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Smacking Ban

Scary Bear

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3 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

You'd think going by some posters reactions on here that people who have smacked their children's bottom have instead actually kicked f**k out of them and left them lying like SweeperDees da.

I think Bairnardo has it spot on when it comes to this law being introduced.

As for smacking, I was smacked on occasion by my parents when I was younger, it was a wee bitty sore but it certainly taught me a lesson.

Would I smack my kids if I was to ever have any? No. I think there are better ways to discipline children and like other things it's probably a very old fashioned technique now.

There are two extreme attitudes from people on both sides of the fence being posted on this thread, both equally as cringeworthy as the other.

I agree with a lot of what you say, apart from the extreme on both sides, some onone side are accusing anyone who physically chastises a child as some kind of ogre, the other side isn't exactly telling everyone to beat their weans. 

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6 minutes ago, whiskychimp said:

No. I class a tap as a smack. A smack can range from a tap to a wallop. A smack, by definition doesnt state it's force. Thats personal opinion.

Well you talked originally about "a tap" and said it is now a criminal offence - it isnt.

A wallop is and quite right too.

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23 minutes ago, Jimmy85 said:

The “never did me any harm” line is clearly complete bollocks because it’s bred a generation of parents who think it’s acceptable to hit kids. 

I think it's the opposite that's the bigger problem in society,  there are far too many disrespectful,expect everything for nowt fannies in the world for my liking.

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9 minutes ago, Bobby Skidmarks said:

The part where you are causing unnecessary pain to the child.

Take 4 fingers, not the palm and put them 3 inches above your thigh or wherever. Drop them without force, not letting the palm or thumb touch.

Now do that through a nappy. Come back and tell me if it's painful. Btw Ive just tried it. Its barely noticeable.

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25 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Have you considered blocking access to/childproofing anything which might cause the child danger? Have you considered otherwise occupying the child? Have you considered something more intelligent than repeating something which isn't working before hitting the child?

Aye, I remember my then toddler showing me how to open the child proof cupboards.

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Just now, whiskychimp said:

Take 4 fingers, not the palm and put them 3 inches above your thigh or wherever. Drop them without force, not letting the palm or thumb touch.

Now do that through a nappy. Come back and tell me if it's painful. Btw Ive just tried it. Its barely noticeable.


You put a nappy on? 

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Just now, whiskychimp said:

Take 4 fingers, not the palm and put them 3 inches above your thigh or wherever. Drop them without force, not letting the palm or thumb touch.

Now do that through a nappy. Come back and tell me if it's painful. Btw Ive just tried it. Its barely noticeable.

Your skin isn't as soft as a toddlers. 

If it isn't causing them pain to react then seriously whats the point of it? If its a threat, then use something other than the threat of violence.


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2 minutes ago, whiskychimp said:

Take 4 fingers, not the palm and put them 3 inches above your thigh or wherever. Drop them without force, not letting the palm or thumb touch.

Now do that through a nappy. Come back and tell me if it's painful. Btw Ive just tried it. Its barely noticeable.

and also not assault now or in future

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1 minute ago, invergowrie arab said:

Well you talked originally about "a tap" and said it is now a criminal offence - it isnt.

A wallop is and quite right too.

Depends on your opinion. I'd say the tap has become a criminal offence because, to me, it is a smack. 


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1 minute ago, invergowrie arab said:

The evidence in Sweden after decades of having this in place is that there never was any increased criminalisation of parents as a result.

The result was a change in the ways in which people brought their children up disciplined/ educated them. 

People, not you I'm being broad now, are always at pains to say how this law/that law wont change xyz because.. insert extreme examples.... 

It is true to say the kids that take serious hidings now will continue to take serious hidings the same way some people still dont wear a seatbelt or still smoke in their cars with kids in or still drink and drive but the long term aim is to shift the average and the studies where this has been in place for years suggest that has been successful.


I'm not sure you're on the right thead, this is a well put argument backing up your viewpoint. I get the notion of a shift of conscious, its how society evolves.

One thing I will say is that what works in one country doesn't necessarily work in another, I'd love to see a Scotland (or anywhere else) where this would work but there are a range of differences between Sweden and Scotland (or the UK). We can cherry pick but its a big picture that is the issue, there are a lot of differences between the cultures of the Scandanavian coutnires and 'us'. We could learn a lot though.

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Just now, Bobby Skidmarks said:

Your skin isn't as soft as a toddlers. 

If it isn't causing them pain to react then seriously whats the point of it? If its a threat, then use something other than the threat of violence.


Read back to see me explain, in depth, what the point is.

"Your skin isnt as soft....."  Dear lord, shes not made of filo pastry.

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Just now, whiskychimp said:

Read back to see me explain, in depth, what the point is.

"Your skin isnt as soft....."  Dear lord, shes not made of filo pastry.

Your scenario was laughable, I was being gentle.

I have read it, and your "tap" is utterly pointless. Other than for her to fear the threat of your hand for when she does something bad.  

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1 minute ago, whiskychimp said:

Depends on your opinion. I'd say the tap has become a criminal offence because, to me, it is a smack. 


Where are you seeing that a "smack" has become a criminal offence?

It doesnt depend on your opinion it depends on well established case law.  If i tap you on the shoulder or punch you on the shoulder one is an assault and one is not .


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Just now, Bobby Skidmarks said:

Your scenario was laughable, I was being gentle.

I have read it, and your "tap" is utterly pointless. Other than for her to fear the threat of your hand for when she does something bad.  

You read the wrong bit. Try again. An escalation of the telling off. She gets shocked by it. It works. 

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2 minutes ago, Bobby Skidmarks said:

Your scenario was laughable, I was being gentle.

I have read it, and your "tap" is utterly pointless. Other than for her to fear the threat of your hand for when she does something bad.  

It'll be just as pointless as the other painless methods then.

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Just now, invergowrie arab said:

Where are you seeing that a "smack" has become a criminal offence?

It doesnt depend on your opinion it depends on well established case law.  If i tap you on the shoulder or punch you on the shoulder one is an assault and one is not .



Anyway, the topic was smacking ban. I call a tap a smack and therefore I see it as being banned. 

Your legal blah de blah holds  no interest to me.

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whiskychimp having the mare of all mare's here.  Imagine trying to defend a position where it's cool to strike a young child.   

In 20 years time this kinda shit will be laughed at. 


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Wow :blink:

A lot of posturing going on in this thread.


I am a relatively new parent. My son is 14 mths old and I don't plan on ever raising my hand to him. I am not naïve enough to think however, that I won't ever do it. I am also in the 'never done me any harm' camp as far as the discipline I received growing up. In fact, I would go as far as to say that I would be a lot worse off if I didn't get a smack growing up. I was an only child and I was an argumentative little c**t as far back as I can remember. I was insolent and antagonistic, went through a spree of shoplifting, got in fights at school, took recreational drugs at an early age, etc.. etc.

I grew up in a single parent family and my mother wasn't equipped for that. She loved me and cared for me every day of my life and she was my best friend. By the time I was in my late teens I told my Mum everything. She regularly gave me a slap when I was out of line. I honestly can't remember an instance when she went over the score or I didn't deserve it. She wasn't perfect but she did what she thought was best. She worked two jobs and didn't have much time for herself. She was a fucking saint.


If you think you are doing well as a parent then you are probably failing as a parent.

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