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Biggest Gaming Freakout You've Ever Had


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Halo 3, legendary mode, both me and my mate playing and we decided we'd attempt to go unbeaten the whole game.

We got to the last level, and died within seconds of the finish line.

I've never played halo since.

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this one wasnt me but another boy in our group during the final fantasy era on PS1, basically 2 of us got FF7 at the same time and were going through the game, so walking to school we'd talk about it, where we were etc, this other boy kept asking us about FF7 and eventually got the game himself, and in an effort to catch up with us he literally managed to bungle his way through a good portion of the game running away from every fight possible

Eventually he got himself to Cosmo Canyon and for those who didnt play FF7 you couldnt backtrack from there, essentially you had to complete that part of the game, but it was a b*****d of a bit, very tough, except this boys characters were weak as shite, his materia werent levelled up at all and he hardly had any items and money, so he struggled like f**k to the point he asked me and the other boy to do it for him

We tried it about 3 or 4 times, got absolutely nowhere, turned it off and told him there wasnt a chance he could get further unless he ran about the world map for hours and hours levelling up, after showing him our saved files and the hours we had both put in, his was like 10-15% of ours, he simply put the game back in the box and according to his wee brother never took it out the box again after seemingly saying "fucking stupid game" for an hour or two :lol:

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Playing Mass Effect 1 on Xbox360 

On the very last planet just about to drive the mako to the teleporter which will take you to the citadel for the endgame. 

Have done every single mission I could find, probably clocked 40-50 hours at this point. 

Too tired, keep making silly mistakes and dying. Decide to save my game, get back to it tomorrow when I get home. 

Get home from work, have dinner and prepare myself for the next installment of the game, completely unaware that I was near the endgame as it was my first playthru. 

Hit power on the 360.

Error messages. Won't boot to the Xbox menu. 

Hard drive has corrupted. All data on it is gone.

40-50 hours gone..... Not to mention all my saves for other games. This was before xbox offered online backups.

Couldn't bring myself to play the game for a year, every time I tried to restart it I was reminded of everything I'd lost. 

Finally bring myself to play it again. Finally complete it this time. 

Realise how close I was to the end of it before. 


7 years later, it still hurts. 

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I remember playing Vice City and had decided I was going to collect all the packages. I think it was every 10 or so you collected you received some kind of reward be it a vehicle or a weapon. It was actually a big event in among my fellow Vice City playing chums at school. Every day I'd be asked how far I had got and they were obviously interested to see what prize would be awarded for package number 100. After hours and days I finally found package number 100 and was rewarded with a Hunter helicopter. This was the same helicopter the army used. It was a good vehicle to have at your disposal given it fired bullets and rockets. But when you could get one of these with a simple cheat it felt very very infuriating at the time. The moral of the story is to not use cheats in games. After VC I never did with a GTA title.

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  • 10 months later...
Broke a PlayStation controller playing bloodborne. First physical damage ive caused in anger at a game since i was knee high.
I've done damage to PS1, PS2 and PS3 controllers but the £50 price tag has saved my PS4 controllers from receiving the same treatment.
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  • 4 months later...
On 8/28/2018 at 21:57, well fan for life said:

I've been playing Hollow Knight on Switch recently. I had to turn it off while I was on a flight last week because if I'd continued I would be the star of a viral video of a grown man freaking the f**k out on an aeroplane. God damn it's infuriating.

I have been playing this as well - it's brilliant but if I don't kill the Hornet soon I worry about what I will do...

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I have been playing this as well - it's brilliant but if I don't kill the Hornet soon I worry about what I will do...

The hornet had me about ready to launch the Switch across the living room. It’s infuriating but it’s so addictive when you start to learn attack patterns and beat bosses.
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Simpsons hit and run, can't mind what the mission was called but it was chapter 6 or something whilst playing as Bart, you had to get from somewhere and collect a bunch of things and get back to another place in a stupidly unrealistic amount of time and there'd always be pedestrians you accidentally ran over and the police would come after you 9 times out of 10.

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Simpsons hit and run, can't mind what the mission was called but it was chapter 6 or something whilst playing as Bart, you had to get from somewhere and collect a bunch of things and get back to another place in a stupidly unrealistic amount of time and there'd always be pedestrians you accidentally ran over and the police would come after you 9 times out of 10.

I took ages finishing the last mission where you had to drive from the Power plant to the school in a certain amount of time.


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7 hours ago, paul-r-cfc said:

I took ages finishing the last mission where you had to drive from the Power plant to the school in a certain amount of time.


Aye that was a pain, especially because when you crashed the nuclear waste would blow up and you had to go back and get another one.

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Aye that was a pain, especially because when you crashed the nuclear waste would blow up and you had to go back and get another one.
f**k, I didn't even remember that. Just remembered running out of time. Even worse then! What a game that was looking back
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Have made a pact with myself to NEVER play a Football Manager save whilst on public transport ever again. Was on the train to Edinburgh and decided to kill time by playing FM on my laptop. Needless to say being silent for a long time then suddenly screaming "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?" at the top of your lungs when FM decides to.. well.. FM you (in this case it was losing a game in the final minute by the other teams first and only shot on target whilst we had been peppering their goal but couldn't score) is a good way to get people to stare at you weirdly.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some great shouts in this thread tbf.

In terms of football games;

i) Football Manager.

Throughout the years it's caused me a few meltdowns (I'm old enough now that it's pretty seldom tbf, but it has it's moments)

There are a handful of results which stick out as having caused unfathomable levels of seethe. Think it was FM 2016 that caused the worst of the lot; effectively Motherwell got taken over by some kind of Asian billionaire consortium around the same point I'd started winning the league regularly with Thistle.

We played them in a post-split title decider which we had to win due to the respective goal difference and points totals at that point... and had a player sent off, were denied a stonewall penalty and subsequently conceded a dodgy penalty all in the space of about the first 15 minutes of the match. All the commentary messages were along the lines of "They're surrounding the referee!" "He's adamant that isn't a red card/penalty" "It did look harsh!" and the like at each crucial incident to really hammer home that I was being royally shafted by the referee. I never even finished the match after going 1-0 down from the penalty, just went back to the main menu and methodically deleted every single save file I had on that version of FM.

ii) Pro Evolution Soccer

Predominantly from matches with my older brother (who, I wish it noted on the record, also had his fair share of meltdowns after being scudded by me).

I can remember flinging the controller away in disgust and smashing a glass that was perched on a table after some sort of dickery against the AI on my Master League save - that one sticks out because my mum and dad didn't have a clue what was going on from downstairs and shouted up to see if everything was alright. My older brother ran into the room, looked around, saw the TV screen, looked over at the controller/smashed glass combo and started grinning from ear to ear. 

Otherwise, non-football games -

Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were the two I remember causing the most frustration to me, especially on the harder difficulty levels. Goldeneye had one map that looked so incredibly samey to me I always, always ended up losing my bearings on it (and I'm pretty sure there was a timer on one of the objectives to compound things. Hated that level, think all the enemies had automatic shotguns on the higher difficulty too)

Resident Evil 3 made me freak out in a different, shit-me-pants way when I was in the police station and heard the glass shatter, coupled with hearing Nemesis and the music going creepy. It was after a nice wee spell where there's no sign of Nemesis too which didn't help... 

I just remember running back to the STARS office and pointing a gun at the door for about 5 minutes expecting Nemesis to burst through while that creepy music played, before shutting the game off.

Don't get me started on Alien : Isolation.

From childhood, various Megaman titles and Battletoads caused a fair amount of pain. Those goddamn vanishing blocks on Megaman were ridiculous. Also vivid memories of struggling my way through a few stages on Megaman X and getting utterly destroyed by the bosses whenever I reached them every single time, was just too young at that point to handle the difficulty.

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On 11/01/2019 at 17:38, 54_and_counting said:

Presidents run, last mission of driver, c**t that designed that was a p***k

This had nothing on the last level of Driver 2, which had an extremely tight time limit and at the end involved getting out of the car and walking through a narrow gap in a fence.

Anyone who played Driver 2 will recall that the mechanics for walking were fucking abysmal and aiming at a specific point to actually walk through a narrow gap was near impossible. You could drive the level flawlessly and you’d still never have more than 5 seconds for the walking part; I must have been well over 30 attempts before I finally did it.

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