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Biggest Gaming Freakout You've Ever Had


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I'm not sure if this is what you mean, or if this constitutes as a freakout, but when the "would you kindly?" reveal happened at the end of the first Bioshock, my jaw literally hung open in disbelief, and I remember it staying with me for days afterward.

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When Fide went to bat for No Man's Sky*

One that springs to mind is the old days where I tried to get the S ranking on Resident Evil 2.  Think you had to finish it in under 2 hours (Christ, and we complain how short games are nowadays?) without saving and without using first aid sprays.  Was doing well, all on target coming up to the final room before the final boss.  Hadn't even really been caught at all.  Came to the final corridor before the final boss and for some reason the zombies had all bunched up.  Tried to slip through the gap and got grabbed.  Fought that one off only to get grabbed again and fall, ending the attempt at around the 1hr50 mark.  I remember quietly putting the controller down, trying to resist the urge to rip the b*****d lid off the b*****d PS2 and smash it into dust.









* He was right though, I fucking love the game now.

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Champ Manager used to get my blood boiling back in the day. But i remember back when GTA Online first released, i think for the first week of it whenever you died you lost 2 grand of in game currency, which when you were a low low rank was bloody loads of cash. Well i had been grinding money, robbing shops, vans etc to earn 10k for my first house, i had finally succeeded when i got killed by a random while on the in game phone about to make the purchase, then got spawn killed 4 times in very quick succession, so in about 10 minutes i lost maybe a few hours worth of money, i got that pissed off i didn't go back to my X360 for a week, i sat on my PC in a huff :lol:

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Remember getting pissed off with Star fox Adventures for Gamecube, there was this stupid irrelevant bit in the game called the test of fear when you had to keep a bar in a green zone. If you failed you had to redo a big section of the game.  Couldn't for the life of me do it so i eventually turned it off and never played it again. 

Edited by PrestersKTID
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Few years back had to switch xbox off after repeatedly screaming at the tele playing fifa seasons online. Usual story of opposition player playing like a c**t and nothing working out for me. Was actually shaking with rage.

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I put my foot through a wall from Football Manager once. Can't remember how old I was but too old to being pulling this nonsense anyway, mid teens I think.

Don't remember the ins and outs of the game but I was Nottingham Forest and had a really important game. Being a c**t of a teenager, I saved the game before the match so I could go back and try again if I lost. Deservedly for myself I then kept losing this game over and over again and got extremely pissed off. Finally it looked like I was going to get the win I wanted until the opposition scored two late goals and I got so pissed off I went to kick the wall.

The part of the wall I went to kick had a built in wardrobe next to it which, unknown to me, meant the wall was pretty thin there. So of course, my foot just went straight through leaving a lovely size 10 hole in the wall. My dad came through having heard the noise from the next room and I don't think he knew whether to rage at me or piss himself laughing. In the end, he just kind of looked at me pretty speechless and said we'll be finding out how much this'll cost and send it your way.

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About six years ago I thought I was home alone and was having a losing streak on FIFA so proceeded to rant and shout and really loudly at the game, calling my opponents, individual players and referees all kinds of colourful names pretty much non-stop for about an hour. A couple of hours later, I went downstairs and my mum asked me who I had been shouting abuse at. She thought I had been on the phone to someone.

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2 minutes ago, WFAANW said:

Having an absolute meltdown on MW2 and remembering you've left the wireless mic on


Image result for head shake gif

I left myself in party chat the other day and then had a barny with the missus in full "view" (hear) of my two mates and about 5 randoms on F1.

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