win, the rest he'll ignore completely because he knows IT'S A TRAP.

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7 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

The only people who question the punishment are you and your moon-howling pals.  The SFA regard the matter as closed and the SPFL will shortly follow suit.  That only leaves a coterie of socially inadequate and perennial 'victims' supported by a thicket of diddy malcontents.

AH, the No True Scotsman argument.

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what is the party line now?

'we can't deny Old Dead Rangers were at it for many years and systematically broke the basic rules of player registration, but a cobbled together stitch-up which skirted round a ludicrous 'no sporting advantage' bit of doublethink means that we just have to keep these titles, no matter how much it goes against any concept of fair play'

and anybody who thinks this is scandalous is a 'Moon Howler'?

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16 hours ago, hellbhoy said:

EBT schemes were closed down in March 2015 you clown, you aren't half making a complete c**t out of yourself here fuckwit. :lol:

Rangers stopped using the EBT scheme when Murray sold Rangers fur a poond to Craig Shyte because it was Murray who was running the trust you demented stupid fuckwit.

Do try to get your facts right ffs.

heres you go dumbass, from the bbc, ebts no longer legal in 2010 after rangers stopped using them, you are the one making a c@@t out of yourself


2010: 16 May - Rangers refuse to comment on reports that the final bill could hit £50m.

December - EBTs are outlawed under new legislation.



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16 hours ago, Jimboyjones1976 said:

I like how the strategy is now to include Celtic in any answer relating to the EBT's, almost as if to tar Celtic with the same brush as Rangers. This has been attempted, and failed, in other threads. 

Its almost as if Rangers fans are trying to deflect from the truth.

you used big bad ebts as well along with many other clubs , so why would we not mention it? the fact that only one club out of about 40 is hearing title stripping nonsense and nobody cares about the 40 odd other clubs using ebts highlight how stupid your argument is

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3 minutes ago, nacho said:

you used big bad ebts as well along with many other clubs , so why would we not mention it? the fact that only one club out of about 40 is hearing title stripping nonsense and nobody cares about the 40 odd other clubs using ebts highlight how stupid your argument is

Did these "40 odd other clubs using ebts" issue side letters to the receipients which they failed to disclose to the footballing authorities when registering the players?

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15 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

In other cases, genuine, isolated mistakes in registration paperwork rendered players ineligible.

In this case, dozens of players were deliberately registered with false information over hundreds of matches.  This was done because Rangers knew that the system they operated ran a risk of resulting in a huge, unpayable tax bill. Apparently though, rules prevent them being found ineligible retrospectively.

I know that justice in that context has not been served at all.


All you know is that under LNS' ruling, Rangers have got away with it.  I still find it utterly baffling that any football fan would wish to retain things 'won' in such circumstances.  Honestly, I do.

its your opnion that rangers got away with it, an opinion not shared by me or any other rangers fan i know or the 3 legal experts involved in determining punishment, you know better of course :rolleyes:

as for the huge unpayable bill that you claim we knew about from the start, we found out about that in 2010 after we had stopped using ebts

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15 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

You're right.

His biggest difficulty is that he really doesn't have a grasp of the relevant issues at all.  He just knows that these titles are terribly important to him.

yawn, your wishful thinking on the issue is not actually fact, thats something which you seem unable to comprehend, we didnt cheat, none of us think we did, we all think the punishment fitted the crime and we believe legal experts over a message board halfwit like yourself on the issue, got it?

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3 minutes ago, nacho said:

its your opnion that rangers got away with it, an opinion not shared by me or any other rangers fan i know or the 3 legal experts involved in determining punishment, you know better of course :rolleyes:

as for the huge unpayable bill that you claim we knew about from the start, we found out about that in 2010 after we had stopped using ebts

Or in 2004 when HMRC asked Rangers for details of the scheme they were running.  First opportunity for Rangers to say, 'is this OK with you Hector?  And the side-letters, too?'

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17 hours ago, nacho said:

nope thats not what it mean as its utter bollocks, live in the real world you slabbering tinfoil hat wearing muppet

Oh right, so you didn't brag about having the money then?  Also your club did die or is Lord Hodge telling porkies that your club was liquidated. We all know how much you bears love to say that the Lord Nimmo report was correct and final, so what makes Lord Hodges any different.

So I feel we may need to start passing passing you the tin foil hats. Won't get drawn into the petty name calling though as I leave that to the kids.

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14 hours ago, Insaintee said:

Finally something right! So Rangers are now guilty of making illegal payments to players and the SFA must act. Hope that clears things up for you

nope because you are talking crap, the payments were not illegal according to the courts and since it was only determined that these were payments last week after 7 years of court cases, unless you have a time machine to go back and tell them in 2001, then your whole argument is nonsense, hope that clears it up for you thicko, although the fact you are still going on about illegality indicates you are probably too stupid to get it :lol:

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13 hours ago, hellbhoy said:

Are you seriously that fucking thick at times? I have already posted that the Supreme Court deemed the EBT scam as legal but the way Rangers FC used the EBT scam has been deemed illegal in a UK court of law and the monies deposited into the EBT scam has now be deemed taxable earnings. This changes everything about the SPL commissions findings and outcome because although Rangers legally ran the EBT scam the Supreme Courts ruling and the dual contracts would be all that was needed to change the verdict, charges and the final outcome.

and you are still fucking wrong cretin, read this slowly and you might get it, tax avoidance is legal, thats what it was according to the supreme court ruling. civil courts do not determine illegality, that only happens in a criminal case - get it now dummy? or are you going to persist in talking crap

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