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38 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

So because someone genuinely forgot to put on a tie in the morning justifies the school taking them out of and hence missing the first lesson of the day, having to have a teacher in an already resource stretched school sit with the pupil for that hour effectively twiddling their thumbs, someone having to travel nearly an hour each way from work just to deliver a tie "because its a uniform"?

And these schools wonder why their league placings are going down the shitter.

Could they not get half a dozen ties and hand them out to the diddies that forget?

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Could they not get half a dozen ties and hand them out to the diddies that forget?

What do they do on day 2 when another half dozen half forgot/lost their ties and want hand outs? Yesterday's diddies have still forgotten theirs mind. Our school tried this for a bit. Didn't work. Too many diddies, no enough ties.
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Guest Moomintroll
Could they not get half a dozen ties and hand them out to the diddies that forget?

Ah the old P.E kit gambit, would have to be garish kipper ties to maximise the impact.
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I don't see what's wrong with expecting school kids to do what they're told. Folks taking kids out of school for holidays, breaking dress codes etc then moaning about being reprimanded. They should bring back the belt for both the pupils and their degenerate parents. 

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1 hour ago, throbber said:

I'm not trying to be a fun at all or defend his beliefs but if someone is going to see such widespread condemnation for their words in an interview (see Gunthers reaction) then i expect them to have come out with far worse. Yes he can say expect to be called out on what he says and thinks but would you not rather he talked about issues that were actually going to effect peoples lives such as Brexit or the privatisation of the NHS?

He said he disagreed in same sex marriage as he is a Catholic and that it is a sacrament that lies with the Church and not the state so it isn't a political issue. He also clearly said it isn't for him to judge how anyone else lives their life. Same sex couples can get married under UK law anyway and nothing is going to change so why is this relevant when interviewing a potential future PM?

His stance on abortion is that life is sacrosanct and begins at conception and that it is morally indefensible to kill an unborn child. This is a fairly common and understandable view to hold on one of the most controversial of all topics anywhere on the world in fairness to him and he shouldn't be forced to give his opinion on what a woman should do if she has been raped by a member of her own family after giving his views on the matter. He then states that a woman can have an abortion under UK law anyway and the law is not going to change so again - why does his opinion matter? 

I would rather he was interrogated to an extreme degree about why he thought Brexit was going to be such a good idea as this is something that is going to change all of our lives in the not too distant future. Wouldn't you agree?

That's all very well, but it's not an either/or situation. People are complaining about the idiocy of Brexit on a daily basis, I have no problem with taking a few days to focus on the stone-age mentality that drives certain individuals who somehow have managed to get enough simpletons to vote for them that they have actually achieve a degree of power.

I want my politicians to be rational human beings, capable of making sensible decisions. For that reason I'm happy that Jacob Rees-Mogg's facile and bigoted views have been exposed so glaringly. If he believed in faeries and trolls he'd rightly be ridiculed. I see no reason whatsoever why mainstream religions should get a pass on that just because they've managed to get more folk believing them. 


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2 hours ago, throbber said:

I'm not trying to be a fun at all or defend his beliefs but if someone is going to see such widespread condemnation for their words in an interview (see Gunthers reaction) then i expect them to have come out with far worse. Yes he can say expect to be called out on what he says and thinks but would you not rather he talked about issues that were actually going to effect peoples lives such as Brexit or the privatisation of the NHS?

He said he disagreed in same sex marriage as he is a Catholic and that it is a sacrament that lies with the Church and not the state so it isn't a political issue. He also clearly said it isn't for him to judge how anyone else lives their life. Same sex couples can get married under UK law anyway and nothing is going to change so why is this relevant when interviewing a potential future PM?

His stance on abortion is that life is sacrosanct and begins at conception and that it is morally indefensible to kill an unborn child. This is a fairly common and understandable view to hold on one of the most controversial of all topics anywhere on the world in fairness to him and he shouldn't be forced to give his opinion on what a woman should do if she has been raped by a member of her own family after giving his views on the matter. He then states that a woman can have an abortion under UK law anyway and the law is not going to change so again - why does his opinion matter? 

I would rather he was interrogated to an extreme degree about why he thought Brexit was going to be such a good idea as this is something that is going to change all of our lives in the not too distant future. Wouldn't you agree?


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13 hours ago, Johnny Däpp said:

I don't get this "because it's my religion" pish. I'm a regular church goer but my faith doesn't rule my life or opinions. I used to be against Gay marriage but happy to admit I was wrong and now I fully support it. My original stance was nothing to do with religion, I just genuinely thought as a youngster that marriage was exclusively for a man and woman. Growing up and becoming more wise my opinions changed and now I'm a big supporter of gay marriage. I'm also a supporter in that gay couples can get married in a church as well. I'll admit I've not been keeping tabs on the church of Scotland's movements on this but I do hope soon that a gay wedding can happen in a CofS church.

Is this your way of preparing us for endless posts about your husband ?

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Guest Moomintroll

I believe that Jacob Rees-Mogg was put on this earth to confuse old firm f**kwits (if they were intelligent enough to appreciate the irony).

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On ‎07‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 21:07, Johnny Däpp said:

I don't get this "because it's my religion" pish. I'm a regular church goer but my faith doesn't rule my life or opinions. I used to be against Gay marriage but happy to admit I was wrong and now I fully support it. My original stance was nothing to do with religion, I just genuinely thought as a youngster that marriage was exclusively for a man and woman. Growing up and becoming more wise my opinions changed and now I'm a big supporter of gay marriage. I'm also a supporter in that gay couples can get married in a church as well. I'll admit I've not been keeping tabs on the church of Scotland's movements on this but I do hope soon that a gay wedding can happen in a CofS church.

I wasn't aware that he is catholic, that'll be the same religion that believe in abstinence before marriage... 

Good that you seem to have some sound views, but it means you aren't really a true believer of your religion. Which surely makes it pointless? Why do you choose to believe and follow some parts and not others?

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11 minutes ago, throbber said:



He has every right to vote against something he fundamentally disapproves of though and the most important thing was that he is on the losing side on his stance on abortion and gay marriage in modern day Britain. So why complain about his comments when they won't/can't affect policy?


For the same reason the politician is free to express his abhorrent views?

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This "he's got a right to his opinion" bollocks gets on my tits. It's absolutely meaningless and could apply to any twisted bigoted philosophy. I bet Rees-Mogg is a total hypocrite and ignores all the stuff in the bible that doesn't fit in with his prejudices and tucks into a ham sandwich whenever he feels like it.

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17 minutes ago, throbber said:


He has every right to vote against something he fundamentally disapproves of though and the most important thing was that he is on the losing side on his stance on abortion and gay marriage in modern day Britain. So why complain about his comments when they won't/can't affect policy?


Because he's a bigoted homophobic c**t. 

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39 minutes ago, throbber said:


He has every right to vote against something he fundamentally disapproves of though and the most important thing was that he is on the losing side on his stance on abortion and gay marriage in modern day Britain. So why complain about his comments when they won't/can't affect policy?


He is supposed to represent his constituency and not vote regarding his personal opinions as well you know, Throbber. 

His Wikipedia page makes excellent reading especially his campaigning in Fife, until you realise it hasn't been tampered with, then it gets a little worrying.

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1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

Good that you seem to have some sound views, but it means you aren't really a true believer of your religion. Which surely makes it pointless? Why do you choose to believe and follow some parts and not others?

It looks better to the neighbours.

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