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The BIG strip the titles thread

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1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:

It's perfectly obvious that neither a. the revocation of our SPL share nor b. Sell Out Sunday made 'business sense'.

All was done at the behest of the pitch-fork wielders and bitter MOPEs.  Thankfully that won't happen again.

Away and start another thread about us.

A Rangers fan talking about business sense.

And then there was the 50,000 Rangers fans who were hoping every club in the SPFL went into liquidation and died. And you call 'diddies' pitch for weilders.

Why did the Rangers support want every other club to go down the swanny? Was it because you were lonely going down the pan yourself?

I don't need to start another thread Kinc. You've taken enough bites on this point one.

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Just now, The_Kincardine said:

ARMAGEDDON was always about the plastics and diddies shiting their breeks.  And they did.  Had 'sell out Saturday' been backed by the fans things may have been different.  If the Ps&Ds wanted anything to change they'd have shown to their various boards that they meant business by supporting in their droves.  They didn't.

The simple truth?  Both this board and the boards of your sundry clubs are propped up by all things Rangers.

You don't half post some shite at times.

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18 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

The clubs had the sheer gaul not to allow a completely umjustifiable and inexplicable parachuting of Sevco into the second tier so in turn you gloat that they lost fans?

It is truly no wonder that everyone hates Rangers, and ever so pleasing that it rattles you more than when you wake up each morning. Fucking crimgeworthy stuff.

Love the barely-coherent, gin-fuelled rant.  The 'gaul' bit tickled me.  Others usually choose a different iron-age tribe to describe us.


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5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:


2 spelling mistakes made on a phone = barely coherent to you?

Good stuff. Care to address my concerns, or shall we just assume that I am a diddy, and chagrin and some other ramble?


It's The Drunks default setting when he gets upset. "Green and grey dross" "diddies" etc etc. He's a broken man.

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:


2 spelling mistakes made on a phone = barely coherent to you?

Good stuff. Care to address my concerns, or shall we just assume that I am a diddy, and chagrin and some other ramble?


Your post confirms that you're a diddy - as if it was even needed.

As for your, "parachuting of Sevco into the second tier" point.  Nothing to do with us, bud.  Entirely down to whoever pulled The Cockwomble's strings.  Certainly wasn't Rangers.

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1 minute ago, The Grass Is Greener. said:

It's The Drunks default setting when he gets upset. "Green and grey dross" "diddies" etc etc. He's a broken man.

Dreary fucking me.  As if the average IQ on the thread wasn't low enough, along comes the crayon-scribbler.

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2 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Your post confirms that you're a diddy - as if it was even needed.

As for your, "parachuting of Sevco into the second tier" point.  Nothing to do with us, bud.  Entirely down to whoever pulled The Cockwomble's strings.  Certainly wasn't Rangers.

What an absolute riddy coming from you calling posters diddies in a mocking fashion. You support a club that has only ever won

1x 3rd division champions,

1x 2nd division champions,

1x championship champions, at the second attempt,

Took 4 attempts to win the diddiest of diddy cups with a wage budget equal to all the clubs wage budgets combined.

And you want to call posters diddies? :lol: You support the biggest diddy club in Europe, the world probably? Get back into your cage you decrepit auld bear. :lol:

Also worth noting Kinky? Who was at the head of the SFA when all that shit went down? Couldn't possibly be an EBT recipient could it? Someone with influence in the game and for Rangers to help them out of a bad situation? Just who could that be?


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Just now, The Grass Is Greener. said:

Let it all out, ***.

He will at some point TGIG, watch out for spelling errors and bad grammar, then go for the kill while he is all over the shop. :)

f**k it, was going to play a tactical strategy game on the PC? actually I am come to think of it, just waiting for the mask to slip wi the auld fart and then go for the throat so to speak. :lol:

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10 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Dreary fucking me.  As if the average IQ on the thread wasn't low enough, along comes the crayon-scribbler.

Are you trying to say your IQ is of a low level? I'm inclined to agree. The Rangers supporters? whit they like? :lol:

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10 minutes ago, The Grass Is Greener. said:

Let it all out, ***.


8 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

decrepit auld bear. :lol:



4 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

f**k it, was going to play a tactical strategy game on the PC? 


2 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

The Rangers supporters? whit they like? :lol:

The admix of the wee Hibee fanny and the QC trying to outdo each other in ignorance.

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16 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

The admix of the wee Hibee fanny and the QC trying to outdo each other in ignorance.


5 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

f**k off Dindelush ;)


4 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

the authentic voice of diddydom.


3 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

IAll was done at the behest of the pitch-fork wielders and bitter MOPEs.  Thankfully that won't happen again.


3 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

a cod psychological profile of a football club


2 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

The type of tub-thumping we're used to hearing from the diddies.


2 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

The reaction of the the grey and green dross in voting with their fat arses in our absence is the perfect example.

utter diddy moonhowlers

^^^ Drink started to kick in at the point with a "the the" double post error.

2 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

 saw tumbleweed in most stadiums.


1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:

ARMAGEDDON was always about the plastics and diddies shiting their breeks.


48 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Your post confirms that you're a diddy -


44 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Dreary fucking me.  As if the average IQ on the thread wasn't low enough, along comes the crayon-scribbler.

That was just from this thread, that you posted today? Blissful ignorance eh? Fud, and a decrepit auld one at that. :1eye

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2 minutes ago, Dindeleux said:

Kincardine is most likely the kind of guy who leaves his kids standing outside bookmakers and pubs all day.

I could just imagine how confused they'd be a him ranting in multi-syllable words as they plead to him to say it in simple words they understand.

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In case you missed it , Sevco were told by the SPL and SPFL clubs to f**k off and apply to join the bottom tier of Scottish football, now in which way did "project finacial Armageddon fear " work?

....and then they spun the story to pretend that they WANTED to start at the bottom.....!
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